Anybody have a feeling like they just wanna be free? Like idk from what but like your being held back kinda it's so hard to explain
Anybody feel like they're trapped in there... - Anxiety Support
Anybody feel like they're trapped in there own mind kinda? Like you wanna be freed

Absolutely!!! I sometimes wonder what someone else would say if they could get inside my head for just a moment. Would they say I’m crazy?
I think I know what you mean. I feel like my thoughts take over my life sometimes. If I could just turn my mind off for a while I’d be free to actually enjoy what I have in my life.
Yes all the time..I don't know what it is but its just taken over me totally..I can't move forward or free myself from all this

It's so weird isn't it ?
Yep what's your feeling like?
Yes I feel like my mind consumes me and it is exhausting, I wish I could just shut it off. I wish my anxiety would leave then I could be a happier, better person...
Yes me too...I think I would be normal if I wasn't trapped in my head!
Sooo relatable
Yes I feel like I'm trapped in my mind and not part of the real world. It seems everyone else seems to be living normally but I'm trapped in my own little world. How I wish I felt normal. X
My primary Dr. made me go to a psychherapist, because my anxiety is so bad that it causes pain. I actually get severe inflammation. The psych Dr told me that if I won a Vegas $1 million jackpot and was given the money by sexy half naked casino workers, Id not feel anxiety pain, but joy. I told him I'd be happy because Id be able to afford better doctors. I'm 50 and have been suffering from extreme anxiety. #1, so far everything Ive read on this site is helpful and i hope it helps you. Med pros are like cops and teachers, can be a extreme help or a huge problem. Find someone that you feel comfortable wih as far as their agility to want to help you. Ive tried everything and I spent so much $ on masage and accupu cture and would continue to do so if i could afford it. My only resource for help now is medical, free. Ive lost too many jobs and two homes because of my condition. I had really negative experiences with psychotropic meds in the past.. some cause heavy depression, indifference, sexual issues, weight problems, etc. Also psych Rx are extremely!!! individual and what works well or not well might work differently with you. I can't stress enough that it's a hundreds nightmare, but hopefully one that ends leaving you with a Rx that helps you. The nightmare is the fact that on top of the side effects, it takes a lot of time for your body and mind to adjust to the med enough to know if it's working well for you. If you're working, you might be bitter, tired, excited, etc ir mood swings. You. ay even want to take time off, but that can cause more problems resulting in more anxiety because you're not being the employee you wish you could be. I know im painting a bad picture, but it's not all bad, I found an Rx Seroquel, that i wish i found years ago. It's helps so much, that Im hopeful. I hope you find something that helps you.
No need to say anymore, yes i understand completely and you are not alone, take care
Normal anxiety symptom. I feel that way often. Try to distract yourself so that your consciousness goes back into "automatic" mode.
All the time! But its cool my mind is crazy fun. Like Willy Wonka land. It’s just keeps me from functioning in the real world. I have to stay there though to escape my reality. I don’t like it very much. It’s how I deal with anxiety and stress. Escaping reality. I hate my mind. I hate reality. So I created a secret place where I escape. I zone out. The last few days have been better though. I am trying to choose to be positive and happy and not stuck in this endless cycle of anxiety and depression. I’m exhausted. It’s making it harder. Think I need some sleep tohelp me focus better. It’s a constant struggle to focus on positive happy thoughts. I’m determined though. It can be done. Try taking a walk or exercising. Idle minds breed negativity.