Has anyone read Barry Mcdonagh-Dare?
Iv been looking at it online today was just wondering if it was worth buying or not.
I want to try all the options I can without turning to medication.
Has anyone read Barry Mcdonagh-Dare?
Iv been looking at it online today was just wondering if it was worth buying or not.
I want to try all the options I can without turning to medication.
I have flicked through it. The main theme is like a lot of books on the subject, to let the anxiety flow over you. Dare it to do its worse. Sit out the anxiety. Does seem to help a lot of people going by the reviews.
This book is the best. Flicking through the book will not give you any benefit. It is meant to be read many times and practiced over and over. It will lead to a full recovery. There are also two facebook forums which are where the magic happens! There are some terrific qualified mods who direct your fears and questions into positive results and no "poor me" posts are tolerated. If there was one push that lead me to the path of recovery it was The DARE Response by Barry McDonagh. I have read many many other books.and self help manuals and spent thousands on psychologists but this book and it's message is the only one you need - and the message is that with direction and training, you have it all within!! Good luck!
Oh really. So the book helped you out then. If it helps then I’ll definitely have to buy it. I’ll do anything for a bit of relief from anxiety.
Do you know what the forums are called?
Wow it sounds amazing, Iv forgotten what it feels like to not have anxiety.
Thank you so much for your reply!
Not sure i like the words 'no poor me posts are tolerated' . I think a cuddle helps at time when im feeling 'poor me'. Its all very well having a positive attitude but for some this is not enough to get you through. I still stand by what i said, the book tells you you to face your anxiety and dare it to get worse which many books say. Im not saying dont buy the book just that its advice is widely known. I think its Jeff on here recommending claire weeks book. Her book says exactly that. x
The thing you have to remember is that YOU created the anxiety (for whatever reasons - loss of sleep, trauma, stress, dietary changes etc) so the solution is in YOU to not react with fear to the sensations that anxiety springs on you! It is the reaction to the weird and scary feelings and thoughts that creates the anxiety. Everybody gets the sensations that we have (fast beating heart, dizziness, trembling body, weak legs etc) but it is how we react to it that then creates the adrenaline cycle that keeps the fear cycle alive. DARE teaches you that you are safe and to just get comfortable in your anxious discomfort and to pay the sensations no heed bbecause that IS ALL THEY ARE - sensations! They make you feel like crap but they don't harm or kill you. Once you understand This, there is no way you can be afraid of them. It's not to say you have to enjoy the feelings, but just don't let them dominate your daily life. Please let me know how you get on with DAREing!! Vb
My favourite audio ( as well as Claire weeks audio on nerves )
I love it and it helped me at my lowest times and brought me back into reality .
I prefer audios as it feels like the person is beside me .
Go for it , great audio ..
( I have it on my mobile on ebooks
Hope it helps you as much as it helped me xx
Meaning Dare is my favourite audio ..go for it ..
Helped me so much and learnt so much about not fearing anxiety through Barry McDough x
Thank you. I will definitely try it!x
Thank you I’ll have to download it on my phone. Thank you for the reply too!x