I’m really freaked out I felt a bit tingly went hot and cold and my heart started racing, it’s come down now but I still feel hot and cold? Is there something wrong with my heart? It’s not done this in so long 😞
Weird: I’m really freaked out I felt a bit... - Anxiety Support

Lauren sounds like anxiety creeping up on you ! Horrible slow deep breaths distract yourself.pop the kettle on for a cuppa.take care xx
I just hate how it comes on out of the blue no warning or anything then I’m thinking there’s something really wrong :(!xx
There won't be trust me I'm a nurse and I get it really bad only for last 7 years but you get no warning it just starts and all the physical symptoms are crap!! Palpitations change in temperature breathing loads !! I've sat calming people down for years at work.but still can't accept the way I am😳 Xxx
I am the same in that sense when it comes to other people panicking or feeling anxious I can talk to them and calm them down but when it comes to myself I just can’t do it! I’ve even had ambulances out in the past when my anxiety was extreme because my heart got up to 150! They couldn’t find anything in my bloods or ECGS apart from that it was fast at the time its hard to accept that it could just be anxiety xx
I know you can't believe there is nothing wrong? 😩X
I’ve also had a 24 hour monitor on and nothing came back in that but I still get either missed beats or episodes of the fast heart! I think maybe the fact they don’t happen every day is a good sign though? I have an echocardiogram on the 1st November that my rheumatologist sent of for apparently because I have joint hypermobility syndrome it can sometimes cause floppy heart valves or something xx
It can cause value trouble I'm having echo as well on 1st November that's spooky 👻My apppt is 2.30 will be thinking of you xx
Good Luck to you as well Bb53 on November 1st with your Echo. Ironic isn't it, we are never alone
Mine is 2 o clock lol how weird! What are you having yours for Hun xx and is valve trouble serious?
You described anxiety symptoms racing heart beat tingling sensation and hot cold flashes you said it calmed down (the hesrt beat) so your getting calmer by the second or minute all thats left im assuming is just the hot cold flashes which will leave as soon as your fully calm just breathe in through your nose for 3 seconds and out of your mouth for 4 seconds do this for a good minute and youll be good to go
Breathe laurenx95, slow and deliberate deep breaths. You are safe. You are experiencing over breathing/shallow breathing that brought on that tingly feeling as well as feeling hot and cold. The minute you focused in on your sensations, adrenaline was release causing your heart to race. Your heart is fine, it was just preparing you to fight or run from the situation set up in your mind. It comes subconsciously w/o warning, that's how Anxiety gets us each and every time.
Listen to the advice of both Bb53(nurse) as well as kevoreally (knows by experience) and then Breathe Deeply and bring your shoulders down from your ears. Relaxxxx and know we care x