Hi, I'm new to all this....: Hi there! I've... - Anxiety Support

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Hi, I'm new to all this....

Milly_j profile image
7 Replies

Hi there! I've recently (less than a week) started being treated for anxiety. However I have probably been suffering mildly-moderately for a couple of years. It's recently become a lot more severe and decided to do something about it because it was having a real effect on my life.

I'm feeling very alone and in the dark right now, part of me knows this isn't gonna last forever but know I've got a bit of a journey ahead of me.

I'm here to look for advice and support with fellow anxiety suffers, as i am on my own, on how I can deal with this in addition to taking the medication. I know there is no rush but like everyone else...I wish my anxiety would do one!!!! In response I will try and support and offer advice where I can too, as I take good and bad days in my stride :)

Just wanna say well done to everyone on here who has beat this or is dealing with it in a far better way than I am. And good luck to me and everyone who is reading this and feels like there in the same boat!!

Thank u x

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7 Replies

Hi Milly Welcome :)

Lovely post & I am sure you will get a lot from talking to so many who feel just like you do as well as helping others

Sometimes just knowing someone cares & understands goes such a long way

You seem to have a good , insight how your anxiety works & as hard as it can be to accept you have to give things time , but you will get better

I look forward to talking to you more :)




May I ask what caused the problem in the first instance, there must be something that has brought this on.

May I ask how old are you, have you lost something important, like a family member or job.

To find the problem can be an important way to getting better,

Welcome to the site, well done for seeking help ., that is often the first step to recovery............

I wish you luck in your journey and hope you feel better soon

Luv K x

Milly_j profile image

I'm 26. And i guess i could say its a long twisted love story with the ending I wasn't expecting or had mentally prepared for.

sorry its a really long reply....

the ex (for more than a yr now) i thought was the one. We split up so that I could go travelling.i wanted to get over him but didn't. He eventually declared his heart for me and came to visit me. I cut my trip short to come home to be with him. I've been home just over 2 months, I've gone bk to my old job, I've moved out of my parents, I've got financial problems and the ex doesn't want to rekindle our relationship.

in panicky, stressed and unhappy. My life has been consumed by him for 3 yrs and we've been apart for a third of that. I feel like an idiot for believing he wanted a relationship and jumping on a plane. I'm kinder dealing with the passed, but i just dnt feel like i have much of a function on this planet anymore. I'm not suicidal, but i don't feel like there's alot of point to anything. I cant even finish a bowl of washing up. My social circle is non existent since being home, alot of ppl dnt understand wat in going through. And it feels like they rub there happiness in my face :( ppl ask me why i came home and i dnt have an answer now.

in trying to create function but don't want to be too hasty, so not moving forward very quickly...

i now have the problem that i dnt think i will ever be able to open my heart to someone again or put my faith into a relationship again. I'm not saying that coz in grieving for the ex, in saying that because my anxiety will get in the way. The ex got the brunt of my symptoms... Including half a glass of cider over him :( which i dnt think has helped the situation.

if i dnt react when i get agitated (ie the drink) i go into panic mode and hyperventilate. This is what i have learnt recently, as i think about situations/panic attacks that have happened over the last 12 months.

Hey Milly

Relationship break ups are very hard, Im going through one myself and it takes time........... everyone will agree on here............ You've come back to problems and it will take time to re-establish your life, I too am going through that so I do understand..............I moved awasy and gave up my job...........

Your anxiety will be high as you have these things to deal with, but try to deal with them one by one..............

You just have to try and not be so hard on yourself, it really does take time, but things will really fall into place for you...........

Keep blogging on here, it will help, people will help you through this hard time

Luv K x

Hi Milly and welcome to the site. I do hope we will help you in any way we can

Take care xxxx

hi Milly welcome to the site, I am sure you will find lots of support on here.

I have had anxiety for a few years and it got really bad last six months, I like you have only really now got support and help for it now as it was ruining my life in a really big way, I lost my home through it all.

Glad to say with the help I am getting now seeing a counsellor and going to anxiety courses and of course coming on here. I can honestly say coming on here as been a life saver for me.

So welcome and keep posting.

Gardener x

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