Horrible symptoms when leaving the house b... - Anxiety Support

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Horrible symptoms when leaving the house but once home it all dulls down?

Anxious2befree profile image
35 Replies

Why on earth do I feel like I'm going to die when I'm out yet as soon as I'm home most of the symptoms disappear? This is new to me and I'm scared when it happens as its so bad that I feel something bad is going to happen to me.

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Anxious2befree profile image
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35 Replies
Lvictoria81 profile image

I am the same way honestly. I can't quite figure that out. My home is my safe place

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lvictoria81

Lvictoria81, a form of Agoraphobia, fear of the open spaces..It may start out small but make sure you don't give in to the safety of your home 24/7...x

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Agora1

Hmm I never heard of that. Is it associated with anxiety or depression? I've been out probably 5 times in the last 2 months since this all started.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lvictoria81

It's associated with anxiety. I spent 5 years of my life in the house because the fear of going out over took me. I don't want to see that happen to anyone else. x

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Agora1

How do you help it?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lvictoria81

Lvictoria81, At first I found a therapist who would come to my home willing to sit outside or walk out front with me. I wouldn't do it. After months of trying, she went to phone therapy. She was literally on call for me any time I needed her as much as 6 days a week. Telling me the same thing over and over until I was ready to accept that anxiety was feeding me all this negative information and that I was just as safe outside as I was in my own home because the fear was in my mind not where I was.

Once I had enough of being trapped in my home, I started taking small steps outside a little each time. There were a lot of tears of joy as well as fear but I finally understood it was up to me to change this learned behavior. And I did. Once I started taking small steps, it didn't actually take that long to once again be driving, shopping and going to doctor's appointments. We all have the inner strength to overcome anxiety. It's a matter of the right time for each of us and then we once again go forward.

It's like a new beginning each time I go out, it is so exciting to be a part of life again. x

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Agora1

Interesting to read that. I went to a carnival with my kids and felt like my heart was barely beating and it felt like something was leaking from it. I knew it was anxiety but the people around me I got irritated. Like bearing the people talk pissed me off. I then got super shaky and sick feeling. I also got suler tired. As soon as i went home i was better. I wasnt angry I was happy and ok.

The next day I went to a store and the same thing happened. It was like I wanted to rip someones head off if They looked at me. The uneasy feeling was horrible and if my kids werent near me in reach distant I panicked and freaked out. I normally let them look at toys if I'm close by. If felt like someone was going to take them it was the strangest feeling. I feel safer if I'm with someone because i get such a rush feeling that irritates me and it mames me mad. So when I'm with someone I'm focuses on them and not me. Is that agoraphobia?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lvictoria81

It does sound like you have the makings of Agoraphobia. The feeling when outside our home is indescribable. An overwhelming fear but you can't pin point of what you are afraid of. I do remember being very sensitive to noises around me as well as this shaky, sick feeling and like I was a hundred miles away from my thoughts and control. Feeling safe with someone with you is a start in getting back your own self control.

For me it had to do with my life being so out of control that I chose to hide in my home where I felt I was safe. Ironically though as I started to get better going outside, then the tears would whelm up in me when going home. That's when I started working on the root of the anxiety. Once that is addressed (not necessarily gotten rid of) then and only then will you feel comfortable inside or out because you will finally be comfortable in your own mind. x

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Agora1

Ok I'm understanding more now. I feel my anxiety is worse sitting at home. If I sit outside I feel better. Inside my home feels like a prison because there's nothing to do. I also make myself very upset because I think about everything i have to do the next day (get kids ready for school, clean, cook, laundry) and that makes me depressed cause its the same routine day in and day out. Do you have any advice on how to cope with that of ways to not get so upset?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lvictoria81

Oh I more than understand how the same routine every day becomes monotonous. Yet, it needs to be done. What I have always done is to wake up each morning with the thought of something positive to look forward to. When I was Agoraphobic, it was something as simple as watching the Jerry Springer Show. Then every Tuesday, I'd wake up remembering this was the day that the new movies come out on Infinity. 3pm every afternoon was time for me to take a break from the day, treat myself to a cup of coffee and a goodie and watch Dr. Phil.

Simple little things to break up the routine. How different things became as I got well enough to get out of the house and could make a short trip to the Mall or store a way of breaking up routine.

On the days I didn't feel like doing much, YouTube became my outlet to discover ways to escape for 10 minutes or so with meditation and deep breathing. Or possibly listening to music. For myself, I enjoy learning new research being done on different medical and mental health issues.

If you enjoy going out and are able to, look forward to it. Make it an exception to the routine. Picking the kids up from school, I use to bring my headphones or a book to read while I waited for my daughter to get out. Sometimes a trip to McDonalds or an Ice Cream Treat after school would break the routine.

It's up to us to find joy in our lives. x

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Agora1

Ok I'm going to try that. My phone has been glued to me. Its the only thing that takes my mind off of what's going on.

The crowed school is where I feel my anxiety the most. I get so scared im going to pass out and scare my kids. But nothing ever happens. I'm teying to train my mind that ive been feeling like this for some time now and nothing has happened. Its just my anxiety but then my mind tells me YET. Nothing has happened YET!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lvictoria81

Lvictoria81 and nothing will happen. I live 4 houses from the elementary school and yet those were the longest steps I'd have to take when my daughter was going there. Like you the fear ran high. I only wish I knew about deep breathing then as I know now. It would have gotten me through all the school meetings, the plays, the holiday concerts.

You are so right in that nothing will happen, it's that monstrous anxiety playing with our minds. Stay positive and work on going forward. The forum is always here to help and support you. x

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Agora1

This forum has helped a lot. I feel a lot less alone knowing other people are going threw the same thing as me. Whenever I feel a bad attack coming on I get on here and try to help someone else.

Since you said you like researching about medical things have you ever heard of a drug called latuda?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lvictoria81

I have heard of it. Was it prescribed to you?

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Agora1

Yes it was my first dose was last night

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lvictoria81

Good, stay positive and believe in that it will help you. I wish you well on it. x

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Agora1

Thanks! Today I feel better. A lot better then yesterday. Idk if that's even possible but I'm believing in it

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lvictoria81

The mind is a most powerful tool. Use it to your benefit. xx

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Agora1

Oh I'm trying hard. Its just likes fighting me back. My psychiatrist told me yesterday stop trying to swim right now and just float... I'm trying to figure that out

in reply to Lvictoria81

You should try and get a part time job or something because it sounds to me like your home situation is making you unhappy, alot !!.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to

I had a job I actually took a leave of absence because I work with disabled children and I'm not able to do it.

AileenT profile image
AileenT in reply to Lvictoria81

Agoraphobia is associated with anxiety - it is a name for anxiety triggered by being away from where you feel safe.

General anxiety and agoraphobia are particularly common sources of real distress & limitation of how you're able to live - but I've not found a doctor yet who takes it seriously or is willing to treat it ... they have a rather judgemental, "pull yourself together!" outlook.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to AileenT

Really? My doctor was pretty good about it. He just never said anything about that disorder. He diagnosed me as being bipolar as well as anxiety and depression.

Anxiouspony12 profile image

I get the reverse to you now. I feel fine outside then I come home and the anxiety starts and I feel like I'm going to die! Isn't it strange?!

Is that claustrophobia? Feeling like the walls are closing in on you. And I have a friend who has to get out the house too i talked to the other day. Weird. Cos I used to get complete opposite!

(I had bad long term relationship break up couple weeks ago and stuff has gone wrong in my house so wonder if that's the cause?)

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Anxiouspony12

Anxiouspony12, that most likely caused your home not to be a safety place but a place where there was a lot of chaos.

Anxiouspony12 profile image
Anxiouspony12 in reply to Agora1

Yep agora1 I think you hit the nail on the head there! That's an extremely accurate description! It literally is chaos at the moment!

rabia-khan profile image

Hi dear this is for sure anxiety i have these same feelings when i am going out or even any of my family members go out i have negative thoughts about that too as if something bad is gonna happen but that is just my mind nd everything is ok...so u have to make urself realize that nothing bad is gonna happen think positive and be optimistic it surely is gonna help u :)

Anxious2befree profile image
Anxious2befree in reply to rabia-khan

Thank you I'm feeling like that right now it's awful 😢😢😢😢

rabia-khan profile image
rabia-khan in reply to Anxious2befree

Hey do not freak out just try to calm ur mind first u have to manipulate ur mind to think something positive ....get urself busy in some house chores or do painting stuff...what i personally do is to paint to get out of the this situation nd believe it works :)

Anxious2befree profile image
Anxious2befree in reply to rabia-khan

I'm in tears just wanting it to stop. I'm at my whits end 😢

rabia-khan profile image
rabia-khan in reply to Anxious2befree

Just do as i said and u ll feel better :) trust on God :)

Anxious2befree profile image
Anxious2befree in reply to rabia-khan

I will try x Thank you for responding I'm feeling so bad like I have this expending doom over me and something bad is going to happen. 😢 I will give it a go.

rabia-khan profile image
rabia-khan in reply to Anxious2befree

No nothing bad will happen :) its just ur mind playing games :)

Wyominganxiety profile image

I have had agoraphobia for around 6 yes now it's awful I have panic attacks whenever I try to go run errands and going out of town is torture, I'm sick to my stomach and sweaty even feel faint it's defiantly a life crusher!! :(

Anxious2befree profile image
Anxious2befree in reply to Wyominganxiety

That's horrible I'm sorry to hear that x its debilitating:(

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