Just cannot shake off this anxiety/panic attacks.
I have read and read almost every book on the subject and tried lots of methods to help me but I still cannot shake off this anxiety.
I think about my anxiety 24/7 and that's no exaggeration.
Had a good space of time when I was anxiety free but now for some unknown reason it has returned worse that ever. I do relaxation, distraction techniques, and take a small 2 mg diazepam when needed but nothing seems to help.
Cannot get any other help from my doctor for example CBT because I am agoraphobic and the only treatment would be at my local hosptital which I cannot get to and I cannot afford to pay for private CBT.
Anyone have any ideas what I can do?
I would really really like some help if you can offer it. What has got you better?
Any tips would really help me.
I am quite fit, slim and eat well when I have the appetite and have no other health problems.
Anyone? Please?