I have been getting out my safe place a lot lately, go walking down the street, even went a few blocks to the neighborhood store which was a bad idea. But im proud of myself
Little victories making way for the big ones - Anxiety Support
Little victories making way for the big ones
That is great news. Now you have made it to the store you can do it again. If it was just all the people that got to you, keep doing it because it will get easier. When you do feel uncomfortable just remind yourself that it is okay to feel like that when you do things for the first time and that next time it will be better.
Keep going, so proud of you.
😊 I'll keep going till i can make it further and further
I second that Callmedanielle, I'm proud of you too. I spent 5 years being Agoraphobic, so I can truly appreciate how difficult each and every step is in going forward. Celebrate each success and one day, like myself, you will be free again. x
I really hope so, and you're right leaving my safe place has been one of the most difficult thing i had to do. I couldn't make it to the side walk and now i made it to the store 😊 it's not much but i feel proud
Callmedanielle, you are doing what we all do and you are under selling yourself this is a huge step for you.
It doesn't matter if others think it is not much for you this is a big deal and you get to be proud of yourself. Shout it from the roof tops "I MADE IT TO THE STORE" and do a happy dance too if you feel like it. (Yes , I know it sounds a little crazy, but if we don't celebrate our successes and be proud of them no one else will. :-D)
I have one entry in my diary from over 2 years ago which is all big letters praising myself for being able to get in my car and drive to the supermarket at 3:00 a.m. to do my shopping and how I managed to do it even although there were 5 other customers and 10 staff that I counted in this big supermarket with me. Today it is not such a big deal for me because I can now go to the supermarket during the day and get my shopping, but then that was a big achievement and reading that entry still makes me proud and happy, because I know how big a step that was.
Keep up the good work and keep being kind to yourself.
big hugs! Very proud of you. Hope next time going to the neighborhood store won't be a bad idea. You are so much stronger than you think, we all are. Little steps are still amazing.😄👏💖
Thanks hun, i hope one day instead of the neighborhood store it will be the supermarket
I had agrophobia it's absolutely terrible and I was at my worst 2011. Since then everyday I've pushed myself and gone further and further till I'm almost normal now. You have to push yourself till the fear goes and then go some more. It won't last forever if you keep pushing and then before you know it you don't even think about the fear any more. I actually look at things now instead of being so caught up in myself and fear.
Im doing major progress i couldn't even made it past the door,mom took the bell off the gate cause when someone ring it my heart would start racing and i would be fearful... now I make it out the house everyday
How long did it take for u to get over ur fears
From my experience its all confidence. Once you build up a bit of self confidence doing these things you just generally get better. I have realised that once you get to a certain point it fades dramatically. I am now more or less able to go anywhere, I still get the bad days and can feel a little jittery in shops and out but I just tell myself I'm ok and keep going trying not to hang on to the bad side. Even when I was 100% ok without bad nerves I still had a few days of feeling shit, sooo.
Last time i was out i went to this group therapy i thought i was going to die
I want to get better and go back to school
You just have to keep going and push yourself to do more and more than you would do. I started by going to shops at night when they'd be empty then the day, just go slowly. I live in a village in England and went to London with a population of 16 million for a weekend at the height of my illness with no pills just meditation. I was a wreck but I did it, feared I'd end up in some mental hospital far from home but I kept it together. I stopped smoking and then went on to do a degree. If you want to get well you will with hard work which I guarantee does pay off in years to come.
💙🌻 im grateful for our conversation today.
These comments made me feel calm today. I can actually overcome my agoraphobia
Wonderful! Add a little more, one step/goal at a time. Good work!!