I've taken Zoloft ruffly 3weeks. I became scared bcuz of the dry mouth side effect & stopped taking it. I can say I did feel a big change. I'm not as depressed, I'm able to eat again, smile & laugh, my anxiety isn't thru the roof but the dry mouth made me have a panic attack. I want to start back but wondering is it still in my system & when will the side effect stop. It has been a week since I've taken it.
Zoloft experience 25mg: I've taken Zoloft... - Anxiety Support
Zoloft experience 25mg
I never took mine my doctor gave me zoloft 25mg but i got so scared when i saw the reviews. But a few people also.told.me it works. But i also know we are all different and what works for one doesn't necessarilly work for others. I hope things will get better for you. So happy that it made you feel better except the dry mouth thing, did you asked your doc about it though?
No I didn't mention it. I didn't want him to become upset or disappointed in me bcuz I stopped taking it. My sister also takes this med 50mg she said the only sixe effect for her is the weight gain which looks great on her and the sleeping so she cut down to 25mg now she's back to her normal self she's been on it for 10months

talk to your doc. most side affects go away after time.

I suggest you talk to your doc. It doesn't matter if he gets disappointed, the important thing is for you to get better. And to stop worrying. So just give it a try. Mind you my doc gave me 30 days supply of zoloft 25mg, on my next appointment i flat out told him i never took it coz im scared etc. He just smiled and asked if im still feeling this and that and i said yes. He smiled again and said well....? I still did not take it though. Just try.
So are u going to try

I meant try talking to your doctor no i did not take the zoloft. I went for supplements like magnesium, vitamin d(my symptoms started during the long and dark winter up here) then soon im going to give vitamin b12 a shot too. But thats just me, im just scared of taking zoloft. But i also started sweating it out by going to the gym (treadmill and sauna) this really made a huge difference for me.
I take, it causes weight gain ,but it works .its true the side effects gets better after a while.