I have had a strange thing happen since April of this year. A little bit before a bowel movement, I get a weird adrenaline rush, my heart rate elevates, and I get dizzy and sometimes have a panic attack. Once I have the bowel movement, my heart rate almost immediately returns to normal and I feel cooler and more relaxed. The adrenaline still floats around in my body for a while, but after is so much calmer than before. This doesn't happen with every bowel movement, only some, and usually in the middle of the night. It's not caused by anxiety, but seems to be the other way around. My impending bowel movement causes anxiety and panic. Does anyone else have this happen? If so, do you know the science behind it?
Panic attacks and other symptoms before bo... - Anxiety Support
Panic attacks and other symptoms before bowel movements

I was like this a month ago i think it came from my fear of getting constipated ik sound gross but anyway as soon as i sit down my heart would start beating fast i get really nervous & my leg starts to shake & i cant use it my stomach muscle tighten up i told my dr about it & she said it was bathroom anxiety for me gave me some stuff to mix in my water & it regulated my bowels & everysince it dont happen when i go thats why i said for me it was fear of being constipated hope u find a solution for yourself mention it to your GP
what did your doctor give you?
Its called polyethylene. glycol 3350 solution
I have had the same symptoms from time to time just like you described. I don't know what the science is behind it. I do know that anxiety will trigger stomach issues. My anxiety will last longer but I will feel somewhat better after a bm. Evil anxiety will manafest itself in many ways
Yep agree with Gloria, I can be sitting feeling perfectly normal and from no where I am drenched in sweat, and this is way before I feel any movements inside or pain.
I in the past have had some very scary nasty experiences in the toilet area of life so my anxiety is probably enhanced.
I won't go in to detail cos I don't want to scare you further, but I hope it passes and you gain freedom from it soon.
I wish I had found this months and months ago when I was searching. I have had this for quite a while. It’s like a full bowel, mostly at night so maybe it’s the position of the pressure, brings on feelings of anxiety. Even panic. It has taken years to realize that it is a Full bowel or pending BM that triggers it. Not that panic is just relieved by a BM, nor that panic causes the BM, but perhaps the physical pressure brings on the anxiety attack. I hope if you are reading this and you share this ... sensation or reaction ... that you post and tell about your perspective. What other issues do you have that may help connect what is going on? I have read a little about the vagus nerve and wonder if that is what is causing this. Then I worry about my colon, etc. Your answer will be appreciated, friends, Thanks.
Hey, what about me. I’m a guy that has had a complete ileostomy, thats a bit different than an normal end-ileostomy. I’m having the same issues with anxiety before I go. And I’ll tell you what pisses me off. So I tell my dr. About it & he has the nerve to look at me & say that I needed to see a psychologist. Like I was just a crazy, worthless, lying piece of shit.
I get this, had a bad episode last night after being ok for a few months. I've had to go on a diet but still get some symptoms. I ate food I shouldn't of yesterday though which caused an extreme burning stomach at 3am then I went freezing cold, all the blood in my body seemed to be redirected to my stomach, my arms went dead and I couldn't close my hands they were that stiff. I rang an ambulance as I started wheezing and felt like my brain was starved of oxygen and I collapsed to the floor. (I have fainted with it in the past and had diarrhea at the same time) It's an horrific experience when it happens and my body is left in a stressed state and I feel sick and shaky for the rest of the day and have diarrhea about 3 or 4 times afterwards. I've had a stool test done which shows a yeast overgrowth and other bad bacteria overgrowths. I'm intolerant to cornflour and food with yeast in because of it. My immune system sees it as a foreign object and tries to flush it out my system as quickly as possible. It seems to happen when the food reaches a certain point in my digestive tract. I think it's similar to someone with celiac-disease who has a servere reaction to gluten.
I do have a couple diverticulitis pockets (not sure if the burning stomach aches caused them or constipation / gas)
That might be where the food causes the problems as the feeling always calms down then comes back a second time then calms again,not sure though.
The vagus nerve is definitely involed as well and the amount of food eaten affects how bad the reaction is, I do think gas and bloating presses on the nerve, or pushes toxins into my bloodstream causing the immune reaction.
Definitely causes the anxiety symptoms and nothing to do with what I'm thinking.
In the day if I eat something wrong my face goes red hot and can have flu symptoms afterwards.
Had muscle twitching, restless legs, heart palpitations, rosacia, and rashes on neck a year before stomach problems started and hangovers became 10 times worse.
Had scarring Alopecia for 15 years as well.
Taking natural antifungals to kill the overgrowths and going try saccharomyces boulardii as its a good yeast that's supposed to help.
Keep slowly feeling better and better but then have an episode that sets me back.
This sounds exactly like me. How are things going? Today i drank a sugary alcoholic beverage, couldn't swallow. Felt like i was gasping, felt pressure inside Sweaty, extremely anxiety that lasted 10 hours until i had a bowel movement. This happens all the time and it has to have something to do with candida or fungus or something. Probiotics sometimes help dramatically. Diarrhea oddly enough make me feel like a million bucks soon after. Doctors have and insight with you? They are clueless with me
Hi, I still feel terrible every morning like acid is released into my bloodstream and takes a couple of hours to feel better. Not had diarrhea for a quite a while though after cutting out a few more things (onions and eggs) I did have a bad allergic reaction a while ago to a cake which had dextrose and maize in which I already know destroys me. I'm trying to get a food challenge test to prove what them foods do to me and hopefully find out what chemicals are released when I do eat them.
The antifunguls and stuff didn't seem to help unfortunately.
PPI's helped for a bit but not now, they stop the acid but it's the gas that needs to be stopped, the gas pushes everything up into chest which then causes a reaction, it's like the immune system realizes food shouldn't be there so floods the body with chemicals to get rid of it (causing diarrhea, throwing up, fainting).
I seem to have developed this issue in the last two weeks albeit not as extreme as what you’ve described. However, I thought you might be interested to know that my symptoms have started after a big dose of antibiotics for an infection I got— and still haven’t figured out what’s causing it exactly.
But I do suspect a candida yeast overgrowth due to the antibiotics. I probably had a bit of overgrowth before the antibiotics but, I usually take probiotics daily. The antibiotics probably exasperated the situation.
I only had diarrhea once while I was on the antibiotics but, my stools have been much more loose than what is typical for me.
I also suspect a vagus nerve connection after reading through this thread. I have another condition- a heart arrhythmia called SVT— which can have a vagus nerve connection too. I’ve applied an ice pack to the left side of my neck during SVT episodes to successfully stop them. I’m going to try it next time I feel the anxiety to see if it helps in this case too. Some people splash cold water on their whole face to help.
There are other techniques to calm the vagus nerve as well.
I can also see a diet connection is possible. I’ve noticed one with my SVT. Sugar, gluten and dairy are all problematic for me. I’ve already noticed that these poop-anxiety episodes have followed when I’ve eaten sugar. Sugar feeds the candida of course. As do grains.
Like others have mentioned in this thread, I’m also experiencing tinnitus— but I thought it was due to the infection/inflammation— I thought it was dental but now the doctors are looking elsewhere. I feel it in my left jaw.
My left jaw keeps randomly hurting for a few days then goes and comes back again. I also have air rushing out of my ears in the morning if I clench my teeth, like my head is full of gas as well as my stomach.
I don’t know if you still get on here but I just wanted to say thanks to you and everyone here posting about this. So glad the OG posted here for everyone to know they aren’t alone! I’ve been experiencing this for over a year and thought I’d lost my mind! I’m an RN and still couldn’t find any other reason for my symptoms of extreme anxiety when feeling like I need to poop. The anxiety comes well before the actual urge to poop does and it’s AWEFUL! The warm body flushes, sweating, heart racing, all of it… and mostly in the middle of the night. Just knowing I’m not the only one experiencing this makes me feel better! I’ve been taking between 100-200mg of Colace almost daily for months trying to avoid the feeling but hate having to take medication everyday because then I get anxiety about long term use side effects. It’s a vicious cycle!
Have you been able to pin point what is really happening. I get the same thing. Panic then bowel movements all day long...
Someone mentioned the Vasovagal or Vagus nerve. I am a panic/anxiety sufferer, on medication so mostly under control. This I believe makes me more sensitive to body changes, however small. Its all part of the flight/fight that humans have inbuilt so to speak. Anxiety and panic sufferers are so hyper vigilent and self aware of if something changes in the body (normal things like an impending bowel movement (yikes) it can stimulate the vagus nerve, it can cause Dizziness, feeling faint, lightheaded, warm, clammy , sweaty, nauseous, ringing in the ears ...oh the joy. It happens in nano seconds and can cause such a rush because as in my case I feel like it might be a panic attack. My husband got a bad flu last year and collapsed on the floor while trying to vomit over the toilet. I called an ambulance, and they were not in the slightest concerned about the fainting, more that he was lucky to have not hurt himself. The doctors believed he fainted because of the Vagus nerve being stimulated. The body tries to get us to get down as close to the floor in case we faint so we don't hurt ourselves. What the doctor told my husband was that the way to relieve the nerve is to lie on the bed sitting up and to cross his legs and squeeze them together. Squeeze and tighten your arms and fingers. This feeling still gives me the creeps but when the little twinges in my belly start it reminds me to be near a toilet it pretty much IMMEDIATELY goes away and it always ends up with a bowel movement, maybe in a few minutes, maybe in half an hour.... (TMI)...? but reassured it's nothing serious, just not pleasant. Not the nicest of topics, but it's so good to know there are explanations!
I have this and there is absolutely nothing psychological behind mine - I start to feel weak, dizzy, sick, light headed, and sometimes agitated or panicky and then a while later start to get the urge to 'go' 😁 it's been happening for about 2 or more years now and I still don't always make the connection until I start to need the loo!! I do have IBS and a lot of foods that I just can't tolerate, as well as immuno issues that still have no firm diagnosis so there are other things going on. When this happens I also get symptoms that mimic heart problems but nothing showed up on ecg. It's one of the many mysteries of my weird body that I WILL get to the bottom of one day.
Please read up on the Vagus Nerve you might find some answers. It is basically a nerve that is close to diaphragm and it also near major organs in our gut. If the Vagus is stimulated it can create these feelings of dizziness lightheaded ness etc.
So I’m currently reading This because I was in the middle of a panic attack and wanted to see what others thoughts were. I get anxiety bad always and I do have medicine for it but it constipate the crap out of me (literally). A long time ago I had a seizure like thing happen to me while trying to poop in the middle of the night my doctor said it was due to my fever (I had the flu) but ever sense then when I feel stomach pain like I’m going to have a bm I get bad anxiety worse if I’m not home. The bm that hurt tend to be the ones that give me bad anxiety... I found that reading things or playing games while in the middle help because you’re not to focused on it and this may be gross but it helps me to poop a lot then stop when I’m comfortable for maybe like 30 mins and go again just to calm me down and relieve some pain.
I've been trying CBD oil and propranolol and found that has helped tremendously.
CBD has helped weird forms of epilepsy in others and inflammation somehow it really helps the panic attacks.
As for the causes I've seen vagus nerve and a condition called pots syndrome.
So glad to know I'm not the only one with these symptoms. Ot let's me know I'm not crazy. I pray the best for us all
I have been experiencing something very similar. About 2 years ago I started having intense episodes of feeling like I was going to pass out. I would get this rushing feeling all over my body and be certain that I would pass out. I have had a history of what we assume is anxiety and panic attacks and have been on medication for it. The medication helped for about a year with non sign of any issues but recently it came back with a vengence. I am having trouble getting my work done and spend my days in constant fear that I will actually pass out.
Recently I started noticing that it seems to be connected to when I need to have a bowel movement. I will out of the middle of nowhere start feeling this rushing sensation and like I am about to pass out at any moment. Sometimes my arms and legs will feel shaky and warm and like I have no strength in my limbs. I will then notice that I need to use the restroom. Sometimes it is just a regular, normal bowel movement. Other times it is more urgent and loose (I also have a history of stress induced IBS so the consistency or nature of my bowel movements is not a concern of mine). This feeling will come in waves for a while and sometimes disipate after I use the bathroom but sometimes I am left feeling lightheaded and weak long after I go to the bathroom. This feeling doesn't happen everytime I need to have a bowel movement, but often enough that I notice a pattern. I will also get this feeling sometimes if I don't need to use the restroom.
Anyone have any similar experiences? I'm so frustrated and I'm not convinced its just anxiety or panic like my doctor thinks. I am totally fine if that truly is the problem, but I would like some more definitive proof.
I have had exactly the same thing happen! I’ve literally only had it about 8 times my whole life but when it happens it’s really bad! I’ve always wondered what it was...
I know this is 4 months later but I was looking around online because this has been happening to me, almost exactly as you've described. It doesn't happen every day or every time I have a BM, it's pretty sporadic. I have a history of bowel issues such as IBS and have developed some anxiety issues because of it but this is a different sensation. I don't always have a BM when it happens but I do notice I have gas, it's definitely gastrointestinal.
I have been having these episodes for a few years. My doctor most recently told me to eat a piece of fruit when it starts even if my blood sugar reading is good.
I find it impossible to eat when I am in this state.
Most recently episodes are occurring AFTER a bowel movement.
I am glad I found this group.
It feels good to hear of others who experience the same thing.
My daughter tells me I am poop obsessed. I don't agree.
But I no longer tell her when it happens.
Mine used to be before, then it was before and during, then during, but just like you now seem to be after. Got another appointment with a different gastro doc at the end of September, see if she can shed any light on the matter because it is making my life very very uncomfotable
It sounds as though you are experiencing the same thing I am. It just keeps getting worse.
I call them episodes for like of a better word.
When I have tried to explain to my doctor it feels as though she is not taking me seriously.
The first thing I do when I start feeling weak and shaky, nauseated. sweaty, clammy, legs barely supporting me, is check my blood sugar and it is always good.
My doctor told me that regardless what my glucometer says to eat a piece of fruit. It is really hard to eat when I am feeling so horrid and nauseated. The fruit does not seem to make a difference.
The sensations just get worse and then I have a bowel movement. It usually takes several hours afterwards before I start to feel better.
Last month I had a difficult bowel movement woth very bad abdominal cramping and about an hour later had explosive diarrhea. When I stood to flush the toilet was filled with feces and red blood. I continued to have movements of blood and feces for several hours.
Then I started passing just blood. I saw my doctor that morning and she scheduled an appointment for me with a GI nurse and ordered labs. She put me on liquids only for a bowel test and prescribed Cipro and flagyl for 10 days. I continued to have pass blood every few hours for two days. I was drinking water and sugar free gingerale and I ate a few saltine crackers. I had no appetite. I stopped having bowel movements of any kind and I was relieved thinking the worst was over. I started adding dry toast, applesauce, and chicken broth back into my diet and had a new bout of bloody diarrhea on the sixth day of antibiotics. So I went back to a liquid diet. My labs were normal, and I saw my dr. again after 3 weeks. She said it may have been diverticulitis but ordered a colonoscopy to be safe.
I have had bouts of recurring diarrhea but no more bleeding. I am still experiencing the strange episodes before bowel movements.
I see the GI nurse next month in preparation for the colonoscopy.
I welcome any advice or words of wisdom from anyone with these same experiences. I am feeling worried and scared.
Is there anyone who can relate to this?
Thank you
Not a similar experience, exactly the same! It used to happen to me ocasionally but now it's every single time I have a bm
This is so exactly the same as what happens to me that I had to look at the name to see if I had written it
I've been currently experiencing this. Its so scary that I fear that I may not have access to a bathroom and will pass out.
i have the same issues as u do, i feel better that im not the only one. i have ibs and diverticulitis. i also suffer from a long time of panic disorder... my gastro told me the vagus nerve is what causes it... just like this morning i walked outside and all of a sudden got short of breath, sweating and felt like i was going to pass out. then i got the urge to have a bowel movement. after i had another attack of it again of sweating, short of breath and panic which slowly went away. now i feel weak all over worrying if its going to happen again...it feels like a bad panic attack and the problem with that is if u suffer from panic attacks and the vagus nerve does that, the panic attack makes it worse. this really sucks!
I've had very similar experiences on and off for a few years. I don't really suffer from anxiety but my body seems to go into a state of panic with my heart rate increasing to 180bpm and I feel truly dreadful until passing a few bowel movements. I also suffered daily with extreme palpitations. I saw doctors who told me they couldn't find anything. I was at the end of my tether so decided to investigate myself.
ive done extensive research and found that a lot can stimulate the vagas nerve to produce these symptoms. One being sugar, I mean all sugars, the ones in fruit, honey, maple etc....
I gave up all sugar and my palpitations are infrequent and these episodes are now rare, although had one last night and that's why I'm here now! But they are not as strong as they used to be and more manageable.
Just thought I'd share this to everyone as it's helped me so much and I wouldn't wish my worst enermy to go through what I do. I know how scary and lonely it can feel.
If you have any more questions please ask but hope this helps you all.
I completely agree! It’s funny I just finished a post saying I think it’s a combination of sugar and hormone related. I had not read your post yet. Maybe a doctor can post something for us to let us know we’re on the right track.
So glad I came across your post. This happens to me! I have anxiety/panic attacks but they are mostly under control. However I’ve noticed that I start to feel real anxious/panicky then a few minutes later I have to go to the bathroom! My counselor thinks it’s the anxiety causing the bm But I think it’s the other way around! I think my body is about to make a bm but before I feel the urge to go. I start feeling real anxious. Then I freak out thinking I’m having an attack. After I go I feel much better. What is up???
I have had the exact same thing since 2012 - had too much tea and cake then had a panic attack - went to hospital and the doc kept asking me if i was stressed (which i definitely wasn't). Soon after I had a bowel movement and all was fine. However, because of that I now get feeling of panic and bad thoughts beforehand. I definitely agree that the BM is causing the symptoms and NOT the other way round! So glad to have found your comment
Agree BM causing the symptoms and not the other way round, I'm fine except for when my body starts preparing for a BM
Yep. This is how I feel. Elimination is causing the sensation, not the other way around. And not always. That’s a part I can’t figure out. It’s been two years since I originally posted. Still don’t know why or what to do. Once in a while it’s really bad and can’t handle it. Other times minor.
I started experiencing these same symptoms when one night two years ago I was woken from my sleep by a panic attack. Just yesterday I was woken abruptly by some noise in the house and couldn't go to sleep again and then that's when it struck again with me shivering so violently I shook my bed. After the bowel movement, and mind you this means symptoms stay until every drop of poop exist my rectum, all symptoms stopped.
My symptoms were much worse at the start of the month since the weather got drier, I live in the tropics, and warmer. I had panic attacks when performing normal activities that didn't induce any panic before hand, with shivers, a high blood pressure and heart rate, feelings of an impending faint. Everything vanishes after bowel movement. My blood and urine test came clean, no surprises there, but was prescribed Amoxicillin Clavunate to clear up any underlying infection. And it worked in making the symptoms feel less of an illness. Let me explain. Before I took the amoxicilin I felt ill with fever and aches when the symptoms struck but after it became a bit funny actually because I would feel strong as hell, no fevers or aches or dizzy spells but would be shivering on the toilet. I one time laughed my head off after I cleaned up.
I have also done some more research I am going back on omeprazole I was prescribed years ago for an ulcer since I strongly suspect it's an inflammation issue within the anus and rectum. Inflammation caused by ulcerative colitis. I'm trying that with drinking a lot of water to address a possible dehydration angle as well. This thing is not going to ruin my life. I will not lose.
You Can Get ANXIETY By "Stressing Your" Urge & Your Stomach By Holding A Bowl Movement. I've Done It ! Why ? I Don't Know ? Go Figure ? I'm Like, " I Did It !" I Stressed My Urge & Stomach & Can't Pin Point Why I Would Cause Myself Unnecessary Anxiety ?.....
I Read This & I Was Like. "WOW !" Been There & Here It Is.....
I have been having something very similar, it used to happen to me once a year or less,now to some extent it happens almost every time I have a bm, but today it was just brutal.
I was just going about my business doing some errands when I felt a surge of adrenaline in my stomach and like fear. I just ignored it and got in the car to go to work, suddenly in the car I felt like a pressure in my lower intestines/rectum and it was like a switch had been flipped, my heartbeat just went off the scale, I started to shake and sweat my arms and legs went numb I pulled over to call for an ambulance, opened all the windows in the car, decided to deep breathe and try to get to work as I was only minutes away. When I got there I went to the loo, did a big bm and then felt fine, just scared from the whole experience. I know it's the bm causing the synptoms and not the other way round. It's very very scary. Will see what the gastro has to say
I have had panic attacks for years - pounding heart, dizziness, elevated blood pressure - that subside after I have a bowel movement. Sometimes they go away on their own. I was recently diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, so for the last month I have been eating very small meals with more fiber. As a result my BM's are smaller and somewhat looser. I had no panic attacks for 2 months, until last night. I had been taking codeine for pain after surgery, and without realizing it, I had gotten constipated. After a few hours I had a large BM and the panic attack subsided.
My doctor poo-poos it, but I know they are related.
I also have a hiatal hernia. My naturopathic doctor said that it can be related. If anything pushes into that cavity, even a little, the body senses something is wrong and can read it as heart symptoms, triggering panic. I guess I can see that, except it usually happens when I feel full or there’s movement in my lower bowel. I suppose that the vagus runs the whole length of the trunk and is attached to those areas, but ... I don’t know. Is my rectal area really triggering my hernia?
This started happening to me and it was absolutely diet-related. If I eat junk food, something spicy, or too salty...just something I’m not used to eating. I lay down for bed and then feel a huge gas bubble in my stomach, cramping, etc. Then when I stand up I start having the panic attack, same symptoms you described. Then I poop and the panic feeling: tingly, dizzy, etc. goes away when I finish. It doesn’t happen when I stick to my usual, healthy diet.
As long as people like me keep researching this weird experience, this thread will continue. Literally have been going through this tonight, and on and off for the last 6 months or so.
So frustrating. The panic attack leaves me so tired after. Initially, I get a little disoriented and start shivering, feel woozy then have to use the bathroom. The panic continues, until a bit later when I lay down and do breathing exercises. If it's a bad attack, my body will shiver so much that my muscles begin to ache. And I'll have to use the bathroom several times. Awkward at best... :/
Just as a follow up to my previous thread, I went to my gastro doc and he said that never in all his years of career had he heard such a thing. The only thing he could come up with was a vasovagal response to pain when pooping but when I told him that I dont3havw any pain at all he then said that it was extreme unlikely, when I continued to explain with more detail and I told him it felt like it pressed somewhere that caused the symptoms he said it could maybe be from trying to hold it a bit before going...uummm...don't know, so basically he had no idea.
Yeah, my gastro too. But I don’t believe doctors know everything so...
I believe the vagus is probably involved, I don’t know what triggers it or what to do. Half or less a Xanas used to work, deep diaphragm breathing only sometimes, (fill your belly and stretch the upper stomach). Commenters, please remember to come back and respond so we can learn from each other. Thanks. Ive been suffering from this for years. To other these are just someone’s words. To us, it’s real.
Same happens to me. I have anxiety disorder and when I am mostly stressed out this happens. Can anyone say what you use to treat your anxiety?
Hello, I take 32 mgs of Effexor (venlafaxine). I have to open the capsule and count the pellets. The 37.5 dose is too much and they do not make a smaller dose. Originally the doctor put me on a 75 mg dose and I had a severe reaction. Since I am a chemist I just emptied the capsule and weighed the pellets and started with 5 mgs and worked my way up. This is a tremendous help in controlling the severe anxiety I have encountered when menopause hit. I pass out before and after urination and the bowel movements. I used to have heart palpitations before I passed out until i upped my salt intake. Now I only feel hot, clammy and sick before I pass out. Isn't life wonderful!!!
I have this happening to me. I didn’t make the connection until recently. Everytime I need to have a BM my heart rate shots up and I have a panic attack
Exactly the same
In August I was in hospital for a week with a lower bowel obstruction. It was an awful experience involving the insertion of a nasal gastric tube to pump out my stomach.
I continue to have odd symptoms before bowel movements but they are not happening everytime now.
I am scheduled for a colonoscopy on Oct. 11. Hopefully I will find an answer that is not cancer related.
Yes I have been experiencing this, it started a while back mostly when I had over indulged too many beers and unagreeable foods - generally middle of the night and after bowel movement, felt better.
It has now become a more regular stay and I seem to be experiencing it during the day also. Thought it was a metabolic issue pre-diabetes but tests came back ok, want my doctor to test for insulin issues - but having read this thread it sounds like a lot of what your posts are all saying palpitations, adrenaline, heart racing, anxiety and sometimes I don’t get a feeling like my bowel needs to go but if I go to the toilet and relax it comes. Can be happening 4-5 times a day. I am also experiencing bad tinnitus which lingers afterwards.
Sorry for the graphic detail but I just hope someone else gets some comfort as I have tonight from knowing others are suffering from this too.
The anxiety bouts during the day now are killing my work as I present almost constantly and finding it hard any suggestions?
Hi, I'm writting again because this happened to me just again but this time with nausea as well as all the other symptoms...anyway, just wanting to keep this thread alive to see if we can one day get to the bottom of this x
I have had similar episodes before and had it for years! Doctors kept telling me it was anxiety hypochondria, Panic Disorder, PTSD, and I kept believing it...But Finally after almost 20 doctors, I was diagnosed with Clostridioides Difficile, an infection of the colon brought on by Antibiotics(You can get the infection from Hospitals)...the infection causes Diarrhea, Dehydration but I never had D, just mushy stools but before I did have bowel movements I would always get Panic attacks...I would feel very shaky, I would get Tachycardia, my legs would shake, I felt breathless and thirsty, I felt a horrible adrenaline rush and dizziness also, I would hear what sounded like Tinnitus, like pop rocks sound that came from my stomach or squirting sound on the back of my neck or behind ears, also my joints would pop at times or I would get muscle twitches and my arms would go weak...then after the bowel Movement, my heart would go back to Normal but for the rest of the day I still felt off. When I was officially diagnosed through stool test I was given Antibiotics to get rid of it...Took several rounds. My Infectious disease doctor said the Toxins the C diff produces causes ALL of those symptoms because they mess with your Sympathetic Nervous system, the toxins also produce bloating which causes pressure on your VAGUS NERVE, triggering or tickling the heart into overdrive and it also causes Low Potassium. I feel a lot better now but went mis diagnosed for a long time because when doctors cant figure it out they just say you have anxiety.
Hi there
Just a quick update. Finally had my appointment with gastro doc yesterday. Because I had a clear colonoscopy 2 years ago she thinks it might be something outside my digestive system, like a trapped pudendal nerve or something like that. And that it gets irritated when preparing for a bm. She is sending me for a pelvic and abdominal scan. Will update.
Thanks for posting. I did a little reading and this also looks promising.
From your replies I see you are having a nad time with this too. The problem, with me at least, is that I never know when it's going to hit so I live in a bit of fear of when it will strike 😔 if you don't mind me asking, are you a female and anywhere near menopause age? I ask because hormones is something that has been mentioned and because I am peri I wonder if that could be a clue...
I can relate.
This still happens to me most of the time but there are days like today when it's horrendous. I began to feel strange, went to the toilet for a bm and began shaking, sweating and my heartrate went up to 120 bpm and wouldn't come down. After I finished I still felt terrible for about 20-30 minutes. Then ok. It's so scary!!
Still no idea what might be causing it as I have tried everybody's suggestions and nothing has helped really.
Any more suggestions pleeeease x
Same. I signed up for an account just to get updates on this. I generally have panic attacks and anxiety, but this is different.
For me, I'm speculating that it is IBS related.
(female, early 30s for those counting)
As you say, this is different. It could be IBS related just that when I have tried to find similar issues on IBS forums people don't tend to have these symptoms. I was now looking into endocrine things as it really feels like adrenaline is released into my body when preparing for a bowel movement...
Hi Sasical,I know this thread is older but I just found it here and i must say, I'm so so glad you're on here too!
You said something that hit me, it feels like adrenaline is being released in to the body when you have to move a bm or even before you know you have to move your bowels.
I agree with this assessment 100%! It's not exactly a panic attack, but the symptoms are very very similar. Like the fight or flight response gets flipped on, which comes from adrenaline. I've had panic attacks before and can tell the difference, as slight as they are.
Now my research moves to adrenaline and how it connects with the bowels. Because this is starting to affect my being able to work! I can't eat anything for fear of having an attack. I've been living on these protein drinks from Costco.
I can't do that forever!!
I'll let you guys know what I find!
50yo, going thru menopause.
Me again haha. Just thought I would give you some info I have discovered in case it can be of any use to anyone.
My nutritionist thinks what I have is dumping syndrome, I have looked into it and I have to say that of all the things I have been told it might be, this one has the most similar symptoms.
There is an interesting read about it at franklincardiovascular.com and it mentions how it might be linked to anxiety and depression.
Hope this might help x
Finally had to give in and take betablockers as my tachy was getting so bad during bowel movements that I missed work a few times. But I still have no idea what is causing these symptoms
Hello, my gastro doc now wants to send me for pheochromocytoma tests. I'm scared of these tests as he wants me to have a ct scan with contrast, and ever since I had a toxic reaction to quinolones I have not wanted to take anything at all, so don't know what to do.Anybody been tested for pheo?
Trying to keep this thread alive to see if I get any more suggestions. Thanks
I'm in my early 40s and this happened to me for the very first time early this month. Upon waking up I went for a bm, then suddenly I felt very lightheaded, shortness of breath, palpitation and tinnitus (ringing in my left ear and jaw pain--more like nerve in my jaw and teeth--no cavities).
I never fainted in my life but this abrupt sensation made me think of calling 911 immediately. I stood up and walked down one flight of stairs (to reach my home phone) then I woke up finding myself lying on my back down on the second flight of stairs feeling hurt everywhere and very frightened (I had fainted). Paramedics came and the ER doctor diagnosed it as a vagus nerve attack. All blood test came out negative (no infection, just a little low on potassium, ECG was also normal). I had to look it up because I never had anything like this before. Two days after I felt panic attacks again and feeling week and faint, I ended up in the ER again and again all test were negative.
I noticed that I have swollen lower legs since this incident (looks raised, painful, blue and bruised). The ER doc said it looks like bruises and could be because of my fall two days prior. However our home camera accidentally recored the entire event of what had happened: I actually fell on my rearend and back and slid down a few steps of stairs with my head hitting each step (thankfully I was unconscious so there was no resistance). So I don't believe that the leg swelling is connected to the fall.
My shoulders and neck hurt badly afterwards (X-ray was performed, no broken bones). All my injuries from this fall have healed but I'm now left with swollen lower legs and ankles. My GP told me to strictly follow the low FODMAP diet for IBS, take probiotics, and omit salt (I don't eat much salt at all), elevate my legs when lying and wear compression socks and to call her again if the leg swelling is getting worse. I'm also to do a 24 hours heart monitor (holter) and a parasite test (stool sample) and H-pylori antigen test (I had H-pylori infection a few times when I was in my late 20s and early 30s but it had always cleared up--retested after treatments with antibiotics and stomach acid suppresants).
I have Hashimoto thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease) for many years and I'm taking NDT (Natural Desiccated Thyroid) and monitoring everything diligently with my Endocrinologist. Ever since this incident, I have been taking GABA for the anxiety and panic attacks. I haven't had anxiety in 22 years. There was a period in my life when I struggled with anxiety (for the first time) when I was sent to university abroad and prior I had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism (and Hashimoto).
Following the low FODMAP diet has helped with the constipation but my ankles and lower legs are still swollen and the veins around these areas get enlarged and it feels like there is pressure. I will have a consultation with my GP again very soon re: leg swelling, stool test results and heart monitor results. I truly hope that there will be a way for all of us to beat this horrible and debilitating "symptoms" which takes so much from us. I welcome any insights...please share and let us continue to help each other. Thank you and wishing everyone a speedy road to full recovery.
PS: I should have added this info in the very beginning: For the last 6-7 months I have been having ongoing bitter and salty taste (alternating) in my tongue. It feels like my tongue and mount have become hypersensitive and I taste everything more than usual. I also have pins and needles prickly sensations which comes and goes on my legs and arms. Another symptom is frequent urination and the need to urinate shortly after consuming any liquids. My GP thinks this is also anxiety related. I generally eat very healthy, I'm more on the underweight side, I don't smoke or drink. I checked with my Endo and GP and they think it is anxiety causing all my symptoms, but I wasn't anxious. My GP and my dentist had ordered many tests but so far everything came out negative. I still feel very unwell and then the horrible incident (panic attack and fainting during bm, which led me to this forum).
Just want to update my situation. My GP asked me to go to the ER to check on my veins (the pressure I keep on getting on my veins on my legs and arms and forehead). ER Doctor ordered a urine sample and it came out positive for bladder infection! I had suspected this all along when my symptoms started 6 months ago (frequent urination and ongoing bitter taste in my mouth) and I had requested for a urine test but it came out negative!! It must have been a false negative. I’m on antibiotic now for 5 days: on day two now and the pressure in my veins are now gone, my swollen legs and ankles are slightly better, no more leg shaking and no more panic attack before BM. I really hope the crazy panic attack and palpitation was from this undetected prolonged bladder infections. Imagine having an infection (without fever or stomach pain) for 6 months and not treating it. I guess the lab missed this one...perhaps because I had been drinking tons of water during that time when they did the initial urine test? The second urine test was done in the ER where I had been waiting in the waiting room for 3 hours and not drinking any liquids at all and then the infection was more visible in the urine? I have no clue but I don’t understand how they can miss this infection. They checked it 3 times through blood tests each time I was in the ER on 3 different dates. I hope my story here will help someone. Thanks.
Your experience helped me to discover an e.coli bacteria in my bladder! After requesting a urin sample at my Doctors.
I've had the exact same symptoms; almost panic attack before BM and frequent urination, tingling sensation in my legs, etc.
I've just started in my antibiotics today, hopefully it will help.
Hope you're doing better!
Hi! Have your symptoms improved?
Hi! It comes and goes. The antibiotics didn't fix my stomach issues. All of the symptoms are related to digestion, it's very clear now. I'm staying away from gluten just to test. Gluten sensitivity has over 300symptoms! And it always affect the nerves and mental state too. How are you doing with the symptoms?
Oh my ! I hope you’re doing better now
I don’t know whether anyone is still using this thread and I will post the same thing on other similar threads so sorry if you see this twice! but I’ve realised I’ve been having same issues with slight differences so I wanted to see whether anyone else is this way!
A bit of background of me is that I have been diagnosed with IBS for 4 years now, and then just over a year ago I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder. I have extremely bad anxiety with health, social and agoraphobia (I can’t leave the house without someone with me) still however I rarely have random panic attacks anymore. I’m young, only 23.
I have been having the same feelings when I have a ‘normal’/not diarrhoea BM (nothing is normal with IBS!) of anxiety kicking in as soon as I have the feeling of needing to go, to me it’s mild anxiety nothing crazy, just on edge, tingly skin and then as soon as I go it’s completely goes away! The issue that worries me is when I have a bad BM, this means diarrhoea and extremely bad abdominal pain which is associated with the diarrhoea. Obviously this is extremely common with IBS, having that pain, but it is honestly the worst pain I’ve ever felt! This is what causes a full blown panic attack to occur, I have all the symptoms of feeling hot, very shaky/shivering, feeling faint, feeling like I need to throw up, hyperventilating etc. After the D has stopped and the pain has subsided the panic attack stops!
It’s not helpful when you have health anxiety so all I can think about is that there is something sinister going on. But like I said earlier it does happen everytime I go to the loo, just on different scales. It’s 100% the BM causing the anxiety/attack, not the other way around which google only comes up with, and obviously the more pain I’m in the worse the attack of anxiety.
Does this sound like purely anxiety over the pain or could a more physical issue be occurring? Obviously when I speak to doctors I get the ‘it’s just anxiety or IBS’ so is it time that I just listen and accept that?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Hi Sunbeach
So what you have is very similar to what a lot if us have posted on here.
I don't have an answer because I'm still looking for one and having test after teet. All I can say is that doctors don't have a clue but they seem to have ruled out the sinister things. I have now tested positive for Sibo and will be starting treatment for it next week. I will come back with any results.
Have you had any tests? In any case given that you have a lot of anxiety issues I'm pretty convinced your symptoms will be anxiety related. Bad anxiety and IBS can irritate the vagus nerve which in turn could cause your symptoms.
Hi, just keeping this thread alive
Hi Everyone, thanks for keeping this thread alive.
Sorry I haven't check in months because I never expected that this thread would continue. Also I've been struggling still, and wanted to update. Vein pressure continued even after the use of antibiotics for the bladder infection (read my previous post). GP thinks I'm just stressed out and ordered compression socks to help with the pressure in the veins on my legs, but said nothing can be done with the vein pressure on my hands (there are no compression stocking for hands she said). Compression stockings do not help, it is like telling someone who has a structural problem to constantly use crutches! (But try explaining that to your GP!).
ENT tested me and concluded the bitter taste in my mouth was due to acid reflux. Stomach acid suppressants do me no good, actually they make the panic attack worse. I agree with anybody else here in this threat, the panic attack is a PHYSICAL problem not an emotional problem. It only occurs before the elimination process, never after. I chose not to take them and went to an ND instead.
Then she send me to a vascular surgeon. He said my veins look normal and hopes the rheumatologist will be able to help me go to the bottom of all my symptoms.
GP tested me for Celiac (negative). I told her there is pressure pain in my veins (on certain times), usually prior BM or urinating and it feels like electricity at times. I also feel like a burning sensation on my legs and arms. ANA antibodies came out positive! Hurrah! Finally something is showing. GP now thinks I have Lupus (SLE) or RA or Sjorgens Syndrome. GP sent me to a rheumatologist. Rheumatologist thinks that it might be IBD (Inflammatory bowel disorder). Had two occasions in the last 4 months where I had a little blood and white mucous in stool (no hemorrhoids). I'm still waiting for all the tests done by the rheumatologist.
My endocrinologist (he's been my Endo for 6 years), had also ordered another blood tests (mostly hormone related, ACTN, cortisol, FSH, LH, estradiol, prolactin CRP and a few others--sorry I can't make sense of his handwriting on the requisition). He suspect that it is my immune system reacting to something thus causing the palpitation despite my low blood pressure, fainting spells and feeling of faint and extreme fatigue (iron levels are not low).
I also went to a Naturopathic Doctor and she has done a comprehensive food testing on me and I've followed the diet to the dot, its been two months now. I has helped me, I rarely have a panic attack prior BM now, however there are still the other many symptoms which I wish to lessen if not completely overcome.
I also suffer from psoriasis on certain areas of my skin (mostly legs, back and arms) in the last 10 years. It started a year after overcoming dengue hemorrhagic fever in a tropical country and after a very minor skin infection on my scalp.
Honestly I truly wish that these symptoms were merely caused by anxiety.
Quick update today: Endo just called stating that all the test results were normal. rheumatologist hasn't called. Took a peek at the lab test results online (some of the results are still pending), there is an abnormality : Component C3 is low and component C4 is normal, which indicates that the immune system is fighting really hard.
Endo told me that I must work this out with the rheumatologist. Endo also confirmed that it indicates that the immune system is fighting really hard.
I read with a low component C3 and a normal component C4, it is highly likely that I have SLE (Lupus). I have many of the SLE symptoms, but not the butterfly rash on the face (which only affects 50% of Lupus sufferers). Has anybody here with this anxiety prior bowel movement been to a rheumatologist or immunologist to check whether they have SLE (Lupus)? Please share. Thank you.
My symptoms include: palpitation (despite low blood pressure, although sometimes my blood pressure is normal too), chest pain (done numerous of ECGs and Halter Monitor twice), extreme fatigue (staying home for almost a year now), chest pain, fainting, acid reflux, stomach pain, blood in stool on two occasions, vein pressure, (they would bulge and they feel as if they are going to burst, so scary initially but now I'm kinda used to it--the GP said "Oh you are just getting old!), IBS, brain fog, joint pain, leg swelling.
Hi all, I get the panic feeling before I need to use the bathroom, just as you’ve described. However I also recently was diagnosed as a high functioning autistic adult and learned about the concept of interoception- the signals and cues of our bodies that tell us when we’re hungry or full or hot or have to pee. I started thinking back to before I had the panic BM situation and I realized I didn’t remember any signals from my body telling me I would need a BM soon, it just always was kind of a surprise (lol). I am now wondering if my interoception is off, so I don’t “hear” the signals my body is giving me when I need to use the bathroom. After having bad bouts of panic attacks, this new situation where a kind of fake panic attack signals a BM has started happening (for about a year and a half now, in particular if I wake up needing to go to the bathroom). Not saying this is strictly related to autism/ASD, but possibly that we might not normally recognize or receive signals from our bodies on needing a BM and then after having a health issue or anxiety, we’ve started only noticing the BM signals as panic signals? Curious what you all think, thanks for making me feel much less alone!
Interesting even though a bit complex for me to understand as English is not my first language.In my case, even though I refer to them as panic attacks, I don't think they are, in so far as, they are purely physical symptoms, with no anxiety involved. The thing is that the symptoms are the same as what one would have with panic, i.e. shortness of breath, sweating, fast heart rate, shakiness
I thought about this too to be honest. I cant really remember if I had that “healthy, normal urge to go have a bowel movement” for a looong time. i was thinking I must have forgotten what it felt like due to chronic constipation. I normally just go to the loo and sit there and wait until it happens on its own because rarely do I get a natural signal that I need to go.
I definitely think it has something to do with a bad connection in our relay system. I've been having this for several years. Dr's have done multiple tests on me. Finally I just gave up and decided it must just be due to my hosimotos and because I got tired of being called a hypochondriac which does not help anything.
Please anybody else with these symptoms and ideas as to what to do about them?
I have tried everything that everyone has mentioned, I just seem to be getting worse. I'm on the verge of giving up my job which I don't want to and can't afford to do. But I'm desperate, I keep missing time off work, cancelling appointments, can't take my daughter anywhere, can't plan anything...
I know this is going to sound weird but I am so grateful I found this. I have been dealing with these symptoms for the last year and it came out of nowhere. My blood pressure goes up and I think I need to go to the hospital. THen I go they tell me nothings wrong. ITs been so stressful and it has effected my quality of life so much. Im going to the gastro in a few days and im hoping to get some answers. But I have felt really alone. My wife is sick of hearing about it. My GP doesnt have a clue. I did start taking this thing called Parasym plus thats made for pots and it forces a bowel movement and usually makes it so it doesnt happen as much. Its horrible and I feel for you all. Ill update if I find more out. I do believe it is vagus nerve related. Ive found stuff online and have stopped attacks by massaging the vagus nerve pressure points. Thank you guys for your experience I dont feel as crazy as I did yesterday.
Hi there,
I'm sorry you are going through this as well. It's just so horrible!
Can you let me know what those massage points are please?
I am curious how many people started feeling this way after a dose of antibiotics. I have been really digging into all this and Ive noticed a trend of people that had some type of infection then after the antibiotic treatment they developed these symptoms. Any info would be appreciated. Im sure your all on the same page but I dont want to live like this anymore and Im going to do everything in my power to figure out what the hell is going on.
Well, I didn't have it right after taking a dose of antibiotics. But I did have a very severe reaction to an antibiotic some years ago that left me bed bound and unable to walk for months and caused neuropathy and various symptoms and after a bit this pooping symptom started, so I don't know if it was also a side effect of the antibiotic.
Hi! I had food poisoning in September last year and I’ve gotten these symptoms after it. I was prescribed antiobiotics for 2 weeks which I took and now I have these symptoms. What is it do u have any clue
I have been dealing with this very same issue for YEARS now and it’s driving me insane. It first started back in 2019 and it just happened this week. I get panic attack like symptoms: shaking, high heart rate, hyperventilation, you name it I get it but then I’ll ask myself “do I need to go #2?” And when I sit on the toilet I go. The attack goes away instantly and I’m back to normal.
I do suffer from anxiety and I have GERD. However when I get the panic attack, I have zero sensation that I have to go #2. It’s so strange. My gastro doc told me to eat more fiber and take VSL #3 probiotic. But that hasn’t solved the mystery of why I get panic attacks when I have to poop but my body isn’t telling me that I have to go #2
I have been experiencing similar symptoms to what you have described on and off for the last six years. They mostly started following surgery which included a course of antibiotics. Basically, I would experience intense anxiety/panic attack and it's associated symptoms (namely racing heart, cold hands and feet, racing thoughts) prior to a bowel movement. Once I had a bowel movement the symptoms would stop. The symptoms are extremely uncomfortable because they come out of nowhere. I could be doing something relaxing and then all of sudden you feel the classic doom and gloom of a panic attack. It's disconcerting to say the least.
Although I don't know what it causing it, I think it is possibly related to a dysregulated nervous system and possibly an imbalance in the gut microbiome. It's no coincidence that these symptoms mostly began following my first surgery under general anaesthetic. Being under general anaesthetic is extremely disruptive to the nervous system. It's traumatic. And then you throw in a course of antibiotics and your whole body is all over the shop. I think as a society we underestimate the impact of paralyzing the nervous system with general anaesthetic on the body. I think doing this has the potential to dysregulate the nervous system in effect causing dysautonomia. Dysautonomia is something to look into.
Another possible factor that could be causing it is being on, or coming off SSRI medication. I had taken this medication for anxiety and it has wreaked havoc on my gut. I developed all sorts of gut issues taking this medication and today I am still trying to recover from them.
One other possible factor to look into which ties into a dysregulated nervous system is trauma. Experiencing trauma, particularly during childhood, can cause the nervous system to become dysregulated leading to symptoms like the ones described in this thread. The impact of trauma cannot be underestimated. The energy from trauma stays in the body leading to a dysregulated nervous system. Anyway, something to consider I guess.
I am still trying to figure it all out and whether my theories above are what is causing it. This thread has been an interesting read and I only found it by looking for why I felt this way prior to a bowel movement. Hopefully what I wrote is helpful.
I am currently having an attack with almost all the above symptoms. A sudden impending doom feeling, sweats, cold and heat all at the same time with feelings of intense fear, desperation and panic. Then soon after I need to go have a BM. I had 5 BM’s within the past hour and it feels like the anxiety will continue until I am done having all these BM’s.
This started 4 months ago after a food poisoning, which I’m not sure was food poisoning because no one that ate the same food had any issues besides me. Started vomiting then fainted after intense panic and then BM’s until it turned into violent diarrhea. I was taken to hospital via ambulance. Then I was fine for a couple months until it started again. Frequent BM’s and anxiety each time that I didnt know what to do with. I thought I was literally losing my mind and was scared of hurting myself out of sheer panic and fear. Went to doctor. Blood works fine, had endoscopy, I have acid reflux, slight hernia on stomach wall, and had a helicobacteri pylori infection which they treated with antibiotics PPI’s and the sort. After a few weeks I started feeling good and thought it was all behind me until tonight. It is back and I am terrified of living with this forever. All I did was have some extra coconut oil than usual today to help with my constipation, and maybe it is working a bit too well and the extra pressure on my bowels is causing these feelings again? If anybody found a solution please share and help 🙏
Welcome to the club nobody wants to belong to 😕
Hey Sasical, I found this thread through another health forum you posted on but the website no longer allows comments.
I’m also someone who has reluctantly joined the club.
I’m wondering how everything is going for you - anything come up on any recent tests or any breakthroughs?
This used to happen to me, not sure what caused it. But eventually it quitSometimes I'll rarely get it but again I'm not sure what the cause is
Started happening after I had covid about a year ago 😕
Thank you for this most interesting information! I have never been told this, so it's an avenue to explore. I will deffo look into it.