Hi all! I'm trying a new method... guy cleanse and probiotics! Gut health is closely linked to anxiety so I thought...why not give it a go?! I'm using Plexus Biocleanse and Pro Bio...recommended by a friend that was able to stop her anxiety meds after a few months of it. I'm two weeks in and must say I'm a lot calmer. Definitely have my triggers but I'll do anything to be "me" again. I'll keep you posted and no I'm not selling or attempting to sell or push this product..
Probiotics to decrease anxiety... - Anxiety Support
Probiotics to decrease anxiety...

Good luck 😉
Definitely post your results, I have been wanting to do a cleanse for awhile
Good job! It's a good start. Keep at it. Just know that it doesn't take a day or two to see results. You may be at it for a long while but don't give up. While you're at it, look up possible detox methods. Drink plenty of water.
Thanks all and maayyybbeee I should do a guy cleanse as well....don't think hubby would like that though! 😂
It is so good to hear this!! I have anxiety and have gone off meds recently in order to seek alternative solutions. I want to start a new approach on this issue and have read certain articles that gut is super involved in mental health. Please post your results! Thanks for sharing!
So it's helping and I know this because anxiety lessened... and then I ran out and in the time it took to start them back up I was a mess :/
Hi DeeM3,,
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Amigoman from Glasgow.
Just joined this site around just 2 days ago (I think)!!!
Just wanted to say that I was reading your posts and you are brave and very helpful for sharing your thoughts and experience on your different experiments etc. Much respect to you for that !!!!
I am going through a living non-stop nightmare ATM, due to the notoriously under-reported medication called "ZOPICLONE"!!!!!!!!!
It's been absolutely Hell on these tablets and just keeps getting worse.
It has made a strong-willed, strong-minded, Hard-working, kind, caring and loving person, into an absolute nervous wreck tbh !!!!
A whole bunch of nasty withdrawals to go through,
Bit the most nasty withdrawals to go through is definitely the VERY EXTREME ANXIETY AND PANIC ATTACKS !!!!
I've went completely backwards in life over the last roughly 10 months since I've been given these,(on prescription by my G.P.)!!!
You have probably heard this song a good few times before, I can appreciate that much.
The reason I chose to speak with you 1st is because you seem very much in common with myself as a hard worker and forward positive mental attitude towards type of person.
You mentioned something about what may help with Anxiety and the Anxiety medication in particular ?!!!!
If you could post or please reply to me about any ways in which u may have ANYTHING that would help me get off these poisonous meds and get my extremely bad ANXIETY,STRESS + PANIC ATTACKS back on the mend....... I swear, I will be for ever grateful to you DeeM3 for the much needed help I am desperate for in life for right now.
Every day has become a nightmare tbh with you.
Trying to keep strong minded and keep a positive mental attitude towards every aspect in life, but I can't lie,
I am really suffering from the Anxiety the most, and all the other nasty side-effects that extreme Anxiety brings along with it ,
As I'm sure you'll probably all ready be quite aware off !!!
I'm sorry for the long post.
Sorry for disturbing you.
I just joined a couple of days ago and you are the very 1st person I have reached out too tbh.
I apologise if this is not the correct method of communication on this subject.
Just very desperate by suffering from Extreme panic attacks and then Anxiety attacks, insomnia and also some physical bad reactions that happen alongside them.
You seem to have good knowledge and that's why I chose yourself.
Any help in how to get me in the right direction in order to help me get off these poisonous meds and get my extremely bad ANXIETY under some control will be so gratefully received.....
Thank you very much
Hi nice to meet you! I’m sorry for your suffering. You’ll find that to be a common denominator on this site. I’ve been reading a lot of self help books including “Hope and Help For Your Nerves” by Claire Weekes and it’s very beneficial. The biggest part for me has been learning what my exact symptoms are and reminding myself they are nothing more than anxiety. Extra sleep is essential as us ridding yourself off all unnecessary stress, and learning to say “no”. Deep, slow breathing is very important, especially during moments of panic. I’ve learned to just keep on going through the panic and it stops faster. As for the meds, there are others you may find beneficial to help you over the initial “hump”, so that you are not numb to life but more relaxed to learn how to work through the anxiety. Have you spoke to your doctor about this?
Hey ya !
1st :- Thank you for responding back to me.
2nd :- I apologise for taking so long to see your message.
Thank you very much DeeM3,
I appreciate your kindness of understanding what I'm suffering from just now.
My Doctor is aware of everything,
As I get my medication (ZOPICLONE Tablets 7.5mg) from him via repeat prescription.
I'm currently going to an appointment every 2 weeks to go see the Doctor and pick up my script.
Deep breathing is something that i have been learning about just recently and you are right,
It definitely helps when you are at the most extreme point of panicking.
Even though I haven't actually started to read any books or so just yet,
I can say that when I read the messages of other people on these forums,
I'm surprised at how even that manages to make me a bit more calm when I start reading.
I think it's probably something to do with seeing that it is not just myself who is going through a whole range of terrible symptoms,
But nearly every otjer person is also experiencing the exact same issues as I am,
And i think that sub-conciencly it somehow makes me feel better knowing it's a universal thing and not just myself.
For me personally,
I'm usually someone who doesn't panic ,
Get scared or excited to quickly, y'know ?
I'm pretty much a calm person by nature.
This is why for me,
I'm okay dealing with all the other psychological and physical abnormalities but it's the MASSIVE Anxiety and panic attacks which appear out of the blue which are causing me the most stress and problems.
My life has started to become a constant daily nightmare because of this for the last few months now.
I've always been a hard worker.
I had 2 jobs up until recently but I have had to stop and only work part-time just now because of this terrible scenario that has begun.
I have ALWAYS been an active person who likes to work-out,
Go to the gym,
Running etc.
I love shopping,
Always have Done,
But since the last few months,
I no longer want to be doing any of that stuff because i am waking up in the early hours and after about an hour of getting up,
I start feeling anxious,
Then very anxious,
Onto extremely anxious !!!
I understand that this is happening due to being on these particular tablets,
As I have been learning about them through research online ,
That much is fine but if i could somehow learn how to stop,
Slow-down or even just know how to cope with the extreme Anxiety first of all,
That would make a massive difference to my standard of life again.
I'm not in a good place at all these days.
On top of all this,
I live alone and always feel tired,
Lethargic and a bit down in the dumps too.
Anxiety control,
Is what i need !!!!!
Please help me ..............
It’s mind over matter. That’s the hardest part. It sounds like you’ve had a bad response to meds and now it is learned. Are you weaning from them?
Hi Dee .........
Yes absolutely.
I've always been a calm and pretty strong-minded person,
Never an Hypochondriac in any sort of way,
But yeah,
I've been going through Hell ever since my Doctor prescribed me with ZOPICLONE TABLETS,
In order to help me relax, unwind and sleep at night because i usually work 2 jobs and have nearly always got a busy schedule in my daily life.
Even though I thrive under pressure and like to keep busy and try to maintain a productive day, week, month etc,
I have got to admit that the Anxiety over the last few months has been absolutely Hell.
It's practically crippled my confidence and has got me scared and paranoid about the most trivial things.
Out of the blue the major panic attacks appear and they take ages to go away.
I'm just getting into really reading, studying and learning about what is actually happening with me,
By reading into the experience of people like yourself Dee and others who also have been through the same thing themselves, y'know ?..
This is the very 1st time I've ever joined any forums or group like this and I can honestly say that it is an absolutely brilliant thing for people like us,
Who have and still are suffering with Anxiety and panic attacks and all the other symptoms that come along for the ride !!
Yes Dee,
I have began weaning myself off these tablets now.
I admit that I tried and failed miserably in my previous attempts at weaning off these tablets.
Only now do I TRULY realise and understand EXACTLY how extremely bad ANXIETY I suffer due to this.
Like many others,
I have also ran to hospital,
Truly convinced that something is definitely wrong with me medically etc etc,
But I always get given the all clear.
It's had a very strong negetive impact on my life from every aspect.
No medical professionals seem to be able to explain or help me.
Everybody keeps passing the buck over !!
As I say,
Amazingly for me,
These forum's would be the last place that I would've thought I'd find actual practical help.
It's only my 2nd day joined and I can honestly say I am really surprised at how helpful it has been for me,
Just reading about other folks.
Amazing !!!!!
Also, a song called Weightless on youtube is clinically proven to relax you. Essential oils such as lavender can help with sleep.
Anychance you got weightles off me
Actually Kevo I’ve been listening to that for like a year. My daughters therapist recommended it for us when she was having problems sleeping
Hi I would agree with you they are closely linked I have IBS and anxiety. Taking a good probiotic everyday is now part of my routine. I take Super20 Pro from health span. I building it up slowly started at 10 billion per Capsules now up to 40 billion aiming to get to 50 billion. I have seen a difference in my health. Xx
Hi DeeM3,
I was just wondering how did the cleanse work for you.
Well, I did probiotics for a couple of months. It definitely helped my digestion but not so much my anxiety. I ended up on a very low dose Med and it has done wonders. I’m slowly working through my anxiety as the meds keep the apprehension down a notch so I can use strategies to face my fears....