I just need to talk to people that can understand me, I have GAD and panic attacks, started when I was 18 after my 2 best friends died in car accidents, and I also did back them drugs like pot and coke, I started to hear my heart beat and thinking I was going to have a heart attack, ended up in the hospital but doctors found nothing, went to the cardiologist gave me a bunch of meds and did tell me to get off from any types of drugs, back them they didn't know much about Anxiety. I trash all the meds quit all drugs and did methafhisics it helped and I was fine for years after I had my child around 25 started again with the fear of going crazy again, I dealt with it not knowing what was happening and I was able to be done with it until my earlies 30th again the feeling of going crazy and started with the panic attaks went to the doctor and got on Paxil it really helped and after a year I got off and managed it the best I could not really too bad.....since about 10 years I have tried, every ssri out there and I used Xanex as needed, well now I will be 50 in a moth and for now almost 2 years quiet the SSRI and only do the Xanex, well I can't leave my house or do anything if I don't take them I feel dizzy like I am going to die have to leave restaurants and places, when I am at work I pretend I suffer from low blood sugar because I have to seat, excuse my self and as of last year I fear going to places I am miserable I cry all the time, my husband makes fun of me and I don't have anyone to talk to I can't do anything without taking the Xanex and, I go to work in fear, I go shopping and have to rush thinking I am going to faint or have a heart attack, I have a cruise for my birthday and don't know what to do, I can't even seat through a nice dinner with my husband, do you think Prozac might help, never did Prozac?? Please I need support and advice I want to be normal and enjoy life, I love my work but I am in sales and I have to work very hard at not acting weird and I think people notices I might be depress too because I am so sad not to have a normal life and enjoy the small things and my husband that I cry a lot, Advice please.
Help !!: I just need to talk to people that... - Anxiety Support
Help !!

I wish I had answers for you. You might try prozac as Xanax is just for current episodes and short acting. I have many of the same symptoms and would be afraid to go on a cruise also. I have trouble working too. I work in surgery which takes much concentration but less interaction than you. The other day the subway guy said, smile you look sad. I wanted to punch him as he has no idea what it takes for me to just function daily. I'm on meds for four years now for anxiety and I think they help a lot. I would talk to the doc about anti-anxiety as well as antidepressant. You could get a lot of relief. It must be hard to have a husband that is not supportive. Mine takes care of me especially since I was hospitalized four years ago from a breakdown. We can give you support but I would definitely see the doc as well. We are here for you.

I have taken, Paxil, lexapro, zolof, Celexa, and Wellbutrin. After Wellbutrin, I stopped all meds but the Xanes, I never had to take it daily and have heard that Prozac might help, not sure. Thanks for responding, my husband does get upset when he takes me out and I can't just control myself, I think he makes me more anxious because the pressure I told him to read about it, but we do a lot of fun things at home, I just wish I could be normal, and work is a struggle I am in Teal Estate and I do really have to put up a show, because is in a project where I am there all day, plus all the paperwork and stress to make sales, I cry and take half a Xanex and continue with the day, sometimes I am better, I read about Cognitive therapy, I do the exercises etc.... but gosh my mind and the stress is killing me. I am also here to help if you want to talk, thank you.
Thank you for listening. Sounds like you have reached out for help for a while. I have heard Prozac is good too. Glad you have a good husband too. It helps a lot. Glad you are here with us. I'm sure you have lots of advice to give.
This sounds like the time you need to book an appointment with your doctor. You have some history to report so make it a longer than usual consult. If you can put a few key points in writing do that a few days out from the appointment so that you can add anything else you think is worth mentioning. Then just before the appointment review the list and put the big ticket items at the top. Take a copy for the doctor for reference. My #1 item is "always to leave with a treatment plan to address my x ". Medication is one half of the equation. The other is some therapy.
At one of the follow up appointments take that husband along for a chat with the doctor. You need his support!
Fawn Fitter wrote a book called "Working in the Dark" which is about working while suffering a mental health issues. Highly recommended. You might be able to borrow a copy at your local library or check it out on Amazon.
If your workplace has an employee assistance program (EAP) you might consider booking yourself in there for a confidential chat. My organization pays for 5 consults.
Remember we are here 24/7 for you
No insurance work as an I dependent contractor, I am in Florida, my doctor rushes me because she has heard it all and she says I have to get therapy and that is all in my head, that I am healthy, just take a Xanex before any stressful or social situation, writes the prescriptions and sends me out the door, last time I was told, next time you will have to pay more money, you took too long. I will look into that book. That's my biggest issue no medical insurance at all.
It's sounds like you are having a very difficult time with your anxiety, I also have dealt with GAD and panic attacks all my life. Been on many types of medication myself. For me when I went to see my psychiatrist he recommended Prozac and let me tell you it's been the best and truly helps me through my days. I also take Klonopin to help calm my anxiety down. At least try it out you never know it may help you a lot and hopefully get you on a amazing cruise and be able to enjoy life. Good luck
Thank you, Inam going Timmy doctor next week I will ask her and I hope it helps me, I am really trying to be able to do anything it takes. Have an amazing day.