Has anyone ever tried hypnosis to help with anxiety and panic? Is it actually effective or a waste of time. I am entirely aware that there is no quick fix for my illness. Was just curious.
Hypnosis?: Has anyone ever tried hypnosis to... - Anxiety Support

I know hypnosis doesn't work for everyone. I would actually consider trying it. Curious if anyone else has.
I did 2 sessions and it does help but you still have to put work in the hypnotherapist gave me a bunch of cds to listen to and he said I need to listen to it everyday I think it can work but you need to put the effort in which I didn't. Unfortunately it seems the only way to get over anxiety is to actually put ins lot of work into getting better there is no quick fix which sucks as anxiety can really knock you down and make it hard to have the energy or motivation to actually put in all this effort to fix ourselves. Sorry I'm going a bit negative but on the positive side I do believe everyone can overcome it we just have to put in the work and be consistent for a long period of time and even after we feel better in order to maintain it.
I def recommend trying the hypnosis you never know it may be your answer good luck 😉
I agree it's going to be a lot of work. I've worked hard all of my life, I've never been afraid of work. But this battle with anxiety and panic has knocked me for a loop. I'm working on my way of thinking right now. Trying to remind myself that the physical symptoms are all mental. I've tried meds with no great results. Mainly because I'm anxious about taking medications. I've been on Wellbutrin for a week and I already want to quit it. I've never been one to let something grab me so strongly. Thank you for the input.
I have done 4 sessions of hypnosis and i almost think it made my anxiety worse. I don't think fixes like this help everyone. Its important to narrow down the symptoms and go from there.