Omg has anyone on here had a baby with anxciety I've got 2 children already but I think I many be pregnant again my anxciey is so high every day I cant go out any were n I'm so sceard of fucking up with the appointments and scan in just so not ready for this anyone help me or give me advice please x
I'm so sceard :( advice please : Omg has... - Anxiety Support
I'm so sceard :( advice please

Hi Rebeccah12, I understand how worried you are in having anxiety and possibly being pregnant. Since the appointments and scans are so important during a pregnancy, it would be best if you spoke with your OBG about your anxiety. Let him make the decision if there is something that can help you or how he feels you can address these issues and concerns. My best x
Hi yes I took a test yesterday and it was a very faint positive I took it in the afternoon so I waited till this morning to do another one and it's negotive and I'm not bleeding so I'm guessing I'm on my pierod now as I was 2 days late so I took one and it was a very faint positive and now I have a negotive and bleeding I'm so confused!
a woman's brain usage goes into hyperdrive when she is pregnant, and the areas you normally use for everyday life can shut down in preparation for - well who knows what women have had to face in the past - being pregnant in primitive societies will have been very demanding. Not bizarrely, the highest rate of mental health episodes occurs post and antenatal, for up to a year after the birth too! That sounds scary but it's not so much of a problem as you may think, although for you it may be a very anxious and depressing time it's the one time when you will be looked after properly and your symptoms will be taken very seriously. You see, your GP and the nurses etc really really understand the issue. They know that your hormones are going to rocket and you may miss an appointment or two, and that you may do daft things throughout. So don't panic! Speak to your doctors/nurses/midwives etc. Tell them you need extra care. Ask for ways that they can support you. If they seem surprised it's only that most people don't ask for help and end up in a muddle, and if they don't respond appropriately then perhaps they are too busy, so complain to the centre. They have a duty of care. Trust me, they would rather look after you properly than have to sort out muddles afterwards. cx
Aww I totally know how you feel, I'm not pregnant and haven't got any kids but I know that feeling of anxiety that prevents me from living a normal life!
Here are a few questions that could help?
1) Could you order a home pregnancy kit?
2) Do you have a friend or a family member that can go with you to some of your appointments?
3) Could you take a cab and get a cab to pick you up. Or could you order an Uber then get the uber to pick you up to take you home?
4) Do you have a pet or something that you can take with you to your appointment that will relax you when you go for your appointments i.e. A dog, music (headphones), a magazine, your car, a stress ball etc?
5) Could you speak with your doctor and tell he/she about your condition i.e. Maybe he/she could give you an appointment that's not too busy or a time when someone can come with you?
Perhaps one of the above will help
Wishing you all the best and cling to your faith and believe that things will get better soon.
With love