Does anyone else's eyes get fuzzy or does ur eyes and eye sight seem weird or like ur seeing spots or anything during and after an attack?
Anxiety and Eye Sight: Does anyone else's... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety and Eye Sight
yes mine does all the time.and it sucks bc thats what I'm always worried about is my vision,so it really put puts me into a panic attack.trying to get over one right now.
Yes I do and I find bright lights in shops affect my eyes too, I find wearing my glasses or sun glasses help a bit .
I get that normally anyway it's called floaters and also completely normal x
Anxiety can affect our eyesight in many ways. The most dramatic is called scintillating scotomata where a hole appears in your vision followed by a jagged scintilating pattern that moves across your field of vision before disappearing. The whole process takes 20 minutes and does not damage your eyes. Then there's shadows seen against white walls and bright skies when you blink. Also a shimmering effect noticeable on the edges of horozontal rails and surfaces. They're all caused by anxiety and they all go away when you accept them and stop testing yourself for them all the time. I've had them all at various times.
That's the visual aura that is the first part of migraines!! I just sit back and enjoy the beautiful colours and patterns because the headache that follows is not so much fun!!
That's right,Vbee, scintilating scotomata is what preceeds migraine in some people but you can get it without the migraine. I dont get the migraine. It's defo anxiety related.
I have GAD as well as recent Lyme ( treated). I now had decreased vision ( very blurry in fluorescent lights as well as decreased perception ( almost seems better without glasses but I need glasses to see) for about month straight. I am getting new glasses with new prescription but I am not positive that's the issue. It also seemed to get worse with starting of celexa but psych does not think it's causing it. I also get headaches almost daily, I can't figure out Lyme vs anxiety vs meds? I just hope it will get better one of these days.