I am a 28year old mother of 3 and have suffered with depression since a very young age but recently I have been suffering with really bad anxiety I just want it to stop and feel normal again it's breaking me have been given medication from my gp but doesn't seem to be working can anyone suggest anything ? Thank you
Anxietyhelp: I am a 28year old mother of... - Anxiety Support
To be honest I'm thinking are meds worth it?? The side effects totally outway benefits. I'm on paroxetine 40 mg. Feel worse than ever and I've been on them since Feb. How long have been on yours ? need to leave it as least 6 weeks.
I'm on them 20mg I've been on them for 4weeks I feel exactly the same sitting here and my heart is through the roof it's horrible x
I started on 20mg then to 30 then 40 then 45 then back to 40!!....I tried many others too, they worked for a while but then stop working. Paroxetine for me hasn't worked at all
Hopefully this won't be in your case. Best to leave it 6/8 weeks though.
I've got docs apt tomorrow🤔....see what they say.
It's horrible I know, you just want your life back. I know it sounds obvious but swimming everyday or some low stress exercise along with a more healthy diet, stick to a timed routine with food don't ever go hungry or skip breakfast, avoid stimulants like coffee and tea, use herbal teas that are decaf. It sounds like you may need some lifestyle change, and get off paroxetine and try something new. Also avoid negative stuff on the internet or YouTube focus only on feel good things. Make sure you're breathing correctly. Try deep breathing exercises for a few minutes a day. remind yourself that your are not the only one suffering with this and it will get better soon.
Not sure how u go about that but i agree u don't sound fit for work. I'm off sick at the mo, I work part time (that's ok most of time). partner causes half of my anxiety, he jus doesn't get it! !
I doubt he does think that, they (men)find it hard to show/understand their feelings. My partner says he understands then does things like huffing and puffing; rolling eyes etc... which increases my anxiety !! 😠😠...he jus wants a easy life.. think he's definitely with the wrong person😂😂
Sorry you are feeling this way we all know what its like here and its horrible. I took xanax for 5 years but I had to stop taking them and they are the worse Rx to get off of but if you can take them just for anxiety and not abuse them I wouldn't suggest taking them for more than a week or so at a time because they are addicting but I think they are the best Rx for anxiety. Unfortunately for me its no longer an option I built up a really high tolerance so now I have to do it drug free and just sit thru it and try to not think about my anxiety. Talking helps a lot and eventually sometimes my anxiety disappears for a while. Wish you the best of luck
Dear Jess it is very difficult as people don't understand it. The GP's don't seem concerned about people's suffering do they when it is mental health. I have found sleeping well helps but need strong medication for that. GP's won't help they just say too addictive to give sleeping tablets but I need them otherwise my anxiety is horrible. Diazepam is the best but they won't prescribe that either. Getting out does help but sometimes you don't feel like doing it. It is very hard sharing experiences helps. You can get through it. Do you have depression too that is awful I just had a very low mood and it was absolutely dreadful. Please tell me more about your situation. Much love
I have been back to the gp today and changed my depression tablets and given me a higher dose of peroxitne gp didn't seem that bothered I even broke down and cried to him he has signd me off work for a month.. got to go back in 2weeks it's hard goingmy mother suffered with it for years so she knows exactly how I'm feeling could t sleep last night so I can't wait for bed tonight hopefully will sleep x
Hope it works for u. I've spoke to doc too and I'm switching to sertraline (again!)....give anything a try!I'm signed off too.
Yes I understand your dilemma the GP's don't understand what you are going through.Did they give you sleeping pills as mine won't prescribe them saying too addictive which is nonsense if you can't sleep. The whole thing is a joke. They are very unsympathetic and I do hope you sleep tonight. Depression is a terrible thing.
I don't mean thinking about anxiety itself mostly my anxiety starts with my heart I jump up grabbing my chest feeling like I can't breathe and my chest hurts so bad so I think I'm having a heart attack and I can't stop thinking for the next few days that I have heart trouble knowing that its happened so many times before and I was fine I can't stop thinking maybe this time is different and I'll die but it always ends up racing through my mind I have health issues why else would my body be acting like this then I found out its anxiety so what works for me (sometimes) is trying to think about anything else then what is going on with my body and my mind and when I can do this my heart stops beating through my chest I stop shaking and slowly I'm back to normal it really works
i was like this once what i did was seek for jesus he has help me over come this even tho u feel like he cant hear u he is listening pray is the key casting crowns music help me out too blessings ur way ur help is in the lord 😇