I am having severe anxiety and lightheadedness I am trying nor to fight it. So hard
Lightheadedness : I am having severe anxiety... - Anxiety Support

Accept it's there and breathe through it. I find lying down with legs up helpful when I feel like this. Do whatever you can to relax and take care of yourself x
I have been feeling the same way . And then my heart starts to race and my plams get sweaty.
It can be so bad. I feel like it is to much sometimes. It feels like I'm going to faint or pass out. The hardest part is when I'm at work and it happens
I understand. Have you just felt a wave all of a sudden ? Like you have to sit down and when you do everything seems to be moving or unreal ?
Yes, that is what just happened
Do you almost get like maybe a slight headache or a bit of pressure of some sort?
Most of the time it's just like I'm floating or in a unreal place like I want to scream for help but I know that now I will not die from this so I hold it all in. I also get so weak when this happens.
Same here . Except now I'm worried I'm not getting enough oxygen to my brain or something. And it scares me .
I thought the same thing for years!
And it's like I get really sleepy as well . And a Shaky type feeling .
I do the same. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? How is your health other than anxiety?
I just turned 30 on the 5th . According to my doctors I'm healthy. I've had blood test , stool samples, Ct scans of my head and abdomen oh and ekgs before in the er . I worried this feeling won't go away.
I have also been tested for many things many times I have been to the hospital many times and each time they tell me that I'm healthy and nothing is wrong I'm very athletic I eat healthy and exercise but I'm plagued with anxiety
I have worked at the same job now for 18 years. I am a single dad and I have to keep going my little boy is 10 years old he depends on me I cannot let this stop me from being the best dad I can be I have to keep going
I understand. I have a four year old daughter as well . Sometimes I just cry and cry because of this .
I am very sorry that you're going through this
I'm sorry for you too . This is awful. I even feel like I'm very light right now .
The only thing I can tell you right now is don't fight it it will pass
I'm trying not to . After you feel that wave do you feel off balance like for almost the whole day ?
I'm fault for many years that I was the only one that felt like this
Sorry autocorrect
I wish I could take it away from you
My hands are so sweaty rn . I'm scared. That's a very nice thing to say . Thanks for be supportive.
You're very welcome remember it will not kill you
Thanks honestly right now I'm scared it will .
It only feels like it I promise
Any better?
I'm starting to feel a little better. I still have that slightly off-balance feeling a little bit but I'm working through it like my head is heavy or something . Alao if I Focus on my breathing it's like if I'm not being attention to it I breathe right but if I start to be attention to it to that's when I feel like I don't breathe right.
I have the same thing feel like I'm going to faint all the time.