Let's be honest. : Nobody wants to be around... - Anxiety Support

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Let's be honest.

Dodo777 profile image
14 Replies

Nobody wants to be around someone that is mentally unstable and having certain issues it works the other way round not wanting to be around people. Being punished as a child and not knowing why I was punished didn't help either. Violence in the home has no place in our society today but 15 years ago being whipped with a stick or belt was a common place . I seem to have missed the change in law by a decade even being molested by an adult wasnt thought of as a big issue and all this makes me angry because being in my fifties there is no help and I feel isolated lonely and broken.

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Dodo777 profile image
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14 Replies
Flintridge profile image

That's horrible that you experienced these things and it was no more right back then than it is now. But please don't feel that there is no help. Find a good therapist to talk to to start working on these experiences and leading a happier life. Be kind to yourself, you are worthy of it!


There are some good people out there that want to be around us and that care sometimes it is a question of finding them though

Also when we feel so damaged we can tend to push people away because we have been left not feeling worthy of kindness and friendships

I know it can be a struggle getting support , it feels like you have to fit into certain categories when you have MH problems and if you are slightly more complex you get left on the shelf which is heartbreaking and should not be the case but they argue lack of resources which I know they do lack but is no use to us !

Somehow you need to let go of the pass , I know not easy when you have been affected so much but while ever we keep hold of it we are the one's allowing the abuse to continue even though the abuses are long gone !

Have you ever tried writing a letter to your abuses telling them exactly what they did to you , how they made you feel , what impact it has had on you and so on and when you have then have a little bonfire , place the letters on there to burn and tell yourself that is it you have signified by doing this that this part of your life has closure , sometimes I think that is what we need closure to enable us to move on :-)

Wishing you all the best as you really do deserve it :-)

Take Care x

Dodo777 profile image
Dodo777 in reply to

When I used to mention abuses to my mother in front of my girlfriend's and son she denied it all the way which made me feel more angry and stressed. All dead now never grieved one big. Never have never will. But thanks any

in reply to Dodo777

Shows what cowards they are by not admitting their wrong doing's , you are the bigger person and should hold you head up high , none of what happened was your fault

Let them go and be you , a lovely person that has had a rough ride but won't let it stop that ride getting smoother as time goes on :-) x

Dodo777 profile image
Dodo777 in reply to

🙂 they are.

Dodo777 profile image
Dodo777 in reply to

Thank you it's way past healing I am to old damage done .

Angep profile image
AngepStar in reply to Dodo777

You need closure don't you Dodo, and because they are gone now that's harder. Do you mind if I ask but did your mum abuse you? Or was it someone else in the home? I'm from the same era as you Dodo so I understand about being hit but it was my father who did it. He abused my mother though. Sometimes people just don't understand about mental ilness because they haven't suffered with it so they find it hard to be around people with it. Don't ever think there is no Hope keep searching for a way to get closure don't give up.

Dodo777 profile image
Dodo777 in reply to Angep

Thanks both parents was very violent and the verbal abuse off my father was consistan running me down making me feel very self conscious. Going to school 8 years of age bsing sexually abused by my teacher in the store room. I just can't get it out of my mind mainly because I am a loner. I get good days though so not all bad. Thanks anyway.

Angep profile image
AngepStar in reply to Dodo777

I just can't get my head round how some people treat there children and on top of that your teacher too!! People who you should have been able to confide in and feel safe with!! I'm so sorry Dodo. It must be so hard for you to put it mildly!! Your parents didn't deserve you. I hope you have some kind of emotional support ? I wish I had the answers to help make it all ok for you. I can actually feel the sense of sadness and emptiness about you. I still believe in hope!! I hope that one day you find a way to put it all to rest so you can Have a peaceful mind and life.

2670 profile image
2670 in reply to Dodo777

Jesus loves you. And so do I. Turn your eyes to him. And let God become your perfect father. My father molested my sister then he molested all 4 of my girls. Then killed himself when I found out. I suffered for so many years. Praying is really the only thing that helps. I'm not alone. I've felt the power of the Holy Spirit in my life and I need to be strong for my girls. The. Monster is dead. It's our time to shine. To let God turn all our bad into good. How? By helping others. Use your experience to encourage others. It'll bring such peace to ur heart. I love you very much. And will pray for complete healing. I'm also in your age range. 45. It's going to be ok.

Dodo777 profile image
Dodo777 in reply to 2670

Wow only now read your message thank you so much for telling me your horrible story.

I do read about God and did attend a service in fact I've tried a few times but feel very uncomfortable.

Thanks again 🤗

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Dodo777

Dodo, this is so beyond me that I hardly know what to say. I keep writing and then deleting it. I do think it is good for you to use the forum for support. Know that you are always surrounded by comfort and caring when here.

marsbarr profile image

I am so sorry Dodo777. But thank God you have made it this far.

sweetiepye profile image

Dodo, I'm sorry you see yourself as broken, that's hard. My Father died when I was five, my Mother was a beast. I am a survivor . You can be too. All of us have something hard to live with,but we need to move on. You are spinning your wheels living in the past. The future is yours, you can make your own choices Have ice cream for breakfast , I often do. If you are good to people you won't be lonely . Believe that there are others worse off and they could use your help. It doesn't need to involve money, it needs to involve care Your Parents have done enough don't let them do any more. Pam

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