what is the different between physiatrist and nurgrolist? just asking just wanted to check because ever sense i smoked weed i had effected me just wanted to make sure my brain is good something didnt happen because my nerves are really serious always shaking my vision feels wierd aswell as always everyday
double checking if its anxiety or somethin... - Anxiety Support
double checking if its anxiety or something else

Physiatrist is someone who would deal with like the treatment plan and a nerologist is someone who would examine the problem that is brain or nerve related and diagnosis you.
Ok thank you would you think i should go to a nerologist but i been to hospital and they say its anxiety i went to alot of times to hospital do you think might need a cat scan
I've to been to the hospital constantly thinking that i have more than anxiety. What are your symptoms that make you want to get a CT scan?
because its like always feeling a trigger on my head its like when i listen music loud and am singing or something i feel this wierd feeling then my heart start racing out of no where but when i feel that fingling i feel like my head tingling or something is just strange
Yea thats anxiety, its the nerves in our body. Am dealing with the samething. In addition to that i feel like my bodies vibrating and am constantly shaking. But that crawling/tingling feeling is becuase of the anxiety and then because of the weird feeling your heart starts to race.
Yeah am sorry i might be annoying always posting stuff but sense this is my first time i never expericed this feeling soo its like aswell sometimes it hard to explain i been having this for two months already ever sense i smoked weed but does it invovled aswell your vision ?
Yea anxiety can cause blurry vision but, if you need to put your mind at ease, you can always check with the nerologist but you would have to go to a private one. Hospitals tend to not help so much unless its urgent. I find that having a test puts you mind at ease that its only the anxiety, but then you will constanly find something wrong with your body and thats alot of money being wasted. With anxiety it makes you aware of any little thing that happens in your body. If you need someone to talk to or anymore questions. Feel fee to ask away.
Yeah i have a private one tommarow she wants me to go its my first time meet her but am just pranoid with all these feeling i get always feel like body is sore like i hit the gym but i havent like always at night my arms and legs chest pains aswell
I understand Johnnie. Been through that myself years ago. I did see a physiatrist, but like skyfil said, it was more of a treatment plan. I found myself in a chair having a stretching device under my chin that pulled and let go for 20 min. I was freaking out, actually fighting the machine lol
Next step was a neurologist who did the office tests for signs of brain/muscle/nerve issues and then I was given an MRI. It boiled down to anxiety once more but at least it cleared up a lot of "what ifs" for me.
It's your body, you have every right to take care of it and feel better.
yeah am just worrying alot this feeling am just trying to enjoy my life but for a minute i thought something was about to happen was just feeling on my head with tingling like rushing and my heart started pounding fast
Johnnie, your heart pounding fast is the aftermath of feeling that rush and tingling in your head. I know because I have gotten it many times in front of this computer. It would come over me suddenly, strong enough to send my head forward and have me hang onto the desk until it passed.
I have never told the doctor about it. I feel it has something to due with the immense tightness in my neck which I feel might impinge on a nerve and cause that feeling. If I ever went to a neurologist, I would certainly mention it. I don't get it as frequently now so I would suspect that anxiety played a big part in it.
Yeah i just feel like everything that triggering it its my head honestly am always feeling dizzy aswell blurry vision or feeling like my head is heavy am just scared dont want nothing really bad to happen to me still young and tryna live my life
I know you are young Johnnie but Anxiety knows no age. We all feel the same symptoms, it's how we handle it when it happens that differs.
Yeah you right do drinking effect your anxiety?
I don't drink Johnnie, but that's a personal decision. Never drink when on anti-anxiety or anti-depressants. Not a good combination. As for drinking in general when on no meds, alcohol tends to dehydrate you and can cause some head feelings. Best then to make sure you have a glass of water for every drink you have..
Alright then so i shouldnt worry about these feelings or sympthoms ?
Johnnie, all you describe does sound like anxiety but because of getting these symptoms after smoking weed it's best to follow up with a neurologist. Then you will know, once and for all, exactly what is causing these symptoms.
Johnnie, don't drink! That is my best advice I can give you. Agora1 is right. When you take any benzodiazepines(xanax, etc) and or SSRI's ( Anti Depressants) don't drink. The reason is will mess up your brain. Causes the adrenals to kick in and you never relax. This is because alcohol and marijuana help produce GABA. This is a relaxing chemical. But once you quit the alcohol and or marijuana, your brain goes haywire because it depended on it. It takes alot of time for the brain and body to heal.
But am not on any medication i been trying to control it myself i have medication but i havent took any yet
What medication did they prescribe to you?
proxetine 10mg
Is that for anxiety
Yeah it is
I would take it. It will help your symptoms.
just to make sure nothing happen with my brain or something after smoking that day?
Yes. Do that first.
Have you told your first doctor you smoked marijuana?
when i went to the emergency the first time
I would let all of your doctors know this. How many times did you smoke marijuana?
i was smoking weed for about two or three years and around thanks giving you know it hit me really hard and i been this way for two months like during those years you know every i would smoke sometimes my hesrt beat fast and i wasnt paying no mind to it but now idk why it really hit me hard but been to hospital do blood work alot of times went to heart docter everything is normal they that i have anxiety disorder but right now at the the moment am at the neorologist
Ahh, this now makes sense. You are going through withdrawal. This is why you are having these symptoms. Tell your neurologist what you did and how long. There are meds that can assist during the withdrawal period. Remember when I told you it's anxiety? Well it is and plus the withdrawal. The withdrawal process causes severe anxiety and symptoms. But the good news is, your brain and body will heal. It takes a lot of time. Trust me. Been there and did that with 2 years of beer drinking. Had every symptom you have plus some. It will get better. But don't smoke it anymore or replace it with alcohol and other drugs.
The same thing happens to me and sometimes it happens back to back...but when i feel it happening i try to calm down and that helps sometimes. But now am dealing with a constant shortness of breath But hopefully I can get my body to relax soon.
yeah yo thats really crazy because sometimes i feel
that aswell like am like whats going on i cant breath sometimes like i dont believe is anxiety sometimes i get mad and want to curse out the docter or something like how if i feel these things physically all the time
I ALWAYS wanna fight my doctor, i tell him it has to be more to this than anxiety. But I've learned to accept that its the anxiety and when my mind trys to make up wreid situations....I just constantly tell myself am fine and its only "anxiety". So am trying to relax more and stop wasteing my money and making my doctor rich.
Could it possibly have anything to do with the weed , being that it started since the beginning of taking it ?