What are your anxiety symptoms? ☺️
What kind of anxiety you have?!: What are... - Anxiety Support
What kind of anxiety you have?!

Blushing. The minute someone puts any attention on me. 👹
Over thinking about things from my past, over thinking about things that have happened today, I get little bits if depression that can last a second but are debilitating, or depression that lasts for days. If I don't feel well I sometimes think I am dying or going to be very ill.

We have the same kinds of symptoms, it sucks living with anxiety.. i hope today you'll feeling good
It sure does suck. But the last few months I have been managing it better, as soon as I start to get the bad thoughts etc I tell myself I am OK and I manage to think of something good, it seems to help a lot.
Are you feeling OK today? ☺

I would have to do what your doing right now, i havent been feeling like myself ever since i had my baby but im trying everyday to stay positive and stop thinking negative

I'm the same thinking I'm going to die. Worst thing can do is google ur symptoms. Never do myself any favours
I used to Google my symptoms, worst thing you can do.
Rayrsy27 i know how you feel i hate it bc i spend my entire day searching for symptoms. How old are you if you dont mind me asking?
I'm 27. How old are you. I know why do we do it to ourselfs on google. I started reading the secret 2 days ago I'm feeling bit more positive. Have u ever tried. Or listen to Louise hay on YouTube. It's called how to love yourself. Worth a listen. My counsellor told me to listen to her hope it helps x
Rayray27 im 25 yes it's just annoying how when we google our symptoms we feel a lot worst. I will deff listen to the counsellor.
I listen to the very same meditation. I think about the past and I feel guilty over everything even when I shouldn't. I have a lot of self-hate so I'm trying to learn to love myself. I think Louise Hays voice is comforting. I thought I could handle anything because I knew the " secret" . I used to teach it before I took medication that cause me to have anxiety for the first time in my life. It also caused me to be very very depressed with a lot of guilt and feeling unworthy. It also caused me to have extreme fear especially when I'm by myself
I used to spend soo much time googling.. to the point where I felt like I knew everything and all the doctors are wrong! It's crazy what we put ourselves through! 😩
No idea what kind but constantly lightheaded and panic attacks in the sunlight and fluorescent lights.
Stabbing/Sharp pains all throughout body especially chest and head. Dizziness, insomnia, constipation, trouble swallowing, palpations, gas, tingling, numbness, ringing ears, tension, chronic headaches, muscle stiffness, spasms, tmj (tmd), jaw pain, facial pain, gum pain, muscle pain, joint pain, scalp sensitivity, irritability, lost of appetite, over eating, no sex drive, lost of interest in affection, acid reflux, cold spots in skull area (like wet spots that tense up), trembling, clicking/popping in ear (from jaw of course), and alot of head pressure, pressure in sinus, pressure at the roof of my mouth
Basically everything. I've managed to google every symptom because of my health anxiety. Been to every hospital in my state, taken every test, I've been diagnosed with being a Super Saiyan health as can be. But yet, I feel like I'm falling apart. I barely ever sleep. My eczema flare ups are through the roof.
That's a lot of symptoms. I do have quite a few like yours, but would swap my diarrhea for your constipation quite happily.
Rolling feelings of dread daily. I call it the sinking feeling. Medication has helped some, but some days it just won't quit and depression kicks in. Plus a lot of other symptoms, but this is the worst.
Hi, very typical GAD. Constant worry, racing thoughts, restless, inability to handle any stress, great difficulty letting go. I get very impatient, easily angered. Until 4 years ago I self medicated with food. After that alcohol until very recently. Stopped drinking completely. Does not jive with meds and actually made me worse
One more thing. Social isolation, that really sucks
I have travel anxiety ibs d if there's no toilet I need one which has rules my life since 1995 bar a couple periods it went came back
Anxiety around my children if they're well and safe
Health anxiety as I nearly died in 2015
I get upset stomach
Clench my teeth at night
I get chest pains
Worry badly
Mine stems from childhood an a alcoholic father beating my mum weekly I've seen things no child should see
Sadly parents damage children for life

I feel I can connect with u you, cos your type of anxiety and also its causes match up with mine.
As for this chest pain I've tried a home remedy : ginger tea. Ginger tea is the same as regular tea where you add ginger to it. I prefer having mine without adding milk to my tea and add a teaspoon or two of sugar. This doesn't help with anxiety but with regular use, 2 cups of tea a day in my case it has completely solved my issue with heart burns or chest pains. BTW, this could also help with your upset stomach. Expect positive results by the third week.
Images of an abusive father are hard to forget. I'm 30 and still live with my parents. They don't fight as often as they used to. But I can't control myself to think that the next one is just around the corner...
My symptoms are my hands get sweetie, I feel my throat is closing, I feel my chest closing in, I feel the blood rushing threw me, I get extremely hot.. I feel like I'm literally dying... not fun... I absolutely hate my anxiety...
I hate all these symptoms, i got all the symptoms you guys mentioned.
Health anxiety (heart) always thinking the doctors missed something... pounding heart... fast heart rate. Even though the doctors say I'm fine

Me too omg this is my same problem. How old are you if you dont mind me asking?!
25! 😩

Omg omg me too 😂😩
🙋🏼😳 the struggle!!! Lol

It's real lol you have kids?!
Yep I have a 5 and a 2 year old. Love them to death! I'm always afraid I'm gonna like die and they won't have a mom anymore 😒
But they keep me going! How about you

Omg i can relate to you all the way i also have 2 kids one is 1 & the other one is just 2 months lol. They are my motor to keep going. It sucks bc all we can actually do is think about them.
Oh wow you have your hands full! Did your anxiety start after your youngest was born? I feel like that's when mine started.. for whatever reason. I had my first and worse panic attack when he was around one or so. Had to call anambulance and everything. Since then I've had anxiety 🤷🏼♀️
Health anxiety due to a head injury back in June last year. Every night I think I will die because I experience mild tension type headaches in the forehead area...tried CBT-it helped slightly but not made a big difference. Not as bad as back in Sep-Aug right now but...for instance I think that if I go to the gym and start lifting this would trigger a hemorrhage so fear for my life and every night I sleep in terror fearing the day I live in will be the last. Been diagnosed with severe hypochondria.
Pretty much the same as you guys have said hun and I get very annoyed with things like if I go to pick something up and drop it and do it again ....and drop it ......on the 3rd time it's either kicked or swore at and then I wind myself up from it ??? I have agitated depression so that's the kinds of things that set me off but I get worked up if I'm having a bad day health wise and my anxiety is through the roof if I know I've got to go out to town that same day .I also have a lot of guilt issues that pop into my head daily and they upset me also xxx
If I try doing too many things at once or if I am in a stressful situation my face and ears get extremely hot and turn bright red. I begin shaking, feel weaker than normal, nauseous, etc. but it depends on how bad the situation is. I also will get easily angered and feel on the verge of tears and feel like I'm about to have a panic attack if I don't go somewhere by myself and calm down and focus on my breathing. It makes me feel helpless. Other than physical things that you can see, I get really anxious easily (sometimes. it depends on the situation and the people around me) and I hate it when people talk too loudly and all at once!. I start to get panicky when that happens.
Im constantly dizzy, and it gets worse when I'm lying in my bed trying to sleep. IT feels like I'm loosing my mind..