Finally I plucked up the curige to ring the docs and get a home visit after all this time in putting it off
Finally : Finally I plucked up the curige to... - Anxiety Support

hope you got your home visit,im lucky if i ever do,dr insisted i attend surgery on one time i requested a home visit even though i felt i couldnt go out and then did not attend to my problem

I hope it goes well to first time I've requested a home visit my anxciety is so bad I need to get the help and support i need and hopefuly with time be able to get out the house more x
do you have your own family/partner.dogs?my dog is my support and gets me out of the house.

Yes I have my little girl n partner to help I just find it really hard to even go to the shop and that's only down the road.
That's why I need to get some help as my partner works all the time so I'm home all day just need a boost to get me out the house even it's jut a trip to the park or a little walk
have you thought about getting a dog-then you could do those walks to the park

Yes we have been thing about getting a dog it's just finding the right one as I have a 2 year old
do you have a local rescue centre,they test all dogs with children/cats/other dogs and they work to overcome any issues -at least mine does,staffies are great with children and overlooked in rescue centres.
where do you live?
Really Good News
Maybe jot a few things down so you don't forget to tell them everything
Hope it goes well , let us know
Take Care x

Yes took a lot for me to ring them n yes I will hopefuly the doc will be here soon hate waiting 🙂
I know the waiting can feel the worse but soon will be here and you will feel so much better for taking this first step in trying to get some help , you can do it , remember they are just a human being nothing more just like us but here to help x

Yh it sure is lol I will keep u posted once doc has been 🙂
glad it went well and that you have an understanding gp.
Yes me to I was thinking they were going to say I was fine but I said to her that I need help with my anxciety and she said she could see how it was affecting me just by my body language