So today after I ate Brussels sprouts and bacon and rice with egg. Maybe an hour after I started feeling a sharp pain on my right side by belly button and of course my anxiety started I am scared it could be something serious..
Stomach pain: So today after I ate Brussels... - Anxiety Support
Stomach pain

That is rather a strange combination you have eaten together there , I have never eaten those 3 foods together and to be honest the eggs and sprouts are both well known foods to give you indigestion and the sharp pains you are getting will be just that in fact I an surprised you have not got wind
I am not a Doctor but I do not think this is anything serious other than indigestion
Maybe try a glass of milk and it will pass
Take Care x

Lol just seen your reply after I tried saying same
It's weird that I came across this! I have had so many problems in the last month with my stomach and my right side pain.. well I just had surgery and got my gallbladder removed and my appendix. Here all along those two things were causing me problems! I'm not trying to scare you but If the pain continues I would go to the doctor. I literally had surgery 5 days ago.. And after I heal I hope most of my anxiety goes away cause I was always dealing with these problems. Wish you the best!

I got my gallbladder remove 7 years ago but not my appendix

He she not got your problems as I had yours Inc removal and have IBS as did all my family have 1 of the ibd famy but they're all dead by 42 yrs old. The fact he's eaten eggs with Brussel sprouts and rice would cause severe wind and severe constipation. Pain on right side will be constipation as what he or she not said was they're diet in many days wks months or even yrs before it. The youngsters if today eat rubbish like Mac D's , chips, fatty cheap rubbish and very few cook anything that's got veg and fruit in it. Why we have the serious obesity levels. There would be no need for enemas prescriptive meds such as stool softeners and more invasive like ohosoate enemas I used be on 25 yrs ago due to all drugs I took, drugs as in prescribed morphines etc. Today's society are lazy and think it's cheaper easier eat crap than cook yet they could make their own vegetable soup for 2 days and add chicken etc but least be healthy and costs nothing as soup. Cheaper than Mac D's and lot healthier.
It could actually be gas. Believe me, if you had appendicitis or gallbladder issues you will not be sitting down writing, but in terrible pain. Try some mint tea or chamomile with no sugar. And avoid brussel sprouts, bacon and eggs if you have stomach issues. Rice and potatoes are good.
Called constipation and wind. Eggs Brussels all cause wind a d rice and all cause constipation. A better diet is needed and not do many foods together that cause both stated!!