okay , so since Friday , my stomach has been hurting on and off . on Friday , i had drank a venti frap from starbucks and my stomach started to hurt really bad but then i took a tums and it went away . but right after that , i started having bad cramps (my period ended on Wednesday btw) and i took iIbuprofen and it took a while for it to go away . but then on Saturday , it started up again , but it went away but came back and went away and etc . and it's doing it today too . what's going on ?
Stomach hurting on and off ? : okay , so... - Anxiety Support
Stomach hurting on and off ?
Try using soymilk at Starbucks.... that's what I did and all stomach cramping is gone
I have what I call my stomach panic attacks. When you get anxious the blood flows away from your stomach and into the vital organs also your muscles for your fight or flight response. This can also make you want to be sick, and go to the toilet. It is a natural response and nothing to be scared of. It is your body protecting itself. My stomach cramps are so debilitating, I also get excessive burning. Deep breathing exercises help. Hope this helps? Take care.
Hi Mewmew, reassuring to hear I am not the only one. The main symptom of my anxiety is stomach cramps, nausea, wretching and, just occasionally if I am lucky, I will actually throw up!! I know what you mean about debilitating and the fear of throwing up is pretty intense.
I am having CBT and do the deep breathing (indeed I recommend apps for the mobile that time it). But are there are other emergency remedies that work for you?
Do Tums help with the cramps? I have had mixed success with those...
I've had it for years, gaviscon is good. Although now for me I know its my anxiety and any remedies were just coping mechanisms. If you catch it early and do not get even more anxious about it, you can stop it becoming a full blown panic attack! (Easier said than done, I know). If I get a sharp twinge my mind goes from 0 to 100 straight away. You need to reprogramme your brain, (mine also) too just say its indigestion. (Also easier said than done). I avoid foods as when I have been anxious and not really known about it, I have associated it with them foods to making me sick. What you need to do is eat or drink one of your no no foods and then go out or keep yourself busy for a couple of hours. If you are fine and haven't thought about it you know it is your anxiety making you think the food is hurting you. I now eat bananas (funny I know) they used to cause really bad cramping. If it causes pain now I know its because of the past, I have eaten several and been ok. Just keep telling yourself you will be ok. I always advise to see a doctor first just in case there is an underlying problem. Bad thing to say to any one with anxiety, but get first. Hope this helps. Take care.
Thanks for the tips.
I saw my doctor and she said straightway, like it was obvious, that it was anxiety. She sent me packing with some anti-depressants (which I haven't taken) and sent me off for CBT. The CBT is good and I also have some hypnosis.
Your reply is really useful and will try and practice what you say when trying to catch it early.
Funny about the bananas, those are one of the few things that I CAN eat when I have the nausea. Peppermint tea isn't bad for the nausea. If I am on the go, peppermint gum is okay (but can lead to bloating).
I have tried ginger (which apparently a lot of people use), but that came up straight away. My body made it clear it wasn't having any of that.
This is mind over body stuff. I do try Telling myself that I am not in danger and have nothing to fear (to the extent it gets boring to hear).
I will also remind myself that in some cases it is just good old indigestion and drunk plenty of water.
When anxious I do get the raised heartbeat, burping, sweating (sorry to be so graphic) ... But out of all of this the nausea and sometimes puking is the worst!! It SUCKS!!!
You can still have a touch of pms after your cycle. Also it sounds like that frappe didnt agree with you. I often get very uoset stomach durng and after that time of the month. May just be nerves !! Worrying makes it worse as I have nervous stomach!
It can be many things, all I can suggest if you are worried let your GP know, so make an appointment
It sounds that they know and you have told them about your condition and getting some support, although if it is so persistent follow former advice
It can be many things, all I can suggest if you are worried let your GP know, so make an appointment
It sounds that they know and you have told them about your condition and getting some support, although if it is so persistent follow former advice