I'm so frecking out every one in my house has the stomach flu.in driving my self crazy that I'm going get it I'm so scaredof getting sick that I'm making my self sick with anxiety. I can't control my anxiety.does anyonelse else deal with heath anxitey? Help.
Heath anxiety please help constance. - Anxiety Support
Heath anxiety please help constance.

I suffer with Health Anxiety but I am OK if everyone else is ill then if I get ill I know it is for a reason. I stress if I am the only one that comes down with a bug and when I do get a bug mine seems to go on for months where my family members get over it in a matter of days . Best thing to do is just drink plenty of water eat more veg stay of dairy food and meat until the bug left your home it might help it might not but your anxiety will make you feel low so try not let it
Thanks . I'm trying to say to myself I have no control of this .hoping I will believe it if I say it enough lol. I'm getting ready to take a klonopin.to see if it helps. That would suck to have a bug for months . I think when you have heath anxitey like we do I know I make things worse and then the getting sick. thanks for the great advice. Stay well!!
And you will be worrying more as you do not need these bugs just days before Xmas :/
I am with you there friends and family all seem to be coming down with the Flu . I have had my Flu Jab but I am so hoping my kids nor I come down with this flu