In pain: Idk why but liver is hurting... - Anxiety Support

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Crystal88 profile image
21 Replies

Idk why but liver is hurting feeling uncomfortable whole body aches maybe its the wheather

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Crystal88 profile image
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21 Replies
Goldfish_ profile image

How many more things can you find to worry about?

Can't you see you are reinforcing your health anxiety?

Crystal88 profile image
Crystal88 in reply to Goldfish_

Can u exsplane how please

antianxiety profile image
antianxiety in reply to Goldfish_

anxiety doesnt allow you to believe its anxiety so in crystals defence i know how your mind makes you believe its something worse..

just take it day for day and trust in God at all times

Crystal88 profile image
Crystal88 in reply to antianxiety

Im trying im doing my best thank you i apprecaite it i really do i dont have alot of friends i really appreciate it 😆

antianxiety profile image
antianxiety in reply to Crystal88

no problem im here anytime you need to talk please let me know. anxiety for me started in 2011 and everyday a battle of fear and constant pains but i am a loved daughter of God and know that God will never let me go through anything if i could not handle it.

Crystal88 profile image
Crystal88 in reply to antianxiety

True! thank you can i ask you a question?

antianxiety profile image
antianxiety in reply to Crystal88

anything if i am able to help

Crystal88 profile image
Crystal88 in reply to antianxiety

Thank you

jrcnpg profile image
jrcnpg in reply to antianxiety

What God has to do with anything I fail to understand. Religion, of any variety, is nothing more than a cop out, surrendering your thoughts and actions to someone or something else. Have you read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins or 'The Myth of Sisyphus' by Albert Camus?

antianxiety profile image
antianxiety in reply to jrcnpg

jrcn thank you for the interesting reply any reply always appreciated. Believe me I have no delusion when it comes to God and that He is more then your mind or my own can even crasp..yes He comforts me in my times of need and holding on to Him daily that gives me strenght..i do not force my believes on any one but my God will always at the end of the day be glorified in anything i mention you may choose to just scroll down and not read my reply or read it and make your opinion like yourself. Thank you for allowing me to see why i need to pray for so many people each day. I dont need a book to tell me if God is real or not as His presence is everywhere even as i read your comment I smiled and just said Thank You Lord i know Your harvest is plenty but Your workers are few.

jrcnpg profile image
jrcnpg in reply to antianxiety

I appreciate and do not wish to make idle comments about your God, but if your God exists then he is not a benevolant God is he? How many wars have there been, and still are ongoing, in the name of religion? Why is it that so many people are starving in this world, how many kiddies murdered in the name of religion and the Nazi atrocities in the second world war? He seemed to speak to people quite often in the bible but not these days. Should people, like the founder of the Mormons, endeavour to get their 'message' across their first port of call would not be in any religious institution but a psychiatric unit. Empirically it is impossible for your kind of God to exist. The closing few paragraphs in Einstein's 'Special Theory of Relativity' speaks of your God saying 'What choice God had in this matter [the creation of the universe] it is hard to tell.' I know that religion is a comfort to many people and so be it. At my primary school we had Religious Studies thrust on us in an alarming manner and being so young and with that kind of activity, I had a firm belief in God, a Christian God, yet when I reached the age of 11 and began secondary school and actually began to think about things, my belief in God dwindled. The Jehovas Witnesses will see people die before consenting to a blood transfusion and when two of them knocked on my front door and I asked them why that should be their answer was that they wanted the purity of the blood line to continue and not be contanimated by blood in the form of a transfusion. That, to me at least, sounds like the lunatics in the Nazi movement, headed by the bizarre beliefs of Hitler, with the word eugenics as a way of approaching their cruelty. If your God comforts you each day, why are you a member of a site given over (quite informative) site with mental health issues? I shall let your God be with you now.

antianxiety profile image
antianxiety in reply to jrcnpg

you seem to be angry like alot and i can see that you do alot of reading regardig religion making me believe that your still very much so confused..i am on this site because we share and sharing helps helping someone else with the many trails i have been through now that in itself makes me understand why God allows these burdens in my life. You blame God for all the wars kids dying and just all the bad stuff right?? well wonderful thing about my God as you put it He is so gracefull he does not inforce his will on anyone He wants us to love Him but still gives you freedom to choose. People kill, people make wars, people murder. As for the jehova witnesses i do not criticise what they believe but personally speaking i have my personal relationship with God and thats what matters to me..i will not have all the answeres for your so wonderfull statements but i know that for now we will not truly understand why but one day we will till then i will as you say " be with my God"..

jrcnpg profile image
jrcnpg in reply to antianxiety

I am not angry nor am I confused. When you say that God gave us freedom to choose, you have isolated the fundamental principle that led me to the beliefs I now hold. Determinism (freedom to choose) implies that our lives are planned out for us,that there is nothing we as human beings can effectively do about such a matter and that salvation is the only thing to look forward to. Kierkegaard, the philosopher, spent almost the whole of his life attempting to reconcile orthodox Christianity with his deep rooted existential beliefs. He never could complete that task because the two sets of beliefs are so diversley different meaning any merger of the two is an impossibility. Theoretical physicists have to work from the assumption that all matter stems from the fact that first there was nothing and then there was something, the big bang and the rapid inflation of the universe. What there was before the big bang is a moot point and is largely not a topic of inspection by theoretical physicists because it inclines itself more towards philosophy rather than empirical science. I admire people with faith; it is, I think, a great comforter and allows people to live their lives without any kind of judgement either of themselves or anyone else but I still maintain that it is simply that, a comforter and nothing else. I agree with you that it is people who create violence and war yet they do so in the name of their religious beliefs, their God. And so be it.

antianxiety profile image
antianxiety in reply to jrcnpg

we can have a discussion on this topic the whole year you and i as i can tell we are both head strong on our believes and its admirable. I truly truly have no miss conseption when it comes to God and all He has done in my life and my children. I feel Gods love each and every day to me its not a comforter and only that it is who i am...I am a child of God. Thank you for your interesting back feed on your education regarding phylosiphy and there take on this..I choose to stand firm but do respect your believes..

May you have a great day.


Goldfish_ profile image
Goldfish_ in reply to Goldfish_

The more time you spend thinking or acting on worrying the more you will ensure it persists. This is an established psychological fact as it becomes hard wired.

Crystal88 profile image
Crystal88 in reply to Goldfish_

So i should keepmy self occupied all the time?

Goldfish_ profile image
Goldfish_ in reply to Crystal88

If you can plan a full day which gets your mind somewhere away from yourself, you will feel better. But it's easier said than done. Only leave a short time each day when you allow thoughts about yourself - say 20 minutes.

This is the basis of mindfullness and distractions

Understand you suffer anxiety, give your concern the weekend then decide how you feel. If you have talked to your GP about this He would have explained this problem with you.

However if you feel so sure that it is a new problem talk to your GP


Please Crystal 88 I think you may have said you've got children?

Then it's really and even MORE important regarding the struggle with alcohol - you need support from the right quarters - you have many many more 12 Step programs than we have over here - Please if only for the sake of your children get this help ASAP - I was the child and am the Adult Child of the Alcoholic -ACA -and my mother's continual drinking and unpredictable behaviour conditioned me to get into dangerous relationships with men problem drinkers - It's put me into very VERY dangerous problems- if your children never see you change and get clean they will have little chance of a better future - It's taken a life time to try and change my perception of what a decent relationship should be or look like - You really do need to think of your children in all of this - they deserve it - like me they didn't ask to be born into all of this.

Crystal88 profile image
Crystal88 in reply to

Thank you i dont drink every day but i understand where u coming from i appreciate it

in reply to Crystal88

i'm afraid Crystal it's not about how often but more about what happens when you DO and about the Binge drinking that is even MORE damaging to the body and brain - We have a duty to ourselves to treat our bodies with respect - we only have the One -I'm sure you never want to end up like a 'cabbage' and brain dead or senseless and helpless - this would be a DISASTER - Your children will be SHIT SCARED and feeling GUILTY that they can't do anything to help - I'm sure you wouldn't want for them to end up with selfish sick men using and abusing them and taking advantage of their unnecessary misplaced guilt they learned from what they saw in childhood - because sure as hell this will be their legacy - if things don't change NOW - it's Critical that something MUST CHANGE quickly - Please Crystal if not for you right now do it for them - and they will recognise your courage because it will take courage - I apologised to my own children that I wasn't able to be the mother they really needed - but that I did do the best I could with the knowledge I had at the time. There's book in libraries 'Feel The Fear But Do It Anyway '(don't know that author) and another called 'Women Who Love Too Much by Robin Norwood - Have you ever been hit by your partner? Because it sounds like his behaviour is unreasonable. And perhaps deliberately trying to provoke as happened to me in my marriage -

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