So sick of this, no one believed me. Sometimes I don't think life is worth living
Sick of being in pain, no diagnosis - Anxiety Support
Sick of being in pain, no diagnosis
O Holly
Life will be worth living again hun you wait & see
I no when we feel like this it feels that way , & patience can run out or feel it has but you will get there with all this
Now not sure exactly what pain you are talking about
I expect you have been to the GP & they have told you everything is OK & maybe they have said its anxiety which even though I no it can be hard to believe alot of times they are right , but if you are not happy & really believe its something else , ask for a second opinion or see another GP in same surgery
Everyone is here for you , keep talking
Seen 2 neuros 2 GPs and they all think I'm ok, it's so frustrating
O Holly
That is quite a few then you have seen , i mean 1 been wrong I would say yes , 2 maybe 3 pushing it but all 4 saying you are ok the odds start stacking that they could be right & I no that doesnt help
What have they said it is anxiety ?
Really feel for you holly, I remember feeling real bad this time last week, Id had enough and was ready to give up but the support on here kept me going.. Having a good day today so its always worth trying... Hugs chick.
Thanks. They think its anxiety but can't get motor neuron motor disease out of my head. It's making me ill. I can't sleep and I am losing sleep. I am a mess
Holly I do now what its like to have a fear that relates to health
Like you say this disease is in your head & after been seen by 4 in the medical profession if there was the slightest possibility they would be doing something believe me , would be more than their job was worth not to
Are you getting help with your anxiety , I no you may have said
Try & throw the thoughts out when they come in I no its not easy , but with practice you can
Please resist google , it will make you a 100 times worse
Do this a day at a time , keep coming on each day & let people try & help
On sertraline and having CBT not having much effect

Sorry to hear how down you are just now Holly. I know how difficult it can be to shift an idea. But as whywhy said, honestly if there was any chance you had Motor Neurone they would be doing something.
I know I've mentioned it before that my daughter has also been told not to google or seek reassurance for her health anxieties. This has been a struggle but has brought remarkable results. I'm not saying she's cured, far from it, but she hasn't had a panic attack since we started this & she said herself she is not 'obsessing' so much.
I'm not sure where you have pain but my dd complains of pain daily in her ribs, legs & back, weakness, tiredness, nausea, dizziness, fuzzy head, vision problems, difficulty swallowing. I could go on but that's all I can think of for now.
She is physically fine, all her symptoms can be attributed to her anxiety or her lifestyle because of her anxiety.
I do hope this reassures you a little. Please keep talking & let us know how you are doing.
Maybe you need to tell your GP , the meds might need changing , what works for one doesnt always work for another , think about going back & having a word how you feel