This is weird ? Anyone else? Head pressure ? Numbness
Feel like I have a rubber band around my h... - Anxiety Support
Feel like I have a rubber band around my head?
I have this feeling 24/7..that's how I describe it to people. It does ease with acceptance..try to carry on with your evryday activities and don't give it the attention it thrives on.
Peter. why does the bottom read *condom* lol made me laugh. Sorry, but i hardly laugh so thanks. And yes, I get so many weird head symptoms and I hate em all but the best thing I do is ignore it. I have had enough head scans and medical bills just to be told I am fine! 😮
Since you said you've had a lot of weird head symptoms does the inside of your mouth and teethe I guess ever feel throbby? Lol! Idk how to explain it that's the best I can do
Yes , and my jaw
I think iv had every bloody thing that is possible from anxiety
I'm just like cool what's my body doing now lol
So funny you say jaw because I was literally icing my jaw today because it hurt so bad 😂 I have tmj I clench like all day and grind in my sleep 😭🙄
I get the feeling that a tight band is around my ankles stopping the blood flow to feet and lower legs, I can keep going - walking etc. doesn't make it worse but helps me not pay attention to the feeling. Anyone else get this sensation in legs and feet? I would think even worse if in head!!!