I'm 27 with 3 young children I'm struggling with depression and anxiety I can't concentrate on anything I find it hard to go out at all I feel sick most days can't seem to get of the sofa luckily I have an amazing partner who helps me so much I don't know what started it off maybe having a baby I haven't been to the doctors I think it's coz I'm to scared I would really like some advice and support xx
Please help: I'm 27 with 3 young children I... - Anxiety Support
Please help

Hi, sorry to hear how your feeling. I would advise you to go to your gp. I'm 27 too with young children, I've suffered for about 7/8 years. Was the same hardly left the house, would have a panic attack if I did. Maybe therapy like cbt would help you, or some meds, see what your doctor thinks. Do things little at a time, maybe just try walking round the block with your partner to start with x
You may very well just be overwhelmed. I would suggest you start with talking to your dr. Have you by any chance ever been diagnosed with ADD? There are a ton of reasons you could shut down when you feel overwhelmed but that's why I do it. If my house is destroyed when I get home I will go straight to my room and sleep and when I wake up I have anxiety. Both related to ADD.
This must be really difficult for you, because it may be that you feel guilty about not being able to do stuff, and that makes you feel worse. Anti-depressants have helped me cope, and I am sure they would help you cope too. When you are feeling a little better, therapy will help (check out the getselfhelp website), but, until then, see your doctor and be very kind to yourself! Pearwig.
Please please see your doctor they will give you lots of help If its post natal depression it can be treated its incredibly common You need help and advice but from a health professional We can all listen and give advice on here but it's not the same There's nothing to be scared of please make that appointment today and get on the road to recovery and enjoy being a mum again
All the very best xx
How about drawing up a daily schedule for you to follow. Start with a few items and build more tasks onto the schedule gradually. That way you do not have to think what to do, you just look at the chart and get on with it. Plan trips out immediately you get the kids up so anxiety does not have time to build.