Laying down and my heart feels like it beating super fast has anyone ever had this problem or is it just me
Heart racing : Laying down and my heart... - Anxiety Support
Heart racing

Morning, dont let it panic you its Just anxiety. Sip some water to keep hydrated and blood pressure down..if you cant sleep try some camomile tea with honey always helps me at night. 😊
when I first go to bed, my heart feels like it is going very fast then it slows, i have beenjust trying to sit on the edge of the bed for a few mins , that seems to help
Yes it's just your heart relaxing nothing to worry about
You need to go to your doctor or A&E asap as it sounds like you are tachycardic. I see from your previous posts you have shortness of breath & arm pain - I was like that, severe anaemia.

Hi Marisol91,
I have had that recently too. I put my feet up to watch the tv and my heart feels like its beating out of my chest. I get up and make a tea or something (my mind goes onto something else) and then it seems to go. It seems to be anxiety related.
I woke up last night from a dream that I was escaping from a mental hospital, & my heart was racing. It soon calmed down, it`s just anxiety or exitement.
yes i am having panic attacks since stopping fluoxitine, i am afraid to sleep as when i wake i am shaking and heart pounding, its terrifying, doctor said its anxiety but when it happens i feel frightened.