For about two weeks I've been having alot of pressure in my head. It feels like something is pressing my head down. It's scary, I believe it's my anxiety. I wish anxiety would just disappear and leave us alone
Pressure in my head: For about two weeks I... - Anxiety Support
Pressure in my head
I hear what your saying lovely there's times I feel pressure in my head but I describe it heaviness in my temples and forehead does that make any kind of sense
So far I've been told it's anxiety since I've been on meds it hasn't occurred
My head is wafie find it hand to concentrate feel like im going to explode
I have this feeling every week(at least few times a week) and haven't really been able to find the cause. Sometimes it feels like it may be food related, other times anxiety...who knows. Probably both. It's nothing dangerous(been like this for a long time and i'm still here).
I originated the post about head pressure and am very happy to let all of you know what got rid of this terrible problem for me! I first started using Maximum strength Aspercreme with 4% lidocaine. I rubbed it in to those places on my head that were "hurting". I have also found something else that stops the feeling of pressure: I take Fast Acting MigreLief NOW. 2 tablets to begin with and if pressure continues, can take 2 more in two hours. It works magic with me and am finally back to "normal", NO MORE HEAD PRESSURE. Hopes it works for some of you as wll as it has for me!!!!
I'm glad you found a way to get rid of it. Do you need to always take those? How long does it last? I am very hesitant with some of those pills and so that could cause me more anxiety.
I just started using the two products I talked about, and have not had to take anymore. However, it has just been a couple of days, so I don't know uf I cured the problem or not. If you will give me your email address, I will keep you posted with any progress or set backs.
I hope this info is helpful to you in deciding whether you want to try either one or both of these products in an effort to get rid of the "fullness" in your head:
I continue to be free from the symptoms I was experiencing for months. I have been ok for 3 full days and am counting. I used the Aspercreme for only 2 days; I took the MigreLief-Now the next two days and have not needed to take either for the last 3 days.
Thanks everyone....just like sexyjooles said it's hard to concentrate at times
I have this feeling as well and it can be caused or worsened by grinding your teeth while sleeping.
I get this too when feeling anxiety and stressed, also get ringing in head too. I find it helps to do more of the things i enjoy. Jules x
Hi Lovely85, Something is pressing your head down and that's the tightened muscles of our neck. When we are anxious, many people hold the anxiety with the neck and shoulders. Almost like a "swan's neck", not allowing proper alignment puts pressure on the nerves supplying blood flow to the head. When we are tense we also are not breathing properly which makes us hyperventilate. Another reason for pressure in the head is dehydration. For me, it's a signal that I need to drink more water. I also use relaxation techniques along with the deep belly breathing to calm the body down. At one time, I had physical therapy for myofascial release which is done by a medical therapist who uses acupressure on the lower back of the head and neck. You could actual hear and feel the pressure come down. It has to do with bodily fluids that get trapped in the connective tissues due to stress. As much as it worked, it became expensive and that's when I used the above techniques. I know it's a annoying feeling that feeds into our anxiety. Wish you all better days.
Hi I suffered with a continuous pressure in my head for 1.5 years and in the end I had some physio where they got me doing exercises for my neck and my headache went within a few days! I've had lot of stress and diagnosed with PTSD so that may have affected my neck muscles as u gave up exercise and put on weight.
Have this all the time. I was told that it is rebound headache due to taking paracetamol everyday for migraine!