does anyone here suffering from TMJ disorder and feel severe dizziness and bad anxiety?
TMJ and dizziness/anxiety problems - Anxiety Support
TMJ and dizziness/anxiety problems

The doctors say I have tmj but I don't even know. If I do then yeah I do have dizziness and anxiety associated with it. What does tmj feel like for you? I just grind my teeth and my jaw clicks alittle
exactly every time i open wide my jaw there's something wrong i heard the sound clicking. and i undergo to tmj transcranial and my tmj specialist confirmed me i have tmj. but my question is dizziness and anxiety are related to tmj symptoms?
This is a link to the symptoms of B12 deficiency
If you think it is a possibility then I would recommend that you join the PAS forum on health unlocked
Although there are blood tests for B12 deficiency (generally caused by absorption problems rather than lack of B12 in diet), there is a lot of variation in the way people respond to B12 - so much that just going on the figures from test results is not sufficient, so getting a diagnosis and proper treatment can be problematic.
I get dizziness every day from my health anxiety. Dizziness is my first sign that I'm getting worked up/anxious and is the reason I get so nervous (I worry that it's something More serious than just anxiety). My blood test results are fine but doctor told me that the pain im feeling in back teeth, jaw, around temples and head when eating or opening my mouth is TMJ and that I should go to the dentist for a mouth guard for night time (possibly when I'm grinding my teeth the most and not even realising).
Hope this helps xxx
I do I feel so dream like and spaced out like nothing is real. I get scared I have a brain tumor!
I have tension in my jaw because I clench my front teeth. I don't have pain but feel tension across and behind my nose. My scalp is tender when pressed in areas above my ears and at base of skull. I have constant balance/ dizziess problems. My neck is also very tense. I think I get painless migraines (vestibular migraine). My eyes are affected too. I think dizziness makes it more difficult to recover from anxiety. I'm trying to work on losing tension from my body.