After reading the book dare I was doing so well on and off for almost 2 months but over the last few weeks it's come back and gradually getting worse. It seems like it's one thing after another, first my DP came back then I had a week of the jitters then my legs hurt for a few days and now I have head pressure at the back of my head and neck and a funny sensation I can't seem to explain. I also had palps today and I just feel so scared and I'm worried about my health again. It's so frustrating when you think your getting over it and feeling good and then it comes back worse then ever :(((
Anxiety crap: After reading the book dare I... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety crap

Aww my god I feel ur pain I've been the exact same I keep gettin random palps but I kinda had a big weekend but I didnt think it did last this long lol so I duno wether to go to drs r not 😢
Try not to beat yourself up over this.It is quite normal to get setbacks like this in the early stages of recovery.Just have faith in yourself and start again , and keep relearning what works and float through the bad days, I just know from experience things gradually get better, and it's something you can't rush or cure in a short space of time, but knowing that setbacks are actually when the body is trying to adapt and overcome.....Best wishes.

Thank you I do know it's a setback but when you are in it its so hard to see it that way. I think I will read through the book again to get inspired.
Keep it simple because it really is when it comes to finding your way out of the maze the mind creates once it gets wrapped in anxiety.
Every thought , feeling and symptom is responding to a heightened state of sensitivity, you alone hold the key to how you keep responding to the way your body reacts.
Learn to relax through repeated relaxation exercises at least 15 mins twice a day.
Practice diaphragmatic breathing and learn to recognise when you begin to tense up.
And "allow" the feelings to do what they do , no matter how bad it makes you feel
This will get less and less as you " float " through these attacks.They are horrible but harmless.
I am not going to write on this site anymore. So I wish you and everyone else well and and complete recovery.

Thank you so much for your advice I will definitely take it in board. And good luck to you. Is there a reason you won't be writing in the board?