Female 59 years old. Married with two sons and a grand daughter.
Help and support: Female 59 years old... - Anxiety Support
Help and support

Hun what do you need help on? Could you explain to us your situation or how you are feeling?
Back in January of this year, I felt a lump on the side of my neck, and assumed I had cancer. I thought I was going to die, and a few months after I kept thinking about this, I started noticing my chest getting warm, night sweats and pain once in a while in my chest. I went to the doctor recently, and they said there was no problem with my neck, and so now I think I have other health problems. I do not know if this is anxiety now, due to me thinking I was dying. I am on zanax for the night sweats, which help, but still get pains in my chest, and I now have really dry mouth. My whole day is consumed with me thinking I now have other problems.
When you say your chest gets warm do you also feel a tingly sensation or get a fear of death....maybe feel like your going to pass out?
Yes I feel a tingly sensation, and do fear I am dying, but everyone tells me its just anxiety, which I can't believe anxiety can do this.
Oh yes anxiety does this to you. I think your experiencing what I get it's called health anxiety! This site is a great place to start as you will meet many that deal with this on a daily basis. There is meds that help, therapy, good nutrition if you smoke try to quit. If you need anything we are here. They usually only last 30 mins sometimes longer. Best thing to do that gets rid of that feeling quickly is a 30 second cold shower. Also sit on your hands for as long as you can sounds silly but works.
I am 59 years old, and keep thinking I am dying from something. I do smoke, and am trying to quit. I do get chest pains once in a while, but they seem to go away as quickly as they come. You said they only last 30 minutes, what do you mean by that?
I also think that I now have breast cancer too. This is devastating
Anxiety/panic attacks last an average of 30 mins sometimes less sometimes more. I was 34 when I had my first one and I was housebound for a year because I didn't know what they were. Please join our quit smoking support group. I to have recently quit smoking and they are wonderful people to talk to. Certain medicines cause anxiety as do vitamin deficiency. Especially vitamin B. If you try the natural route no medicines from Doctor try pharmagaba my cousin swears by it. Try to take deep breaths hold for 4 sec then let it out slowly.
I actually do not have a panic attack. All of a sudden I just get the flush chest, a little tingling at times, and a pain that comes and goes.
I get that feeling too...I just get on here when it happens and talk to people till it goes away.
Sorry there are so many people that have this. I was thinking I was all by myself. Like right now my chest feels like it's on fire. Weird
I know I tried to explain it to my family but they just not get it. It hot weird feeling and mine went all through my body but started with my chest.
Mine just stays in my chest for a while then just goes away. No one in my family understands either. Think I'm going to go get a mammogram.
I'm hoping it's not some type of cancer, like lung or breast.
Have you had a lung X-ray in the past or blood work done. I get a good check up every six months to keep check on things.
I just had all my blood work done a couple weeks ago and everything was good there. But no x-Ray. They didn't see any signs of lung cancer since everything else was ok but since I smoked they wanted me to go have a low dose CT scan done. I looked that up and what they do and doesn't sound good at all.
Yes it would not hurt to get one. Does breast cancer run in your family?
No one that I know has breast cancer in my family and there are a lot of people in my family.
That's good because breast cancer usually runs in the family...my obgyn said that if no one in family has it the chances are slim. Also, I promise that hot sensation in chest is anxiety.
You really think it's just anxiety? I need to get rid of this anxiety. It can drive you crazy.
Hello & Welcome
This is a great Community to talk with others that suffer with anxiety or anxiety related problems if you could expand a little more about how you are feeling it will help people to know how to reply and I am sure they will
Take Care x