Does any one else BP spike extremely high before a P.A .? I go through the roof and makes it worse .
High BP spike : Does any one else BP spike... - Anxiety Support
High BP spike

Hi Jodz, Is P.A. a physical assessment?
Sorry no it means Panic Attack
Jodz, sorry, shows you I'm always thinking medical.
My blood pressure does spike and I'm on blood pressure
medication. We're talking super high which I then use my
deep breathing (doesn't work as quick when in the throws
of Panic Attack) but at least it helps. I monitor my pressure
until I see that it's coming down. Thanks...
Hi Agora , I'm glad someone else can confirm they have the high spike . I'm on BP tablets to but when having a panic attack it goes up to 200/120 bloody scary and I feel like collapsing and passing out its just horrible . I have done lots of deep breathing and it does nothing for me .
Oh my gosh, just like me. It's terrible. I'm glad we are both on b/p pills to protect us and give us help in it going down. I am always amazed in how it can go from high levels to normal. I understand and will support you anytime. xx