Hello, I'm currently experiencing symptoms of anxiety, I've been to the drs and they have also said I have a viral infection, every day chores that I would normally breeze through I can't do, even taking the kids to the park now seems to much for me and o just want to go home, I can handle being ill, I can't handle the anxiety and panic that I am experiencing, for 2 weeks now I've had this and it doesn't seem to be getting better, I try to keep myself relaxed but it can just take over and then I feel like I'm going to pass out, I feel helpless x
2 weeks of feeling on edge with feelings o... - Anxiety Support
2 weeks of feeling on edge with feelings of passing out but haven't
I have that and sometimes all the time. Lightheadedness is terrible and feeling like you are going to pass out which I feel often You need to lay down and listen to some music or read a book or what ever makes you completely relax. I am sick at the moment and I can't handle it either as I feel like something bad is going to happen to me Hope you are ok and maybe go speak to your doctor?
I went yesterday, I'm waiting on blood tests to be taken next week! It's hard with my 3 little ones and I'm trying to keep it from them but it's tiring and so worrying when I feel like I'm going to pass out but this hasn't happened, all the time I'm sitting down I'm OK , it's when I'm up right, I'm trying positive thoughts ,it's a beautiful day , the dr said my balance and weakness is the viral infection and the anxiety can be part of that x