When it's the time of the month my anxiety is always at its worst what remedies can help with that
What to do: When it's the time of the month... - Anxiety Support
What to do
Hi Cwoodside,
Usually when we have our cycles our hormones are all over the place which causes anxiety to be a little worse than normal. Also, we usually crave,sweets around our cycle time and that also affect our anxiety. U can take a hot bath, drink some soothing tea and listen to some awesome music. It always help me. Best wishes!!!
Same here, I get the worst fatigue & my breast hurt like no other it's absolutely awful 😥
Do you have an android or iPhone , I found a little saving grace app called ' calm' I've only used the free parts so far but it teaches you mindfulness as you you some meditation . I am one of those people that doesn't stop content putting myself against getting it all done and I've been on burnout for two years . It really is fab and can be a short as 5 mins to however long you want but it makes you stop and take time to listen to yourself and be in the moment . Try it x
Meditation works wonders...
Apparently taking a bath once a week with the following ingredients regulate hormones and de-stresses
A cup of Epsom salts
10 drops of lavender essential oil
Half a cup of baking soda
I've tried it once so far and I slept like a baby
I steep my feet every night in Epsom salt for half an hour it's the same benefit as having the bath . Works wonders I do it at same time as my calm app for mindfulness . It's part of my pre bed routine . Chance to unwind after kids are in bed
My anxiety as.got really good I'm getting bk to my happy self but my time of the month I have a really bad week of anxiety symptoms I dread it comen around