I have bin wake from 3.30 am in panic i have bin like this from yesterday and I cart seem to shift it I have pain all in my ribs and back and get breathless
Don't no what to do : I have bin wake from... - Anxiety Support
Don't no what to do

Hello. You MUST get control of your breathing. In for four ... hold for four ... and then let the breath out VERY gently AND slowly. Do this every two hours. You need to train yourself on how to breathe until it comes automatically.
Everything probably hurts because you've been keeping yourself in a tense state for far too long. You NEED to relax: a nice warm bath or shower/going for a brisk walk/lavender on pillow or on your temples. See a masseuse to work on knotted muscles and/or use a heat pack.
It would be wise to see your Dr as well.
Now, start the gentle breathing ... and just let your body flop.
I love the 'body flop' bit Lizbett.
We should make-up lyrics of a song entitled: "Do the Forum Body Flop" eh? 😊
Well get on with it then, I feel a top 10 hit coming on here 😂

As soon as I stop twitching with anxiety I'll give it bash 😅
Hmmm, all jokes aside, I think we should do summat creative like that .... we need a laugh on this forum from time-to-time yes? ☺
Hi Mike...sounds like you have been overdoing things...have you been lifting or moving stuff around or digging ? You could have caused some inflammation in your rib-cage, the pain always feels worse when you lie down for some reason.
It's called ?Costocondritis.
It is often confused with a heart attack as the symptoms are similar...the difference being, if it hurts when you press it then it's Costocondritis, if not it could be heart but not necessarily.
Hope this helps.
Then you get anxious about it and start over-breathing so get breathless...try closing one nostril with your finger, inhale to the count of five, then slowly exhale through your mouth, do that five times on one side then five times on the other, it will slow down your heart rate, calm things down.
Don't just let yourself worry worry worry...go see a GP...I know that's not easy these days, but it could be your blood pressure plaing up because if anxiety, whatever it is...IT CAN BE FIXED.....
Good luck ...MARI.
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