I have acid reflux stomach pain for two years now some dr say it might be gerd ulcers or cronic gastritis. I feel so tiered i dont know if its just anxiety orvif its from all the pain i suffer but every day i feel like i cant breathe im unable to do anything i feel like it never gets better could all this come from my stomach issues
Feeling sick: I have acid reflux stomach... - Anxiety Support
Feeling sick

I feel the exact same way. I have GERD. GERD causes anxiety and anxiety causes GERD. I was on previcid but I just got off and am trying natural Papaya enzymes to help
Do you feel it helps
Hi are you on medication for acid reflux
I'm the same really worrying me !! In turn as someone else it makes the anxiety worse it's a viscous circle, pain , worry , pain anxiety !! I hope you get sorted , you not on your own x
I'm starting to really think I also have acid reflex, my breathing has been acting up I don't really get pains in my stomach but I've noticed after I eat it does start up. I've been to the doctors but I think they may have over Looked that. It's a possibility & I'm gonna make an appointment. Miles rule something else out. I'm just concerned about my breathing honestly. Hope you found relief 😊
Yes i had hp polaria had to take treatment for 2 weeks its much better now