Hey everyone new to here but need some advice I've been on lorazepam since September it's now December and I'm taking 1mg lorazepam once a day my gp wants me to stop now she prescribed 10mg of propranolol 2x a day is it ok to stop and just take the propranolol any advice please help
Advice : Hey everyone new to here but need... - Anxiety Support

Hello there. PLEASE DON'T JUST STOP TAKING THE LORAZAPAM!!!!!! I am not a medical person, but I am going through withdrawal from having taking an anti-depressant. If you want to message me, I would be more than happy to talk to you and direct you to some websites. Happy Xmas! xx
Hello and thank you for helping please help on getting off the lorazepam. I was on 1 mg once a day for almost 2 weeks I am taking the propranolol also last night was the first time I took .5 or half of the lorazepam. Please help
Just wondering too if there's like any detox pills or drinks from stores or anything that would help I'm really desperate to stop taking these pills
Hello again. I have just written a response, but I am not sure whether you have received it or not. I am in the UK. If you want to phone me I am on: 07761 959080
Bye for now, Allie
Have you only been on the Lorazepam for 2 weeks? In your original message it sounded like you had been on it since September. There is an american website which hopefully could be helpful - recovery-road.org Recovery Road. What has your doctor told you to do in terms of stopping taking it?
Just to say that as far as I know there are no drinks, supplements, etc, which are going to help. The key thing is not to suddenly stop taking any medication - tapering down is key - even if you have only been on it for a short time.
Hello again yes I have been on lorazepam since September. I've been only taking 1mg a day for two weeks. My dr has just told me to stop and doesn't think il have withdraw symptoms that's what she said. This is why I've been on here talking to you for help on the best way to taper please explain how and thank you for replying back
Just to be clear - have you been taking Lorazepam since September on a higher dose, and have now reduced to 1mg for the last 2 weeks? I don't want to appear to be going against what your Dr has told you, but, unfortunately some people suffer withdrawal symptoms when reducing their medications.
No I was only on .5 when they started me in September then like in November I went on 1mg like 2x a day then these past two weeks was 1mg once a day. Then since Thursday I only took .5 sorry for the confusion
If I were you I would book a consultation with Baylissa, via the Recovery Road website I left the details of on an earlier post. She is a counsellor who has helped loads of people.
It's a great med for anxiety and helping u sleep. BUT...I would recommend something like welbutrin. I can never explain how bad it was getting off this stuff. I was sick for 3 months and still not back to my old self. The welbutrin is doing what it is supposed to do. But now I have the gagging feeling..anxiety? I even get it when I goto my church meetings. Nobody is go8 g to hurt me..many fri3nds...however...the I go, running to the restroom.any body else?
Hey how long were you on the medication for? And how did u stop taking it I have not taking the medication since Thursday night but I do take propranolol it does help. Please give advice
Hi! Yes, I took xanax for at least 2 years...1 mg. New doctor took me off in sept. Tried to do it myself, well, duh. Not a good idea. Had terrible withdraws and have been sick ever since. Now I also have r etching and gagging..Ick
My dr told me how to do it.
1mg at nite....with welbutrin in the morning
1/2 mg at nite...with welbutrin in the morning
1/2mg atnite. With welbutrin in the morning .
I was fine...no withdraws and already getting the results from welbutrin. Since then,she raised the welbutrin ..doing ok..
But still sick with trying to do it myself...shaking, tbroat tightens
Gag alot, have trouble sleeping, no patiencx...doesn't help I have ocd
I feel that you need proper advice with this. I just said that I didn't recommend just stopping the Lorazapam - but you now say that you haven't taken any since Thursday!! All the advice on websites will be to taper down.
I know I'm just confused and scared for what to do and I'm sorry for all the confusion. That's why I came on here to see if anyone can help and yes I was talking the medication 1x a day then this Thursday I took only half the .5 and Friday and today I haven't taken anything.
Do you want to phone me - I am in England - I am not having a great day myself due to withdrawal symptoms - and I can't keep looking at my emails. My number is 01420 769384 . Best wishes, Alison
I'm so sorry for what your going thru I just needed to talk to someone about this stuff I'm just scared and worried for myself for stopping this medicine no one else would talk to me about this
Please just phone me. It is nearly 11pm here - I shall be up for another half an hour.
That's ok I think it's expensive to call England and I'm so sorry
give me your number and i'll call you.
No need to call tonight sorry didn't realize it was that late by you here it is almost 6 il send you my number tomorrow
it is up to you - i am more than happy to phone you now - i am worried about you and just want to try to help.
Ok il give u my number but no need to call tonight tomorrow is better
If you still want a call just leave me your number and say what time would be best for you. It is now 2.45 pm in England (8.45 am with you, I think?) - I am off to walk our dog. I will be back by 4 pm. Hang in there xx
Hey ok it is 1030 here now and when you have time my number is 2192009583 thank you
I am really sorry, but I don't know what else I can do at the moment to help you. You need to speak to someone who is experienced with this. All I said was to not stop taking the Lorazapam as you need to taper off it properly. Using the website I suggested, there are self help sections available.
Plz I don't know if I'm the only person experiencing this but I've always a horrible taste in the morning I've a broken tooth but the spit is a horrible like light ish brown and it makes me so crappy plz help me Ty
I forgot.... teper off xanax. When I did what I was told, I was ok after 3 days. But the funniest thing, when I had my withdraws..I had terrible results. I think kind am sick from that. I have been diagnosed with diverticulitis. But anxiety is my worst enemy and stress is out of control. Can't go anywhere without the gagging etc.
Just something to tell yourdoctor...taper off, but take the other pill,also. Maybe u will feel better in a few days. Sorry u r so miserable.I am I the usa
I can't seem to do this rightso here i go again.this is what my dr said:
WELBUTRIN in the morning (my new pill) then one whole xanax at nite..the next day
Welbutrin in the morning........1/2 xanax at nite
The neXT day welbutrin in the morning 1/2 xanax at nite. Should be off the xanax by the with no withdrawals. But talk to your dr first
Hi ...I've taken that pill & had to wean off because it was a sh** pill . Didn't assist with my anxiety at all, in relieving it. I'd say if you aren't satisfied , wean off ...don't quit like that. I'd say for you to slowly get off of it . It's a benzo , so that withdrawal is ridiculous but it's the best option . I tapered off of that pill by switching eventually to a slower-acting benzo. I used a taper method , as well. I'd suggest , if you're open to it, you could join Benzo buddies website . I'm on there , well I was more active during my withdrawal journey . I'm "benzo-free" now ..it's been a year thus far 🎉😊 Anyways , it's a support group for those wanting to get off of benzos like the one , you want to quit, lorazepam . they know of certain taper methods & offer advice. Also, of course, get the assistance from your dr too. 😊
Thank you how did you wean off? I've told my dr many times she prescribed me propranolol 10mg 2x a day it does help with the symptoms I've been taking .5 since last Thursday should I just stay on .5 still how much longer and what to do after the .5 please help
Oh I know that with a dosage that small it should be easy to taper . I was on like 5 mg of that stuff & cut down each week then switched to diazepam then tapered off of that. I do remember ppl saying that it mattered not only the dosage but how often you take it . You could msg me & I'll try to assist . I'm not a dr & it's been a while since I dealt with that stuff , but I'll do my best to assist you 😊
Thank you so much for helping but I've been on this medicine since the middle of September I was first taking .5 3x a week then like in the beginning of November til the beginning of December it was 1 mg 2 x a day then I was only taking 1mg 1x a day til last Wednesday then my dr prescribed me propranolol 10mg 2x a day and last Thursday was when I started it it does help with the symptoms and does calm me down. Last Thursday night I only took half of the 1mg so .5mg since last week I've Been only taking the .5 mg along with the propranolol so should I just stick with the .5 for now i haven't taken it at all today please help again lol
For a suggestion, if you take it like 3x a day. Eventually cut it to 2x then 1x a day then space it out to every other day. only reason I know that it's best to taper off instead of only quitting , is to avoid messy withdrawal issues . I dnt want to get you anymore anxious lol but yeah you'll be fine. If this is some totally new pill , & you haven't been on for longer than maybe 2-3 wks , it shouldn't be that habit forming & could be fairly easy to get off of it. This is only my opinion however lol
but yeah in a more detailed msg , let me know how long you've been taking it . I do recommend you checking out benzo buddies page . I think most on there are knowledgable of how to taper successfully ..with a small dosage you're on , you'll be fine , while tapering off