Mirtazapine withdrawal advice needed please - Anxiety Support

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Mirtazapine withdrawal advice needed please

RobbieP profile image
6 Replies

Hi, I was on 15mg of mirtazapine for 10 weeks, upped to 30mg for 2 weeks, started noticing some visual disturbances so doctor said to go back down to 15mg for a week and then switch to 50mg of sertraline to see if the mirtazapine is the cause. Straight after going down to 15mg I started getting constant (every 10 seconds or so) muscle tremors through the night in random parts of the body which woke me and kept me awake. I told the doctor and came off the mirtazapine after 4 nights and straight on sertraline. Anxiety has spiked, having hot flashes, no appetite, nausea and headaches. Worst of all though I've had a full week of these muscle tremors which are really scaring me now and causing no sleep. Phoned 111 yesterday and the doctor said its withdrawal and will last about a week and prescribed 4 lorazepam to give me some sleep. I'm wondering now though whether I should go back on the mirtazapine again instead maybe in a smaller dose and taper down?? I'm really worried about what is happening in my head/body and what damage may be being done :-( anyone else gone through this and had a similar experience or can offer any advice. I really wish I'd never taken the things now :-(

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RobbieP profile image
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6 Replies
RobbieP profile image

p.s. when i say muscle tremors I mean like little spasms where a tiny part of the muscle vibrates for a second/few seconds. Not sure if I've got the right term

Cares179 profile image
Cares179 in reply to RobbieP

Hi RobbieP,

I have never been on mirtazapine before however last year my dr switched me from lexapro to Zoloft and she slowly tapered me off of lexapro while slowly going up on the Zoloft. All in all it took a good 4-6 weeks before I was completely off the lexapro and only on the Zoloft. I think your dr should have weaned you off way slower. Those are all symptoms of withdrawal and I have been there before too my friend. Please talk to your dr and in the meantime take the lorazepam it should help calm you down. Good luck here if you need anything🙂

RobbieP profile image
RobbieP in reply to Cares179

Thank you for replying, I'm so scared right now of what long term damage may be being done :-( I'm afraid to take the lorazepam in case it makes things worse - I dont know if my brain can take it! I know you're not a doctor but do you think it would be an idea to go back on the mirtazapine for a short while or would that make things worse? I've never been on antidepressants or anything before so this is all new to me - I'm sorry I gave in to the pressure now!

Cares179 profile image
Cares179 in reply to RobbieP

I would definitely talk to your dr but yea you might want to resume the mirtazapine 15mg and slowly wean off. See if it is possible to start the Zoloft and increase the dosage while decreasing the mirtazapine as this might help you not have all the withdrawal symptoms. Not sure if you are seeing a family physician or an actual psychiatrist but a psychiatrist should know the proper way to titrate off and on different meds.

penedawn profile image
penedawn in reply to RobbieP

I agree. Lorazepam and things like valium are a hypnotic so work quickly and you should feel better. The problems are not solved just get but everything we suffer is in our minds, they are rarely actual problems, they feel real but it starts and ends with anxieties. When you stop taking something the body has to adjust and it is like pulling an arm off. Tiny, tiny bits of all these things are usually the best way to come off any of these things. Cut them up or crush them and do it that way. Only you know how you feel, not the doctor. If they had any idea at all none of us would ever have to take any of these things!

RobbieP profile image
RobbieP in reply to Cares179

Thank you both for the replies. Do you think I am too long off it now to go back on though? I really dont know what to do. I'm going to take the lorazepam tonight definitely as I have work tomorrow and cant face another sleepless night but not sure what its going to do as I've never taken one before. I'll see what my GP says tomorrow but I havent got much confidence now after they didnt even mention tapering and thought it was fine to come off it after just 4 days on 15mg after being on 30!

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