Advice : Was wondering if anyone knows if... - Anxiety Support

Anxiety Support

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Ginad1984 profile image
51 Replies

Was wondering if anyone knows if propranolol can help get off anxiety medication I am currently taking .5mg of lorazepam once a day at night I was taking 1mg I have not taken 1mg since last Wednesday. Should I keep taking just the .5 Any advice please help I want to stop taking this medicine

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Ginad1984 profile image
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51 Replies
maggie91 profile image

You haven't been taking lorazepam very long but I would still taper. Since you have reduced dosage to .5mg are you doing ok. You should take .5mg for at least two weeks and then taper to half of that for 2 weeks and after that if you are feeling ok you can stop. If not feeling well, take the last taper dosage when needed. Maybe every other day. However, you should be ok since you only took for few months. Good luck to you and I wish you the very best.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

I am doing ok I think I've been taking propranolol 10mg 1 or 2 a day it helps with the symptoms but I still get sweaty and shaky dizzy heart races etc I am taking .5 once day try to wait to take at night do u think a week is to fast to cut the .5 in half? Still kind of scared to completely come off but I don't want to be on this medication anymore. Thank you so much for the reply

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

I took mine in the morning, ,5mg and it helped me all day and it helped me sleep. I didn't need more than that. If I felt anxious, I would eat something and get busy with an activity (even housework) and that helped a lot. I took lorazepam for couple Years and I tapered off and now don't need meds. I took lorazepam, ate healthy, exercised, drink water and more importantly changed my negative thoughts to more positive thoughts. If I can do it, so can you. I used to suffer with anxiety pretty badly, but now ok. I have some anxiety, but who doesn't.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok thank you can I ask you how u tapered off please let me know thank u

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

I was taking 1mg a day as needed and I decided that I would cut it down to .5mg daily. I felt good with dosage. I took this dosage for a couple months and then decided to cut that in half. It worked. Still felt good. I took that amount for about a month then decided to stop taking any. I felt ok. If I get anxious now, I eat something and that helps plus I just get busy with activity. It probably won't take you that long since you have not been taking it very long and you have other meds to help with your anxiety. I did this under doctor supervision.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok thank you so much made me feel better dr still wants me to stop taking it I'm only taking .5 once a day since last Thursday should I cut down now u think or wait couple more days lol

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

Maybe cut back this Friday and then cut again in 7 days. By this time, your beta blocker will be in your system. Don't be afraid. It will be ok. Remember that sometimes new meds will take a few weeks to get in your system and start working so the symptoms you feel could be the side affects of the new meds. Keep working with your doctor but you are the only one that knows how you really feel so make sure you tell your doctor about any concerns but go with your gut . You have to do what's right for you.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok thank you so much one more question lol do u think I should take them the same time everyday or just when I need it

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

Take it now and take as needed but only .5 per day. Also one of side affects of your beta blocker is it can cause anxiety. Once your body gets used to it, you will feel better. Don't forget to eat, exercise and keep busy. Good luck. Everbody reacts different to meds so go by how you feel. Good luck

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

I wish I read your message earlier lol I didn't know what to do so I took the propranolol another 10 mg

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

That's ok. You can still take it now. You should take the beta blocker at the same time everyday. I'm here for support.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Thank you so much well I have 10mg of propranolol and my dr said I can take it two times a day I took one at 9 this morning n just now should I take this medicine the same time everyday? It did calm me down now should I wait for the lorazepam since I'm starting to feel ok now

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

Take beta blocker same time everyday and take lorazepam as needed. If you feel good don't take it.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok thank you again just kind of dizzy and and shortness of breath sorry keep writing you just need someone to talk too.

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

You can take lorazepam or just work through it. Eat snack, exercise or find something to occupy your mind. Dizziness will go away if you don't think about it

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok thank you il try to keep myself busy hopefully we can still talk lol

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984


Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Thank you!!!!

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

I started feeling really bad I just took .5 is it gonna work lol I don't wanna have to ever go back up

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

Think positive. You need to tell yourself that you are fine. Positive thoughts help. You will be fine. Be strong. Relax, breathe.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok I will I am again thank u so much I really needed to talk to someone about this ☺️

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

You are welcome. I've been there. I got better, you will too. It's really hard but it will be ok. I'm here for you

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Thank u

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Hello again I had a question lol how do u know when your stable on the medication? And I'm just so worried the .5 is not gonna work anymore then il have to go back up

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

When you are feeling good and not so anxious. Take beta blocker as directed and if it's helping andyou remain calm, don't take lorazepam. take only as needed and be determined to take only. 5 a day. If you are ok, don't take at all but don't think about it. Keep busy.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok thank u again so much I'm trying not to think about it it's hard and I'm so worried

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

I know it's hard but that is your anxiety (negative thoughts) talking. Don't stress so much, if you need 1mg take it and maybe tomorrow you will be okay with .5. Just keep your mind occupied with other things, take a walk, call up a friend, bake, whatever activity that you like. You will be surprised that when your mind is occupied, you won't be worrying about needing to take meds. Did you take .5 yesterday and how did you feel. You made through the day. Take one day at a time. Live in the moment, not the future or past. You have made it this far and you will continue to succeed.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Thank you so much I just got back from seeing my therapist I'm actually ok right now just took only one of the propranolol today I haven't took the lorazepam don't feel like I need to right now. Yes I took the .5 last night it helped took a walk after I took it calmed me down. Don't really have friends lol just my kids n they stress me out too have a boyfriend and does too. I try to keep myself busy. Hopefully I won't need to take it tonight

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

Glad you are having a good day. Don't be so hard on yourself. There will be days you might need to take 1mg and there may be days you won't need any. It's hard for people that don't have anxiety to understand what we feel. Don't be so hard on your boyfriend and hug your babies. You will get to the point that you don't need meds. Doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you get there. You can text me when you need to talk. My name is Margaret and number is 951 703-3104. My friends call me Maggie.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok I know thank u again so much Maggie my name is Gina lol.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Hey Maggie's it's Gina had a question lol I've been taking the propranolol 2 x a day it did help a little n I haven't taken the lorazepam since Thursday morning this morning I don't feel good shaky hot my head hurts etc not sure if it from the propranolol it does keep lowering my blood pressure or from not taking the lorazepam do u think it would be ok now to take the .25 of lorazepam will it work

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

Have you checked with your doctor about your blood pressure to see if its not too low. Your symptoms could be that you are getting flu. Did you take your temperature. That said taking .25 should be ok. Other than today, have you been feeling ok?

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

I see my dr tomorrow night no it wasn't just today I've been feeling like this but I would take the propranolol and it would a little I've checked my temp it was ok I'm also getting shortness of breath this really sucks I don't like feeling like this

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

Glad you are seeing doctor. Maybe propranolol is not working for you and causing you more anxiety. Didn't want to say anything before so I didn't prejudice you but I couldn't take propranolol because it caused me more anxiety. People react differently to different meds. Talk with your doctor and make sure he helps you. It's not him with anxiety tell him you have kids and husband you have to care for and you want something that helps calm you, even if it's lorazepam. I took .5 mg for several years and when I worked to lessen anxiety, I had no trouble weaning off them. Good luck. Be strong. I went to several doctors before I found one that really listened to me

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok thank you I'm gonna call her today idk what to do lol I think she listens to me she's a good dr I think lol have you ever tried buspar I think that's what it's called? How did you stop taking the propranolol did you just stop or you gradually stopped

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

I tapered gradually because I had taken for several years and I have been told never stop taking meds suddenly because of health effects. What Works with others might not work for you and what does work for you might not work for others. Keep In touch.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok I will thank you

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Don't have a fever feel week too lol I also have a Bp monitor its not low now

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

Still tell doctor all you are feeling and let him know your concerns about Bp and how you are feeling. Let him know that you have not taken lorazepam since Thursday but you took .25 today. My doctor knew I wasn't abusing lorazepam because I saw him on regular basis and he knew how much I was taking by the prescriptions he gave me.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

Ok I just feel scared right now lol I keep thinking something is wrong with me like health wise lol it's really bothering me

maggie91 profile image
maggie91 in reply toGinad1984

That's anxiety. Our thoughts really affect how we are feeling. Stay active and do things that help keep your mind occupied. I know it's hard. That's why I took lorazepam while i worked on changing my negative thoughts to more positive thoughts. Its a hard fight but i won. Still have some anxiety but i just get busy with activity and pray. Prayers helped me a lot

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply tomaggie91

I'm kind of feeling anxious now shaky headache what should I do should I take it now or wait or try half of the .5

Hi there Propranolol is not an antidepressant it just helps calm the racing heart feelings etc.I take them but just a small dose of 10mg as needed!I don't take them every day! Antidepressants don't suit me~although around ,10 years ago I took fluoxetine and they did help me then and stopped taking them once I felt better!However about 3 years ago when Anxiety reared its ugly head again and was prescribed them again they had an awful effect and made me feel really poorly! Apparently this can sometimes happen!

Have a word with your GP and see what they say!

Good Luck


Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply to

Yes I know it's not an antidepressant it does help with some of the symptoms though and I do take 10mf 1 or 2 a day maybe il just stick to it once a day. Why don't take them everyday? I also tried some antidepressants n they made me feel worse so I don't take those I was just taking the lorazepam and now the propranolol

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply toGinad1984

I also do wanna stop taking the lorazepam the propranolol does help with some of the symptoms

in reply toGinad1984

Hi there I don't take them every day just as needed or if Panic or Anxiety takes over!This is what my GP recommended!

I would have a word with your doctor and see what they say~they are the only people who can advise you about stopping taking your meds or if you are in the UK give 111 a call and ask their advice!

Take care and hope it works out for you!


Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply to

I am not in the uk in the USA and ok thank you for your advice maybe I should take as needed too. Thank you

in reply toGinad1984

Hey well I take it as needed and I'm OK ~ don't know about your other meds tho! Anyways hope you had a good Christmas ! Let me know how you get on!! Gonna have to charge my tablet now!

Take care


Lions13 profile image

The best advice would be to discuss this with your prescriber. They will be best placed to advise you correctly.

Ginad1984 profile image
Ginad1984 in reply toLions13

I know I have talked to her many times she keeps telling me to just stop the lorazepam

Lions13 profile image
Lions13 in reply toGinad1984

Sorry for the delay in responding. I was in the land that the internet forgot. Sometimes Pharmacists are also able to give advice. One of my clients was given a reduction plan by his GP and when he spoke to the Pharmacist they suggested it was too drastic a reduction. The client went back to his GP and he agreed to a longer more gradual reduction.

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