Any one with anxiety could you possibly tell me if your hair falls out and goes thin
Just a question : Any one with anxiety could... - Anxiety Support
Just a question

Have you ever had your thyroid checked my hair was doing that and I had hypothyroidtsim
Can I ask if any one in your family has hypothyroidism please
Yes both my sister and my mom has it mine is hoshimotos auto A disease so mine can be good one day and the next it's horrible my hair falls out they say it causes anxiety/depression I'm lightheaded a lot fuzzy brain tired all and more! My sone is 6 months old and I got diagnosed with it when he was 2 months
My daughter has diagnosed hypothyroidism and has regular checks to make sure it stays level. Throughout her pregnancy she had to up the dose of Thyroxin as more is needed during pregnancy. Yes, her hair was very thin prior to being diagnosed and she put on a lot of weight. The doctor has found the correct level for her and she has 3 monthly blood checks to keep an eye on it. In your case it is probably your adjusting hormones that has caused your hair to thin. I know when I had my daughter my hair was very thin for a few months after the birth, but back to normal within the year. If you are worried about your thyroid the only way to check is to get a blood test done. Don't know why you are afraid of needles - you've had a baby!!!!

Lol had five kids my anxiety made me scared of another of things lol I dye my hair regular stopping now tho and also straighten everyday I'm average size size ten been like this size ten year lol
My hair starts falling out when im stressed but I get all sorts of weird anxiety symptoms some of the symptoms I went to a+e with because they were that scary I actually thought there was something wrong
My hair comes out in handfuls!!
It's so scary. I'm worried that my Fibro or anxiety is causing it to come out?
I already take thyroxine so it can't be that.
I might just have to go to,doctors again
My hair can also come out in clumps but im also on depo injection that can also make hair fall out and I thought I also have hyperthyroidism had bloods done 2 year ago after I had my baby and it was fine how do you know if you have got hyperthyroidism before having bloods done
It's scary ain't it people live with hypothyroidism I haven't had my bloods done since my second son and I've went onto have another three sons lol
Lauren you don't blood test is the only way.
Have you got hypothyroidism x
I have got symptoms of hyperthyroidism like the tight throat sensation, hand tremors and sensitive to heat and cold I was told the depo shot could worsen thyroid problems not sure if its true tho
So you have not got it x
My midwife wanted me to get mine checked because I told her how I felt I'm really anxious tho
I havent spoken to my family for 7 years so I cant remember if it runs in thefamily
It don't run in mine
What do you feel like
I feel anxious all day when im feeling anxious my heart will start racing then after a while it calms down I have also cut some meat out from my food aswell for fear of choking
Really bless you are you o balance and weak ton
Yes I am weak and off balance
It's horrible ain't it so sick
After 2nd baby I was told I was aneamic and to take iron tabs
Or bless I've been like this seven year sometimes am that bad when I have an attack a want to cry am tgat weak and if balance and shaky it's not normal do your hands go weak I feel as tho I'm sinking when I lay down and that sends me into a panic so I have to jump up
I havent been diagnosed with it yet the doc says my symptoms are anxiety but my symptoms online suggest hyperthyroidism when I was taken to hospital with heart palpitations they said get appointment with doc to check thyroid levels but I never did
Lol ye very scary I no is it thin?and what symptoms do you have
Hi, yes I have a bald spot ..that was my fault lol I tried to give myself a trim , now I have a bald spot lol. But , my hair isn't getting longer like it should. It could be because of stress , anxiety, my diet lol idek. I have had my hair get thin on me, & another bald spot a yr ago ....that was because of my anxiety meds. I wish i knew a natural remedy to get my hair how it was before
Hi hippieebbbz09
What anxiety meds are you on because I've never experienced hair falling out before?
Lol coconut oil ha ha I youst to wash it everyday with was a bad thing but I dye it with bleach provide and then straightners ruined it hopefully will get normal when hormones go normal if they do lol I'm always stressed
Mine sure has, It's very thin and Fine. They say stress makes you lose your hair ??
Or thanks Judy I worry far to much hunny
Unhappy all the time. All day everyday. Worry about everything, scared of this and that. The only place I feel safe is in my bed.
Had an ex b/friend who used to go out boozing all the time! That's what started it off.
I tried to end it all, that's how unhappy I was. Not sure why but it's come back......😓
Stress won't make you lose your hair unless you're predisposed to hair loss or it's hereditary. That being said, there's no real way to know if you are or not until it starts falling out. I would get your thyroid checked though. Are you going bald?

No not going bald a think stress tbh I've been like this seven year and I bleach it and straightning it but I've stopped dying it now to and also youst to wash t daily it's just gone thin and when I straighten it there's loads of little bits all over and when I wash or brush it not massive clumps just like lots of strands x
Stress does that's a certain x