I feel like the anxiety has been affecting my cognitive functioning. I got myself all worried thst I might be having a stroke because my right hand started feeling weird. I believe a lot of it has to do with sleep depriving.
Change of mind: I feel like the anxiety has... - Anxiety Support
Change of mind
Yes lack of sleep does this, have you tried exercising for your anxiety? Also STOP the thought!
My Depression and anxiety has caused me to have memory problems and cognitive functioning as well. Are you on any antidepressants ? Because antidepressants can cause memory and cognitive functioning - I avoided going to the neurologist because I was so scared, and thought I may have dementia or Alzheimer and I was so worried that I was going to end up in a nursing home at such a young age. I finally went to see the neurologist because I was so worried that it caused me so much more anxiety and that's all I thought about. I had a lot of tests and all the tests came back normal. He told me that my depression and anxiety was causing me all my problems and possible antidepressants . Now after two years from that visit I believe it is getting worse and now I am getting so many spelling errors and even my grammar is messed up. I am also having a hard time stringing a sentence together and I avoid having conversions with people because I am so embarrassed by this. I have no clue why this is happening to me and I am back to being scared, so I can relate to how you are feeling.
I had my phase of trialing multiple medications. All of the tests that I've had have all been normal. I have been to a neurologist and do not think I need all of the tests they are telling me to get. I think I just need a regular sleep schedule.
Hi KatieRichie94
What is your sleep schedule - How many hours do you sleep at night ? Do you wake up though the night ? Or so you have trouble falling to sleep. How many hours do your require for sleep ? Do you wake up tired ?
My sleep schedule is all over the ppace. I go to bed too late and then wake up a couple times. I need 8 or 9 a nigjt to feel my best.
Did this just start ? Did your symptoms start right after you sleep issues.? Can you elaborate a little on the symptoms on your cognitive functioning. ? , Are you going though any thing stressful like brake ups , divorce, or loss of any kind, A fallout with any family members or friends ?
I've had something like this before. I don't remember for how long. Im just really out of it and feel like something will happen to me. I definetely need more sleep. I've been getting abut 6 hours a night. I need 8 or 9. Last night I tried going to bed at 12 and didn't fall asleep until 330.
There was a time in my life years ago when I watched my best friend die from cancer. That sent me into state of insomnia. It effected me mental and psychically and gave me many neurological symptoms. That is why I asked you did something happen that caused you some kind of stress in your life.
I am not a doctor just a long time suffer of depression and anxiety. I am not a pill pusher either but I can only tell you when I started taking an antidepressant all those symptoms went away, .
Again I am not a doctor but to me you seem to be having some depression going on. Especially after you said that you had this before. Perhaps you might want to see your doctor and ask he or she for either a sleeping pill or an antidepressant something to get you over this hump. If you start on an antidepressant or a sleeping pill it doesn't mean you have to continue with it. Only to get you over this little insomnia hump. Sleeping pills do not cause you to be tired the next day. They gave me a good nights sleep and I woke up feeling very refreshed. I took the sleeping pill for about two months until brian got into the normal sleep pattern. Has your neurologist mentioned to you that all your symptoms could be just depression because not being able to sleep and anxiety is the classic symptoms of depression. That's all it could be.
Hi katierichie94, yes sleep has been overall the hardest thing during my anxiety time it became such an issue I ended up in A&E for them to give me Diazpam, to relax me I was so stiff wirh worry , only got 4 littke tablets but it was the best night sleep I had in months , my doctor then gave me some sleep aid has I have a little boy to look after & was di scared of exhaustion lack of sleep . speak tk.your doctor regard to sleep?maybe can help.inky gor short time but could get you back in track um pretty much better now don't get too stressed if cant sleep , if awake I go get cuppa then get back to bed I work with it , but at least I know can gr help if gets bad again , I do try hot milky drinks herb sleepy teas , too. On that note hope you sleep well tonight , iv got a lucky lay in tomo it's my day off if my boy isn't up at cracking of dawn, let me know how your sleeping goes . Big hugs binkynoo x