Feeling helpless like I'm never gonna get better, constantly have weird feelings and pressure in my head short of breath heart racing so scared
Awful: Feeling helpless like I'm never gonna... - Anxiety Support
same, it's just the worst part of anxiety in my opiniom, the physical side of things, just think to yourself its only the anxiety and it cant hurt you
i hope you feel better soon
I keep thinking it's something more like brain damage or something that can't be cured

it's exactly how I feel honestly i have pressure in my head, i get dizzy to the point i feel like im going to pass out, ringing in my ears, and lotslotslots more physical symptoms thats only my head symptoms.
anxiety can mentally and physically torture you, i'm so sorry you have to go through this because I know exactly how you feel, i almost convinced myself i had a brain problem too
It's awful seeing a nuerolgist in a few days fingers crossed everything looks okay!
It's just so dibililitating everyday I feel like I can't function or think straight which makes me feel like I'm handicapped. Are you on any medications and what do you do to relax?
Have faith! It is the hardest thing to do as the mind gets so caught up in helplessness. It is a journey and the belief that even the bad times are somehow "good" in that they are catalysts helps. I struggle with ongoing severe tension in my throat which feels immobilizing. It is old, old, old. And tiring. You are not along.
I will thank you very much good luck with everything and hope you feel better very soon
Thanks and hang in there
Sorry your feeling like this, always try to take deep breaths when you are going through this, and try to occupy your mind with something else, anything else, It's extRemely hard, but helps sometimes otherwise the more we pay attention to these symptoms the more they present. Good luck to you, always here to chat if needed. God bless, take care
It's so hard but thankyou I appreciate it, God Bless you also.
Thanks! You are a real gem! I agree with you completely although sometimes I feel absolutely exhausted from so much physical tension which can last for a long time. Then rest is needed.
I have experienced the very same symptoms for years now. Ive had multiple scans done on my head and hundreds of test done. When I first started experiencing anxiety I was convinced I had a brain tumor or something else horrible. Over time Ive learned to try and relax. Everyone is different so certain things may work or not work. Directing my attention to something else seems to help. If I sit there and ponder on my symptoms and how im feeling it only gets much worse. Hope you feel better soon.
What kind of scans can you get done? Doctors won't let me get an MRI but thankyou so much

I have had several MRI's. Have they said why they wont let you?
Perserverance is underrated. All of us on this site probably have had to perservere amidst difficult moods and anxieties. I congratulate YOU on perservering too. There are surprises in life too that at particular precious moment, we feel it is all worthwhile.
Your going to get better but you have to believe you are first. Then you need to get the support to help you get through this. Hang in there's