We worry if we are stuck in this anxious state...I used to believe this.
This is only your mind negative imaginations, it is not the truth.
A racing head has no space to relax...
Try to find a way off getting out of your own head, a hobby,a walk in nature,helping others less fortunate...
i know it is not easy, but practice smiling when you feel anxious and tell yourself..this will pass.
Talk with people who will listen and you can trust, tell them your stupid and innermost fears...
Listen to your doctor an take medication if required..and if you feel it is not working don,t be afraid to tell them...their are many alternatives.
Don,t take on others problems..they are not yours
Read good books..
Don,t watch negative TV programmes...
Don,t read newspapers with negative news...
Listen to relaxing music to help you sleep..
Have a note stuck somewhere that you notice first thing in the morning and last thing at night saying..this will be a good day!..
Have quiet time before bed...
And most of all give yourself time....I used to pray for 10 mins a day to feel " normal"....and guess what I got better 10 mins a day...
And don,t forget to pray to your inner God no matter who it is and simply ask for help...
Remember you don,t get better overnight, but people will notice before you....
God Bless you in your journey, the great secret I have learned is non-reaction....if you practice this your emotions will eventually stabilise....