Does anyone experience there heart pounding when you start thinking about getting anxiety?
Anxiety/ heart pounding: Does anyone... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety/ heart pounding

Yes I do I start takein deep breaths straight away yits disgusting I hate anxiety wudnt wish it on worse enemy
Yeah that's what I'm trying to do! And I know I wouldn't either! It messes with your life daily and the pounding heart comes out of nowhere and freaks you out and then you start constantly worrying about it
Yes I struggle with a lot of physical symptoms depersonalisation is the worst feels like am not breathing and out of control also vision is realy bad see flashing dots white ones floaters gets me down realy bad always think there is skmething wrong even tho I I used to be fit as a fiddle don't wprry we'll try not to lol
Yes absolutely every day!!! It's a struggle! Know you have people here who truly understand what you are going through! -hugs-
Chubbers- it is definitely a daily struggle and the people I talk to think I'm crazy and get frustrated ( which I understand they get frustrated ) but it's nice to know now that I have people to talk to knowing exactly what I'm going thru. And help each other thru it
Hey sorry but are you on any meds and have you been diagnosed with anxiety ?? Also my ex girlfriend takes a natural pill call Calm of your not on any meds you should give that a try she says it helps her a lot they sell it at GNC .. Wish you luck and I know exactly how your feeling been with this for four months now I wish I knew about the natural pill back then ...
Hey spomales! Thanks for the information. It's called calm of your what? Sorry lol. I have never been diagnosed with anxiety but I know that's what it is. I just don't want to get on any medication, so natural would be awesome
Yes it's called Calm just calm they also have other types but it's the only one they sale at GNC they would tell you and they are natural I'm seeing a I just started seeing a kineologist my Psychiatrist got upset but that's ok she can get upset all she wants I'm trying to go all the way natural just trying to get of this Buspar but I need a back up before I can do it already started of supplements she gave me ... Hope it works out for you keep me posted
Ok thank you so much. I'm definitely gonna have to go there and try it out. I'm probably gonna go there tomorrow and check it out. Is it mainly for anxiety? And I will let you know how it works out. Thank you so much!
I was reading your old post for the week didn't know you was taking Klonopin .. This changes everything around . If you don't mind me asking how long have you been suffering from anxiety and what meds exactly have you been taking If you don't mind me asking all this symptoms your feeling can be caused by the meds them self ..
I will get you the exact name of the company
Guys, damn its trueeee, abd i cant accpt the fact that im okay. My doctor says nothing wrong with me, but i keep agruing at him that i have ill that he cant see. Lol. My doctor is my uncle. Hes so mad when i say it to hm. rofl
Awesome thanks so much!!!
And watanxiety, that's the hardest part is accepting that you're ok because our brain is telling us something is wrong so we gotta keep reminding ourselves that were ok
Does anyone experience a quick sharp shooting pain in chest? It goes away in just a few seconds and its when I'm having anxiety but it's so scary