My heart is racing. About 88 bpm & I'm freaking out. My doctor says it's just my anxiety, but geez.
Pounding heartbeat? : My heart is racing... - Anxiety Support
Pounding heartbeat?

88 bpm isn't so bad. It's just your anxiety. My heart rate is constantly 90 bpm or higher, lol.
and the more you think about it the higher it will go. But it will never hurt you
Hi TiredofA, I hope your doctor is not dismissing you. Has he offered any type of follow up for your symptoms? It it were me I would ask for some kind of followup. Your symptoms may be serious or not but at least you would know . I often think we know our bodies better than our doctors, they have many patients to be concerned with and we have only to focus on our own symptoms. Many of us have learned to be in tune with our bodies and we need to be listened to even if we have to stand up to the healthcare system. Hard to do, I know, but it's our right to get the treatment we need and we get it by speaking up and being listened to. Don;t be bullied. A friend of mine often helps me remember, "Don't take better care of your car than you do your body." Good luck, and take care, Burma (burmag)

You're right. My doctor never dismisses me & she listens to me no matter how outlandish my concerns are. She actually seems to care & doesn't write me off as a bother. I just get nervous easily. It isn't like this everyday. Just out of the blue then it'll go away 🤷🏽♀️
I'm 24 btw
You have to get tested ECG etc then once your given the all clear learn to dismiss your thought process at an early age or you will add stress to your heart unnecessarily.
Great point
Mine normally races at about 140-160bpm when having a panic attack but my resting heart rate used to be about 70bpm but with all this anxiety it is round about 80-90bpm now prob cause I stopped going gym cause of it. I just try and focus on something else when it happens as I've had all the tests and they have come back clear. The foot vibrating and pins and needles in my leg is more my worry now as I'm worried I've got a blood clot in my leg even though I hardly doubt i have.

I get the vibrations all over my body if I went through a bad bout of anxiety. And the blood clot thing? You sound like me!
Yeah I think my focus has moved from my heart pounding to these vibrations and muscle spasms and having pain in the back of my calf which I think is mostly likely from work as I am on my feet all day or sitting wrong at work. But I always think in the back of my mind is it a blood clot and looking at all the veins in my leg that I can see to see if one looks unusual.
That's not high at all , your lucky 🍀
Mine usually sits about that level, but can go over 100 when I'm stressed or having a PA. Do get checked out - its probably going to be ok as you're so young. Maybe your doctor can then let you trial a beta blocker if things come back ok, but the best way is acceptance once you're reassured all is fine. Magically, once you relax and float knowing that there is nothing wrong physically your heart rate will start to come down all by itself.
Good luck!