Can anyone feel there heart pounding/beating harder on left side compared to right
Heart beat on left side: Can anyone feel... - Anxiety Support
Heart beat on left side
Well you heart is on the left. Thats where you will feel it beating. If you are feeling it beating harder than usual lay down and try and relax. If you have anxiety you may be focusing on it which is making seem like its beating harder than usual. If you are worried just stay calm and make a doc appointment for a routine check up.
Oh yeah, The heart is more on your left side anyways. I've always had heavy heart beats that will literally shake water on the dresser next to my bed. Nothing to worry about. I know this is easier said than done but; STOP paying to much attention to your body. You are fine. Ive been there so many times
Thanks man I'm glad I read this even though I didn't post this, because that's how I feel right now and I'm just trying to relax
It feels better when I run across someone having the same symptom as me. I'm sorry you're feeling anxiety. I'm praying for peace
You are not alone I take meds but they only half help me. Stay strong
yes. it's because the heart is nearest to the left hand side of the chest. are you taking anything for your anxiety x
This is because Of more tension so u feel ur heart is beating more fast.stay calm and focus more on sleep.If u x-ray ur heart then nothing will be found only the provide you sleep medicine.dont worry to much just take rest for 15 days