Health anxiety: Hi just hope someone wants... - Anxiety Support

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Health anxiety

bibbis profile image
15 Replies

Hi just hope someone wants to talk about their health anxiety please

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bibbis profile image
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15 Replies

How cam I help

It seems that all have disappeared

dolly11111 profile image

Hi sorry your having a tough time, your not alone ,but you wont have this forever, your not ill just a tired mind, breathing exercises really help you and you can do them anywere ,also start doing something about it ,take controll of your mind and your life ,if you can go talk to someone ,it really helps ,a doctor will help you find the right people ,get your life back ,,,start now ,,,

bibbis profile image
bibbis in reply to dolly11111

I have tried the doc its like they r not interested in my fellings I think they think its in my head thanku for ur advice

dolly11111 profile image

Dont give up, whe your anxious the heart rate goes up,breathiing right does work ,meditate,,if you can ,read about mindfullness ,but dont go into forums too much this one is good but some just make you feel worse,,one day at a time,,,,

bibbis profile image
bibbis in reply to dolly11111

Ive tried to read but cant concentrate .I just cant cope anymore

Carri477 profile image

Hey I have health anxiety ! Whenever I think it's under 'control' another set of symptoms take over my thought process .

It's mentally exhausting .

How are you coping ? Have you made a safe place for yourself somewhere you feel calm and secure in the house ? Somewhere to stand and do some breathing exercises to bring you into the moment and calm you .

Herbal teas are good as well and keeping a journal , I also find music to let go to is helpful and a great big walk with lots of fresh air .

I still have bad moments but feel I can cope with them with these little steps

bibbis profile image
bibbis in reply to Carri477

I have the whole house to myself as my husband works away so I find it really hard on my own

Carri477 profile image

Unknown that feeling my husband is self

Employed and works some major hours . I have children but during the day when they are at school/ nursery I struggle and I tjinknwhen you are on your own an d' relax' that's when it swoops on into your brain and grips your body .

It's terrifying , a constant battle between yor head and body -you think is it the pains that cause anxiety or anxiety triggers the pain . I always say to my Denis like the chicken and the egg whixh came first .

Always here. If you need an ear. I have had this for a year now though my health anxiety is triggered when I feel pain I think it's cancer.

dont ever feel alone this site is a wonderful place ! Your doing amazing by just allowing yourself to open up and talk about it that's a huge step x

Carri477 profile image

Are you alright bibbis ? X

bibbis profile image
bibbis in reply to Carri477

Am trying thanku for chatting to me its when u think its away in ur head it just starts up from nowhere and the flushes n panic start x

Carri477 profile image

Unknown its just awful. My fav routine used to be have a nice shower get my comfy cost pjs on , take a duvet down stairs make a hwrbal cuppa , get a hot water bottle and sit all cosies up on the sofa as I felt safe with a my layers and watch something to distract me mostly sex and the city re runs lol . Why don't you try that just being kind to yourself and when the panic rushes in Dont panic do the 7/11 breathe in for 7 slowly and out for 11 slowly repeat until you feel relaxed and safe again this technique resets your breathing and helps you bck into the moment .

Try not to get sacred think of it this way it's happened before and no harm came to you so just breathe it out , feel it and release it whether that's havinga good scream or cry then atleast you are processing it all . Remember here anytime xxx

bibbis profile image
bibbis in reply to Carri477

A will try that thanku so much . Have u ever had the weakness in any limbs and constant nausea x

Carri477 profile image

Yes I get it in my upper arms and then I also get pins needles in my lower arms and hands/fingers

I have had so many symptoms - I get the dry throat a lot and I hold my breath I also gulp air then sometimes I just this emotional overwhelming feeling of 'tears its last minutes then gone.

Do you get the weakness alot ? Is that what usually triggers you ? Can I suggest you start a journal - feelings / symptoms etc then you will maybe see a pattern and spot the triggers xx

bibbis profile image
bibbis in reply to Carri477

Thats a good idea thanku so much for responding to me x

kinikia95 profile image

My health anxiety is getting out of control. I live alone with no friends or family in the area and am always afraid something will happen and I won't be able to get assistance. I'm having some actual health issues going on which makes it worse and I've emailed my dr office all week asking for an appointment but they will not respond. I got a book "mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural therapy for dummies" yesterday but like you I haven't been able to concentrate enough to read. I wish I had some advice but I'm not sure what to do. But I understand.

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