Hoping to help.: Hey Guys, So I literally... - Anxiety Support

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Hoping to help.

Wanna_be_free profile image
10 Replies

Hey Guys,

So I literally haven't logged into this site for easily 8 months. Today I thought, would be a great day to share my story, and hopefully I can help others who are dealing with Anxiety and Panic Attacks.

It started when I was 19, I had moved in with my then partner, however nothing was as I had always imagined it would be. We fought... CONSTANTLY! Due to things being so horrible between us, I began hiding in my house. I gave up all my friends because he did not approve of them, I barely saw my family due to them not approving of him. So my world had become a guy who deep down did not want me. My life consisted of waking up, eating, cleaning, going to spend time with his family, doing what he wanted with his friends, fighting and sleeping...

Definitely not the life a young woman should be leading.

night, I guess my mind could not take the stress anymore. We were out in the middle of nowhere, I pulled the car over and had my first Panic Attack.

I felt as if I were high, my heart was racing, my palms were sweaty, I was absolutely petrified.

My partner raced me home and I tried desperately to contact my mother. With no success, my partner raced me to the hospital where I sobbed to the nurse as she checked my obs.

When she explained I had had a panic attack, I was gobsmacked. I could not believe it. Why had this happened to me?

I went home and got a good nights sleep, hoping that was all I needed.

How wrong I was... that Panic Attack was the first, in a looong line of Attacks to come. From that night on I had multiple Panic Attacks a day, I could not, would not, leave my house. I became severely depressed, not leaving my bed. Things only got worse in my relationship. He couldn't understand what I was going through. We only fought more and more, until one night we couldn't take it anymore. We had a really bad break-up (I won't go into detail).

This was the beginning of my amazing journey!

I went to the doctor and sought the help I so desperately needed, medication. I got my relationships with my family back on track.

For the first few months it was still hard, dealing with a break-up as well as fighting the Panic Attacks, was so incredibly hard. I lost around 20 kilo's in a matter of months, I slowly began to get in touch with old friends. However the Anxiety still ruled my life. At first the medication was great, no Panic Attacks!

But that was short lived. It was then that I realised, medication was not the answer. It was a temporary solution, it was there to help. I was the only one who could get myself out of this dark hole I was in.

I went back to work, a few days a week. I mostly kept to myself, although I had a few friends I would see. For a while there I was really good, I even went to the pub a few times!

I was beginning to push my limits, for the first time in a long time I felt kind of free.

Again that was short lived when the company I was working for closed and I could not find another job. I spent my days pretending I was fine and my nights tucked up in bed crying, wondering if I would ever over-come this.

Things went from bad to worse, when the people I thought were my friends betrayed me. I was left with 2 good friends, but, at least I knew I could trust them!

At 21, I finally got offered a new job! I could not have been happier, I was so proud.

I only worked a couple of hours a day but that was enough for me, while I was still dealing with Anxiety, at this point I was still having the occasional Panic Attack, I even had a couple while I was at work.

I began seeing a councillor, I was so nervous as he was a male. However, he turned out to be one of the best! He helped me tremendously, he would give me little tasks, such as; spend 20 minutes in the supermarket or go for a night time drive, both I was super anxious about. However I did it, I actually forced myself to do something which made me extremely uncomfortable. He believed in me, which gave me the power to believe in myself. Slowly I began pushing my boundaries more and more. The more I did, the more I realised that the Anxiety really was all in my head. All these years I had put my life on hold, I had spent my days in bed crying, when all I had to do was get up and live!

Yes I realise I made that sound way too simple, but the truth is, it really is that simple!

All you have to do is make the choice to take your life back. It all starts with one small positive thought, one simple action.

12 months later, I am able to deal with the struggles of life a lot better. I still get anxious, but I don't have Panic Attacks any more. My body sometimes starts to freak out, I get sweaty palms or maybe a numb face. But my mind not recognises this an anxiety and nothing more, my mind literally won't allow me to have a Panic Attack.

These days I am thankful for my extremely tough journey!

I would love nothing more than to help others who are struggling, because it really DOES get better! You just have to have faith in yourself, know that YOU CAN DO THIS!

Please if anyone needs advice, a friend or to simply share their story please feel free to do so :)

~ Wanna_be_free- Is now free!

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10 Replies
charles profile image

hi can you tell me what sensations and symptoms you had when you were dealing with anxiety

Wanna_be_free profile image
Wanna_be_free in reply to charles

I had tonnes!

always felt spaced out, like I was stuck standing still while everyone else was moving quickly around me, numb face and neck, tingling in my feet, heart racing, chest pains, indigestion, brain fog, general feeling of panic.

charles profile image
charles in reply to Wanna_be_free

okay so I have the same feelings and symptoms and at times I feel really weak. this is really frustrating

Wanna_be_free profile image
Wanna_be_free in reply to charles

Yep, it is extremely frustrating. I remember so many times crying asking myself if it would ever get better. It's a long hard road, but it most certainly does get better! I personally feel that my anxiety happened because I needed to change my life and it has taught me so much about myself and what I want from life.

Best thing you can do is continue to live your life, allow yourself to feel anxious, but don't allow it to scare you. Eventually your mind will no longer allow the sensations to get to you. Soldier on!

charles profile image
charles in reply to Wanna_be_free

thanks for the response .have a great weekend

Wanna_be_free profile image
Wanna_be_free in reply to charles

Anytime :)

Thanks, you too!

ladysmith profile image

Lo ve your story how can i get my mind on it just being anxiety and panic attacks cause i have been coincide through and i am 8weeks pregnant...

Wanna_be_free profile image
Wanna_be_free in reply to ladysmith

Firstly congratulations! :D

I dealt with my anxiety for around 2 years before I was able to accept it was just in my head.

Everyone is different, but I just got to a point where I realised I had the same symptoms for a long time and they never hurt me before, therefore they wouldn't now.

Try chaning your lifestyle and add meditation aswell, that helped me alot! Keeping busy and continuing your life really is the key to defeating anxiety.

ladysmith profile image
ladysmith in reply to Wanna_be_free

Thank you so much...

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