Does anyone get heart flutters it's like your heart goes all funny for a few seconds and it actually catches your breath like you can't breath for couple seconds
Anyone get this?: Does anyone get heart... - Anxiety Support
Anyone get this?

Omg just like me
I get all symptoms n feeling with my heart. I get palpitations rapid heart beat twice or 3 times a days. My chest feels tight like someone is on me. Skipped heart beats!!! I feel like im going to die!!! Every day!! Been like this since October..... Drs say is Anxiety
I have had these symptoms too. Get the doc to rule out thyroid being over active. But it is a usual anxiety symptom. Beta blockers helped me. Still get the odd miss beat but I just wait for it to pass. Exercise helps too. Walking is good.
I've had this. Never had and EKG, cause no one thinks I need it. Plus I'm not worried about my heart, and the flutters are only present when I'm hyper aware. Which I always am, so. Sometimes it feels like a tickle or butterflies, or like it does a flip. I've had many variations.
Iv had test to see if it's thryroid it's not I'm on beta blockers to called propanolol. I'm waiting on a cardioligst , hope you are all well x
I get them all the time heart skips a beat if ur worried go see ur gp and they will get nurse to do a heart trace at the surgery I'm very sure you will be fine xx
I am worried but iv had ecgs before and they said it was fine I just don't get from a 5second reading of your heart they can tell if it's fine or not x
I have this on a regular basis, it feels like my heart is shivering instead of beating it takes my breath away, I am 67 and have a fear of heart attack. I got upset today and i thought my heart would come out of my chest, i also had a pain up both carotid arteries, now i think i,m going to have a stroke. This is hell isn,t it!
Oh don't you worry we are in the same boat I have a Fear of having a heart attack iv had the ambulance out so many times before, they just tell my I'm 19 it's very unlikely for me to have one but I'm 100% sure I'm going to die of one I get pain in my arms jaw and it's signs of heartattack but I haven't had one yet. Now I'm panicking about bloodclots just don't know what's wrong with me. I hit my head ealier not that hard now iv had a headache since and I looked it up and it said I have a bleed to the brain I duno what to do :(. But my headache is bearable so I don't think it could be